Розробка уроку для учнів 5 класу "Погода та одяг"

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Розробка уроку за темою "Погода та одяг" в 5 класі, метою якого є активізувати лексику теми в усному мовленні; формувати навички читання, аудіювання, діалогічного мовлення; знайомити з типовою погодою в різних країнах.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Погодa та одяг.

Мета: Навч. – активізувати лексику теми в усному мовленні; формувати навички читання,

                          аудіювання,   діалогічного  мовлення;  знайомити з типовою погодою в різних  


            Розв. –  розвивати логічне мислення, увагу, мовну здогадку, фонематичний слух,

                          вміння співпрацювати в парах; розвивати комунікативну активність, уміння

                          описувати явища природи та одяг;

            Вих. –   прищеплювати вміння думати та висловлювати свою думку; зацікавити учнів у

                          вивченні англійської мови; виховувати естетичний смак в одязі.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, презентація з матеріалами до уроку, аудіо- та відеоматеріали, 

                          тематичні картки

Тип уроку: формування лексико-граматичних навичок по темі.

Хід уроку

І. Організаційна частина.

1. Привітання. (1)

    Організаційна бесіда.

    Обмін компліментами.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. (1)

    Фонетична зарядка.

    Read the rhyme, mind your sounds and intonation.

The sun is shining

And I am smiling,

The weather is bad

And I am sad.

When it is dry

We are fine…

The weather is nice,

Isn’t it a surprise?


3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

As you can see our theme today is “Weather and Clothes”.

Today you will learn new words, read the text and proverbs, sing songs, match the pictures, make up dialogues. By the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about your favourite season, weather and clothes.

II. Основна частина.

1. Робота з прислів’ями. (1)

    Do you like proverbs?     Match two halves of the following proverbs, read and try to translate them.

After rain comes

Everything is good

In winter the sun is like a stepmother

Other countries have climate

April showers bring

When the sky is clear

There is no bad weather

in England they have weather.

carry an umbrella.

fair weather.

there are bad clothes.

in its season.

it shines, but does not warm.

May flowers.


Which one do you like the most?


2. Активізація лексики теми «Погода»

a)   -   Listen to the song and revise the kinds of the weather.   (Song “How is the weather?”) (1)

      -   What kinds of weather can you name?

b)  -  You know there are four seasons in a year. What are they? (2)

     -  Each season has its typical weather.

Your task now is to write the weather on the papers and to match them with the proper season.

I think

It seems to me

I am sure

In my opinion

To my mind



it is …

In winter

In spring

In summer

In autumn







с) Now guess the riddles. (1)

                                                                          What season is it?

  1. The weather is fine. The sun shines brightly in the blue sky. It is hot. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many flowers in the parks and gardens. Children like this season very much. (summer)
  2. The sky is blue. The birds come back from the South and sing songs. You can see first green leaves and green grass. It is warm. The weather is usually fine. (spring)
  3. It snows and it is cold. The nights are long and the days are short. Children can skate and sledge. They make snowmen. People celebrate one of the best holidays of the year. They buy and decorate fir-trees. They give each other presents.(winter)
  4. The sky is grey. It often rains. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red and brown. The birds fly away to the South. The sun doesn’t shine brightly. (autumn)


3. Аудіювання. (5)

   -  Pre-Listening.           Look at the blackboard and remember the names of the animals.

                                           This is an elk. His name is Marty. And this is Tim – the tiger.

   -  While-Listening        Listen to the international weather report, remember the names of the countries  

                                          and the weather. Fill in the table.





















   - Post-Listening

   Do you like Marty and Tim?

   What is Marty’s job? (weatherman)

   What is Tim’s Job? (journalist)

   What countries did Tim visit?

   How’ s the weather in Canada (Mexico…)?

   How’s the weather on Mars?


4. Активізація лексики теми «Одяг». (3 )

    As the Englishmen say – there is no bad weather – there are bad clothes.

    Clothes are very important in our lives. So let’s revise the names of the clothes.

    Look, listen and repeat. (Presentation “Clothes”)


   - What kind of clothes would  you recommend Tim Tiger to put in each country. (2)

      In Canada he would  better put … on.


5. Фізкультхвилинка. (2)


6. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення. (5)

    (Кожен учень отримує картку з ситуацією, підбирає відповідний одяг, приклеює його на аркуш паперу і озвучує свій вибір)

    Now imagine that you are going somewhere. Read the task on the red papers and choose the proper clothes from the envelope.

                                    I am going to put my … on.

7. Читання. (7)

    Read the text of exercise 2 on page 160.

 -  Pre-Reading

    Mind the meaning of the underlined words. Vocabulary box, p. 161.

 - Reading (one by one, in chain)

 - Post-reading.

   Say if it is true or false.

   Read the statements and name the person who will answer.

1. Jasmine gets up at 10 o’clock.

2. She is in a hurry.

3. She combs her hair and brush her teeth.

4. She puts on her black T-shirt and a skirt.

5. The weather is wonderful.

6. She goes back and changes her clothes.

7. She puts on a sweater and shorts.

8. She can’t find her umbrella.

9. Jasmine is in a hurry .

10. She runs into Tom.

11. Tom is in a hurry too.

12. It is Monday.


So, what is her favourite day?


8. Перевірка домашнього завдання. (5)

    At home you were to prepare some sentences about your favourite season and clothes. And now let’s do the exercise which is called “Let’s Boast”. Your task is to ask your partner about his or her favourite season and clothes.


III. Заключна частина уроку. (4)

      1. Д/з     Retell the text ( Ex. 2, p.160)

      2. Оцінювання.

           Thank you for the lesson. You worked hard and your marks today are…

      3. Рефлексія.

          What did you like most of all during our lesson?

      4. Прощання.

          So it’s time to say goodbye. Let’s sing our “Goodbye song”.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 березня 2020
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