Конспект уроку на тему " Погода. Одяг"

Про матеріал
Цілі: Практична: Навчити учнів лексиці з теми, тренувати вживання вивченої лексики в усному мовленні ; Розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання та говоріння, розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, увагу, пам’ять, логічне та творче мислення учнів.
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Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі

«Погода. Одяг.»
























Тема  Погода. Одяг.

Клас   5

Тип уроку: комбінований (урок засвоєння нових знань та формування вмінь та навичок)


Практична: Навчити учнів лексиці з теми, тренувати вживання вивченої лексики в усному мовленні ;


Розвиваюча: розвивати навички  аудіювання та говоріння, розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, увагу, пам’ять, логічне та творче мислення учнів;


Виховна: виховувати ввічливість та культуру поведінки , естетичний смак;


Освітня:розширити словниковий запас учнів, поглибити знання учнів з теми, підвищити мотивацію вивчення англійської мови;


Обладнання: підручники, зошити, словники, презентація, малюнки, роздаткові матеріали, аудіо та відеоматеріали.













Хід уроку


  1. Початок уроку. Привітання. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу, фонетична та мовленнєва розминки.

І.1.   Greetings and warming-up

T.Good morning, my dear pupils.  How are you today?

PPs.We are fine, thank you. And you?

- I’m fine, too. Thank you. Today we have got  an unusual lesson . There are a lot of guests here. Let’s greet them.

PPs.  Good morning, our guests.

P1. Dear teachers, dear guests.

P2. Welcome to our school.

P3. We are glad to see you at our lesson.

T. Sit down, please.

T. Dear children. Let’s read the proverb and guess what it is about.

The pupils read the proverb and try to explain it.

T: So, as you’ve already guessed today we’ll speak about the weather.Will you smile? Well, I see you’re in a good mood today. So, don’t be shy.Let’s work like friends, be active and communicative. So, let’s start!

І. 2.  Фонетична розминка

Look at the screen. Read the poem; mind your sounds and intonation, please.


The sun is shining

 And I am smiling,

 The weather is bad

 And I am sad.

 When it is dry

 We are fine…

 The weather is nice,

 Isn’t it a surprise?


II. Основна частина уроку


Teacher: Do you like today’s weather?What is the weather like today? To answer this question, let’s remember weather words. Look at the screen and watch the video. https://youtu.be/CXKj7bm4Ops


(It’s rainy, snowy, freezing cold, sunny, stormy, cloudy, and hot)

Teacher:Say whatis the weatherlike today?

Pupils:It’s.....today. (cold, sunny, warm, cool, hot, frosty, snowy, rainy, foggy, wet, windy, cloudy, freezing cold, boiling hot, a bit chilly)

Teacher: What weather do you like/dislike? Look at the screen and say.


- I like when the weather is… (cold, sunny, warm, cool, hot, frosty, snowy, rainy, pouring,   stormy, foggy, wet, windy, cloudy, freezing cold, boiling hot, a bit chilly).

- I dislike the weather with… (a lot of snow, a lot of sunshine, a cold wind, a thick fog, thunder and lightning, a heavy shower).

II.1.Watching video.


- Now, if you don’t mind, we’ll watch a video about the different types of weather.(Weather types quiz)



ІІ. 2. Speaking.

As you’ve just watched, the weather is so unpredictable, that you can experience four seasons in a single day. That’s why the English say,

 “Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather.”

In such  conditions - weather is a nice topic to start a conversation .

Watch the video - https://youtu.be/iXGbW9D0yTI

Now, I want you to start a conversation about weather .

A conversation

Teacher:OK. Sometimes the weather is not very comfortable, but they say, “There is no bad weather – there are bad clothes.” So, today we are going to speak about suitable clothes for different kinds of weather.

ІІ. 3. Лексичні  вправи.

3.1Введення та семантизація лексики.

-Teacher: To cope with the task of our lesson we should learn some new words.

Look at the screen, listen and write down .


3.2. Тренування вживання лексики

- опрацювання значення слова

Teacher: Good for you. Your next task will be to read the sentences with the hidden words and to guess them. The pictures on the slides will help you.

