Конспект уроку. Тема "Family relationship"

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Конспект уроку. Тема "Family relationship" до підручника Англійська мова, 11 клас, Карпюк О.Д.
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Family relationship




- формування навичок аудіювання, читання, монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, навичок письма.


- розвиток мовної культури як основи соціалізації учнів;

- розвиток умінь працювати в групах.

- розвиток комунікативних умінь та навиків на тему “Родинні відносини”


- виховувати відповідальне ставлення до сім’ї, а також до сімейних цінностей.

- загальну культуру учнів. 

Обладнання: комп’ютер (використання програми Microsoft PowerPoint),проектор, підручник  English 11(Standard Level, pupil’s book, Oksana Karpiuk), словники: В. Мюллер. Modern dictionary.

Хід уроку.

I. Перевірка домашнього завдання

-Good afternoon everybody. Glad to see you. I hope you to.

 Who is on duty today?

Who is absent ( pupil’s answer)

We continue to lean the theme “ Family relationship”. The theme of our last lesson was “ Successful family.” Your home task was to write about your family.

Please show me your home work.

Who wants to read his or her composition?Now read your composition ( 2-3 pupils)

After the lesson I’ll take your copybooks, check and put marks.

II. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

-Please, lets remember me. How old are you? ( Everybody is eighteen?)
-Do you know that you are a teenager. You are Ukrainian teenagers.

- What does it mean teenager?


Do you know the meaning of this word? What does this word consist of?

Age – вік.

Where do you see this part of word? ( teen – This is a part of some numbers from thirteen to nineteen).

The person from 13 to 19 is called teenager.

As you see you are all teenagers. And today we will talk about teenagers and their problems. This is a part of our big theme “Family relationship” Teenagers need love and support from parents at a time when lots of other things in their lives are changing.


So open your copy book and put down the theme of our lesson” Teenagers today.”

At the today’s lesson we’ll revise and learn new vocabulary and you’ll learn how to express your thoughts and opinion on this topic

WARM UP. Мовна зарядка

Typical Ukrainian teenager

So typical Ukrainian teenager. Continue…

What do they do?

Your association about teenager. What pictures are in your mind when you hear this word? It can be positive or negative.

For example:

Listening to music

Smoking and drinking beer

Is crazy about computers

Reading youth magazines

Going to discos, pubs, clubs

Spending pocket money on chips, ice cream

Riding motorbike, driving cars

Taking part in voting


Now answer the following questions

- Do you get on well with your parents?

-Do you think you are a good child to your parents?

- Do you argue with your parents?

And now your task is make a list of three problems you have most frequently with your parents

( пишуть в зошити)

School and marks  

Staying out late



Posters on the wall

Untidy room

Telephone bills

Which problem is the most common?

As you see the main reasons are school and marks, untidy room, friends.

III.Сприймання і усвідомлення учнями нового матеріалу

Сan we leave without problems? I think – no, or yes.

What have we do to solve these problems? The best way to discuss them. And for that we need new words.

Словникова робота

New words. Look at the blackboard. There are some new words. Lets read the words and put down in your copybook.










Формування навичок аудіювання.

- Now your task is to watch the video and say TRUE or FALSE about the following statements. Look through the statements.

  • To make your relations better you’ll need: maturity, patience and some self-control
  • You should continue yelling or whining if you want to make your parents treat you like an adult
  • All the people in your life want what’s the best for you
  • If you are open with your parents, they won’t feel the need to pry
  • Studies show the simple act of saying “thank you” has a great influence on other people’s opinion on you
  • About a quarter of teen boys say they fight with their parents about cell phone use

Watch, listen, and do the task.

I hope you have done it.

Now, watch the video again and try to write some tips that help teens to solve their problems with parents.

Respect your parents

Not yelling and whining

Listen politely

Say thank you

- Lets check the first task

- Now, let’s check tips.

Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення

Т.: Make your own dialogue using favourite things that often parents told their children

 (для учнів підготовлені карточки, на яких написані фрази батьків)

1. All I do is follow you around, picking up after you like some maid.

2. Am I talking to a brick wall?

3. As long as you live under my roof, you’ll do as I say.

4. Did you clean your room?

5. Don’t ask me WHY. The answer is NO!

6. Go and ask your father.

7. Go to you room think about what you did!

8. How many times do I have to tell you?

9. I can always tell when you are lying.

10. Money does not grow on trees.

11. I’ll treat you like an adult when you start acting like one.

12. I’ve told you a thousand times…

13. Leave your sister (brother) alone!

14. So if Bob’s mom let him do it? If Bob’s mom let him jump off Empire State Building, would you want me to let you do it?

15. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

IV. Осмислення, узагальнення, систематизація знань.

Now, your task is ex.1, p. 79 to group up the adjectives into the appropriate column.

- Let’s check your task.

- Next task is to describe your friend using the words from ex.1

For example. I have two sons. One of them is clever, honest and responsible. But sometimes he is nervous.


You’ll read the letter from teenager. I need your help to answer on this letter.

Your home task will be to write an answer on that letter and try to help giving some tips.


Dear teacher

Maybe you remember me or not but I want no I need a talk with you. I need your help and some advice.

I am in trouble now. My life is terrible now and so dull. I haven’t any friends. I have some quarrels during the day with my parents. They don’t understand me.

That is my life. And only I can make a choice in any ways. Even teachers in my collage  often tell me that I’m so bad.  Why? Because I’m not a person like other.

Because I have my own opinion. Because I can argue with them.

  Yes, I have bad marks at school. I’m lazy and my behave is not good. But it’s me. I like listening to music too loudly. I like playing computer games and going to disco. Yes, my make up is different. So, I do I like to be so special person.

 My parents say that my room is always dirty. I argue with them very often because they give me a few pocket money.

 I like to wear stylist clothes but I can’t allow to buy it. That’s horrible.

 Give me some advice what to do, how to behave or how to  find real friend, how to solve problem with my parents.

 You can call me, Elly.


Task 1

Lets name adjectives which describe Elly like personality.

Task 2

Find in the text and underline her problem

Task 3

What does she like?


V. Повідомлення домашнього завдання


Your home task will be to write an answer on that letter and try to help giving some tips


VI. Підведення підсумків

Your answers were good

You were so active today

You have made some mistakes

You have made many tasks good today

Let’s revise. As you see there are no families without problems. But you have to remember that you can solve these problems to discuss them.

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 вересня 2022
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