Конспект уроку з аглійської мови для 4, 5 класу на тему "School things"

Про матеріал

з досвіду роботи, що до забезпечення наступності в навчанні англійської мови. Повторити та активізувати лексику з теми.

Удосконалювати вміння читати.

Розвивати вміння діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

Розвивати навички письма та непідготовленого мовлення.

Виховувати цікавість до іноземної мови.

Перегляд файлу

School things

(4th form)



Поглибити знання учнів за темою  “Шкільні речі”.

Удосконалювати вміння читати; формувати навички правильної вимови звуків англійської мови; тренувати навички писемного мовлення.

Розвивати вміння монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.

Виховувати  усвідомлення важливості навчання.



T: Are you ready for the lesson? I am glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson.



T: So, today  we will speak about school things, we will practice vocabulary from the topic “ School things”. You can try your speaking skills and improve your reading, listening and writing skills.


Warming up

Rhyme: “ Let us try to be polite

             Let us try to be polite

             Let us try to be polite in everything you do

             When meet somebody you say “Hello”.

             And ask “ How are things with you?”


T: Do you like going to school?

    What do you need for school?

Ps: We need  a schoolbag, pens, pencils, books, an eraser, a pencil-box, copybooks.


T: And now listen and say the rhyme. “My bag”

I’ve got pencils in my bag,

Books and markers, too.

I’ve got copybooks and a ruler,

Scissors and some glue.

Описание: Scan7       I’ve got crayons in my bag,

       White, red and blue.

       I’ve got orange, brown and grey,

       Green and yellow, too.







Vocabulary practice


T: Match the words to the pictures.

Example: Number 1 is a desk.

Описание: Scan3


A bag a diary   a book       a pencil an eraser

A desk a pencil-box   a pen   a ruler a copy-book



T: Complete the text with the words from the boxes.

(pen, books, four, a drink, my schoolbag, copybooks, sandwich, pencil-box, ruler, glue, fruit)

My schoolbag

This is my schoolbag. I am going to wear it on my back. I am going to put …  and  … in it. I …  … to put a … , an … , a … and some … . I get hungry every day around 10 o’clock , so I …    to put a …  in my schoolbag. I usually  like to have a …  . This to be in Year … at school.

My teacher …  … to meet us in room 24.




T: Write the odd word out (card)

  1. Book, pens, clothes, copybooks. ---- clothes
  2. Uniform, chocolate, school, crayons.---- chocolate
  3. Ruler, glue, hat, eraser.---- hat
  4. Books, drinks, copybooks, pencil-box. ---- drinks
  5. Markers, schoolbag, scissors, thank you. ---- thank you


T: Follow the instructions

~ Show me your schoolbags, please!

~ Take your books, please!

~ Give me your pens, please!

~ Put your pencils in the pencil-boxes!


Описание: DSCF3266


GameMagic box


Вчитель складає в коробку предмети шкільного вжитку,  які діти вивчили. Діти із зав’язаними очима дістають предмет та мають назвати його назву.

P1: This is a book.

P2: This is a pencil box.




Picasso dictation

Вчитель називає шкільні предмети  діти малюють, те що почули. Можна ускладнити диктант.

T: two blue pencils, four black bags, ten yellow pens, five green books.


Physical activity


T: Listen and say the rhyme.

Hold up your pencils!

Hold up your book!

Open it and take a look!

Use your book.

And put it down!

Touch the floor

And turn around.

Описание: DSCF3270




T: Talk to your classmates

Nick: Hi, Bill! Are you ready for school?

Bill: Well, I am going to buy a new bag. What about you?

Nick: I am going to buy a ruler and some copybooks.

Bill: Let’s go to the shop together!

Nick: OK.


Summing up

T: Did you like the lesson?  What was the most interesting? What was the most difficult?  Your marks are… . I say goodbye. Good luck.



Draw school things and learn them.



School things

(5th form)


Мета: Повторити та активізувати  лексику з теми.

Удосконалювати вміння читати.

Розвивати вміння  діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

Розвивати навички письма та непідготовленого мовлення.

Виховувати цікавість до іноземної мови.



T: Good morning, children!

     Good morning, teacher!