1. Girls and boys can wear cardigans when it is chilly.

2. Men often wear suits.

3. You can wear a belt with a skirt, dress or trousers.

4. A businessman usually wears a tie with a shirt.

5. Women like wearing fur coats in winter.

6. For our PE classes we usually wear tracksuits and trainers.

7.  Pupils of our schoolwear waistcoats as their uniform.

Teacher: You’ve coped with the previous task quite well and now let’s face the challenge of the next one. A strong wind was blowing and it mixed the clothes from different washing lines. You are to put the words into right washing lines – groups: menswear, ladieswear, accessories, footwear.

Words: a raincoat, a coat, a belt, trainers, boots, gloves, a suit, a scarf, jeans, a tie, a tracksuit, a cap, a hat, a skirt, trousers, a T-shirt, socks, a shirt, shorts, sandals, a blouse, shoes, a jacket, a jumper, boots, an umbrella.









Pupil 1: I think boys usually wear a tie.

Pupil 2: I think girls usually wear skirts.

Pupil 3:Boots are footwear.

- Teacher: Good for you, hope you know all the words we need for our next task.

We’ve already said that we wear different clothes in different weather. Let’s listen to the song that proves this. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps.

3.3. Аудіювання.


Whatever the weather is today

Will tell me what to wear if I go out to play

The temperature outside could be coldorwarm

Foggy, smoggy, freezy, breezy, rainy with a storm

Do I need a coat?

Do I need some boots?

Do I need some mittens or a bathing suit?

I’ve got shorts and sweaters, earmuffs too

Goggles, sandals, lots of hats,

Even have my Grandpa’s spats


Whatever the weather is today

Will tell me what to wear if I go out to play

The temperature outside could be coldor warm

Foggy, smoggy, freezy, breezy, rainy with a storm

Do I need a coat?

Do I need some boots?

Do I need some mittens or a bathing suit?

I’ve got shorts and sweaters, earmuffs too

Goggles, sandals, lots of hats,

Even have my Grandpa’s spats


Whatever the weather is today

Will tell me what to wear if I go out to play

The temperature outside could be coldorwarm

Foggy, smoggy, freezy, breezy, rainy with a storm


Teacher:Look at the screen. Check your work and sing the song.




3.4. Вправи на вживання вивченої лексики в усному мовленні та на письмі.


a) Мовленнєва вправа

Teacher: Look through the lyrics of the song and read out the kinds of weather, mentioned in it.

Pupils:Foggy, smoggy, freezy, breezy, and rainy with a storm

Teacher: You are right. On the board you can see more flashcards to describe weather. We are going to play the game “In my suitcase.” You are to choose the picture and to say what kind of weather you usually wear it in.

(учні отримують паперові конверти - валізи з малюнками одягу)







Freezing cold

A bit chilly




 a raincoat, a coat, a belt, trainers, boots, gloves, a suit, a scarf, jeans, a tie, a tracksuit, a cap, a hat, a skirt, trousers, a T-shirt, socks, a shirt, shorts, sandals, a blouse, shoes, a jacket, a jumper, boots.


Pupil 1: I wear a raincoat when it is rainy.

Pupil 2: I wear a scarf when it is freezing cold, etc.



  1. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків, виставлення оцінок. Пояснення домашнього завдання.


Teacher:So you see that “every wind has its weather”, as the proverb says.

Mind weather predictions, watch the weather forecast on TV or listen to it on the radio and remember the proverb “There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes” to be healthy and wealthy.

I believe you see now that if we have proper clothes on, we’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

And for homework –Learn the new words, make up 6 sentences about your favourite kind of weather.



Your work today was excellent.……you were so active and bright that your marks are …...

I like the way you work at the lesson. Your marks are ...   …., you shouldn’t be so shy, try your best next time. Your mark is ….

I’m really pleased with the way you’ve worked today. You’ve tried hard, you’ve brighten my day, I respect your attentiveness.You make me happy. Thank you very much.




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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
23 лютого 2022
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