Конспект уроку на тему "The Household chores''

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Представлена розробка містить план-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі загальноосвітнього навчального закладу на основі підручника Full Blast 1 за технологією продуктивного навчання з використанням мультимедійних презентацій.
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План-конспект уроку для 5 класу за підручником Full Blast

Тема: The household chores

Мета: формувати навички вживання нової лексики у мовленні, тренувати учнів у вживанні ЛО теми у мовленні, тренувати учнів у вживанні ГС Present Simple, практикувати учнів у різних видах МД: говорінні, читанні, письмі, аудіюванні, сприяти розвиткові мовної здогадки; навчити дітей працювати в групах; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, прищеплювати культуру спілкування та толерантне ставлення до інших людей; виховувати любов до праці.

Обладнання: підручник, дошка, smart дошка, роздатковий матеріал, аудіо запис


Warming up

Teacher: Good afternoon? I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

                  How are you today?

Pupils answers.

T: Are you ready? Let’s start our lesson. Repeat after me:

We are pupils.

We are good pupils.

We are talented pupils.

We are fantastic pupils.

We are the best pupils in the world.

Vocabulary work

  1. Look at the smartboard and guess what is the topic of our lesson?
  2. Today we will speak about the household chores. We are going to learn some new words. We’ll practice them in our speech and discuss the household chores in your families.
  3. Look at the pictures, repeat words combinations after me and try to translate them. (Презентація. Учні  повторюють фрази за вчителем і перекладають їх).
  4. Open your books on p.42, ex.1.

Take your pencils and match the pictures with the household chores. You’ve got 1 minute.

Now listen and check your answers. Read them and translate.

Vocabulary practice

  1. I divide you into two teams. The first team is the sun and the other team is the moon. The first task is to match the phrases with their translations. You have got 2 minutes.
  1. take out the rubbish                                            a. пилососити
  2. do the washing up                                                b. прати
  3. take the dog for a work                                       c. мити посуд
  4. wash the car                                                          d. викидати сміття
  5. do the washing up                                                e. мити вікна
  6. clean the windows                                                f.вигулювати собаку
  7. tidy the room                                                         g. мити машину
  8. hoover                                                                     h.  прибирати мою кімнату

One member of the team read the phrase with translation then the member of other team. Don’t repeat the words combinations.

  1. The next task is to make the word combinations and write them on the blackboard.

I team

  1. rubbish / take / the / out
  2. washing-up / do / the
  3. car / the / wash
  4. windows / the / clean

II team

  1. for / take / a walk / the dog
  2. the / do / washing
  3. my / room / tidy
  4. the / clean / windows

Now let’s check your answers. So, the winner is …. .


Let’s revise the adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes.

T: When do they go in the sentences?

P1: Go before the main verb

P2: Go after the verb be

Now using new phrases and the adverbs of frequency make up sentences about your household chores. For example: I often do the washing-up.

Physical minute

Listen and show:

  • do the washing up
  • hoover
  • take the dog for a walk
  • clean the window
  • do the washing
  • take out the rubbish

Look, listen and show. (Під музику учні показують, що каже вчитель)

- do the washing up

- hoover

- take the dog for a walk

- clean the window

- do the washing

- take out the rubbish



Look at the pictures on p. 42-43, ex. 2.

T: Who do you think helps out at home?

P: Angelo helps out at home.

Do you know the meaning of the adjective crazy?

Very excited about something. For example: Peter is crazy about films. He goes to the cinema every Saturday.

Do you know the meaning of the adjective lazy?

Somebody who does not want to do anything. For example: Jane doesn’t tidy her room. She’s lazy!

Now listen to the text p.42, ex. 2 and underline unknown words. (Слухають текст)

What words are unknown for you?

Let’s read this text and translate it. Be attentive, because after reading you’ll answer the questions. (Читають і перекладають текст)


Now you take a card with a question. Choose a classmate and ask him a question.


  1. Who thinks housework is fun?
  2. What does Angelo do every day?
  3. What does Megan do every day?
  4. What do Angelo’s friends think of Angelo?
  5. What does Megan’s mum think of Megan?
  6. Who lives in a flat?
  7. What is Megan’s room usually like?
  8. Who doesn’t do housework alone?
  9. What is Angelo’s favourite chore?
  10. When does Angelo clean the windows in their flat?
  11. What does Angelo’s mum think of him?
  12. Does Megan want to do housework?
  13. Does Megan’s mum believe her?
  14. Where do Megan and her family live?
  15. Why doesn’t Megan want to help with the housework?
  16. What happens in Megan’s house everyday?


  1. Angelo.
  2. He helps with the washing, takes out the rubbish and tidies his room.
  3. She plays computer games, reads magazines, watches TV, does her homework, does housework.
  4. They think he’s crazy.
  5. She thinks she’s just lazy.
  6. Angelo (and his family).
  7. It is often a mess.
  8. Megan and her mother.
  9. The windows.
  10. He cleans them every week.
  11. That he’s an angel.
  12. No, she doesn’t.
  13. No, she doesn’t.
  14. They live in a big house.
  15. Because she doesn’t mind the mess. Also, she’s usually very busy and hasn’t got time for chores.
  16. Megan and her mum argue housework and in the end they do it together.


I’ve got a message. And not just one. Think and tell me what do you forget to do? (Презентація )

  1. Your room is very dirty and untidy! – tidy the room
  2. Your dirty cup is on the table! – do the washing-up
  3. Your carpet is dirty! – hoover
  4. Your clothes are dirty! – do the washing
  5. There are a lot of rubbish in your kitchen! – take out the rubbish
  6. Your car is dirty! – wash the car
  7. Your dog wants for a walk! – take the dog for a walk
  8. I see nothing from the window! – clean the window


Learn new words by heart s.b. p. 42. W.b. p.33, ex.A Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Then match each sentence with the correct picture.


Today we spoke about the household chores. Let’s check up how well you remember new vocabulary. One of you tell the beginning of the word combination and the other one the ending.



25 березня 2020
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