     Good morning,

     The day is sunny and so bright.

     My dear children, Am I right?


Aim: Today we will speak about school things. We will do different interesting exercises, listen to the dialogue, read the letter and do tasks.

T: Dear pupils! Arrange the letters in the right order and you will get the topic of our lesson “School things”.


Warming  up


T: Answer the questions:

1. Do you like to study at school?

2. What school things do you need for school?

3. Are  there  many or few schools in our town ?

4. Will you have English lessons next year?

5. What has your teacher just written on the blackboard?

6. What school subjects did you study last year?


Vocabulary practice


Описание: Scan

T: Listen and repeat. Say  what  things you use /don’t use at the lessons.

Example. I use a pen at the lessons. I don’t use a mobile telephone at the lessons.


~a pen  ~a pencil  ~  a schoolbag  ~ a textbook ~ a copybook ~ a ruler ~ an eraser ~ a pencil-box  ~ scissors ~ a bottle of glue  ~ a ball   ~ a CD  ~ a doll  ~ a sweet  ~ a watch  ~ a diary  ~  a pencil sharpener  ~ a marker   ~ a dictionary  ~ a mobile telephone  ~ a stapler




1. T: Read and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box given below. Say what school things the children are talking about.

~to cut  ~ to stick ~ to write  ~to read  ~ to rub  ~ to carry ~ to keep

Example. We … paper with it . – We cut paper with it. These are the scissors.

1. We ….. letters with it. It is a(n)…..  .

2. We ….. things together. It is ……  .

3. We ….. it. It is a(n) …..  .

4. We …… things in it. It is a(n) ….. .

5. We…… something off with it. It is a(n)….. .

6.  We….. textbooks in it. It is a(n) …..  .


Описание: DSCF3216


2. T: Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the things you use at different school lessons.


A: What things do you use at the Art lesson?

B: At the lessons of Art I use pencils, an eraser and a pencil sharpener.




T: Write the text correctly. Use the capital letters, commas and full stops where they necessary.





(Group work)

Розірваний лист” Postman:

- May I come in? I am a postman. Is it 5A form? School-gymnasium?  I have got a letter for you. It is from Great Britain. But I am really very sorry, but the letter is damaged. I have prepared four variants of the some letter and each group has to find the beginning, the second, the third part and the ending of the letter and read it.


Vicky Alison

10 Green Street 




5 Barinov Street 



Dear friends, 

Thank you for your letter. It was very interesting to know about your school life and your school subjects.

I would like to tell you about some things about my school. You know in England ; schools have names not numbers .Well,  I go to Gedar Grove School. It is very big. Pupils from 5 to 11 years old go to our school. The school year begin in September. Classes usually begin at nine. We have many classrooms and there is a beautiful hall in our school.

My classroom is comfortable and always clean. Pupils have got a glass of milk or juice at eleven. At half past eleven or at one o’clock they usually have got lunch: meat, pudding, or cake and juice.

There are fifteen desks in my classroom. There are three windows in it. The blackboard and the floor are brown. You can see a big, yellow bookcase near  the blackboard. There are many books in it. We read them, they are very interesting. English pupils often play outdoors during breaks.

What can you write and tell me about your classroom and your school? Write soon.

Best wishes,



A Simon School Day

I am 13 and  I am in the third class at a Grammar school. I was nearly late for school.

The first lesson on Monday was Maths. Mr. Bailey, the Maths teacher, gave us some sums to do. The next lesson was French. I like French, but I hate Latin! And after break we had two lessons of Latin!  Susan let me copy her Latin homework, because I had not done it. After Latin we had a time for lunch. After lunch we had a History lesson and then there was time for my favourite lesson of the week: Games. We played  football!  It was great! At four o’clock, I went home.


T: Listen to the text and put the statements (A-F) in the correct order.

______ A  I was nearly late for school.

______ B  The first lesson on Monday is Maths.

______ C  I woke up late yesterday.

______ D  The next lesson was  French.

______ E   After lunch we had the History lesson.

______ F   I like French, but I hate Latin.


Summing up

T: Today we have talked a lot about school things. What have you learned?



T: To learn new words and write school things you take to school.



11 лютого 2018
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