Life of Youth
практична: розширити лексичний запас учнів по темі, вчити учнів отримувати основну інформацію з прочитаного та прослуханого тексту;
розвиваюча: розвивати вміння та навички непідготовленого усного мовлення,
розвивати навички читання, ігноруючи незнайомі слова, розвивати мовну здогадку, розвивати вміння логічно викладати думки іноземною мовою,
розширювати світогляд учня про субкультури і проблему булінга;
освітня: виховувати культуру спілкування;
виховна: виховувати усвідомлення необхідності пізнання нового, старанність у навчанні, чіткість у виконанні завдань.
Обладнання: картки для індивідуальної роботи та роботи в парах, аудіо записи, завдання з комп’ютерною підтримкою.
I. Greeting.
T. : Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you again. I hope you’re fine and ready to work. And now it`s time to start our lesson.
Warming- up.
Speaking Brainstorming.
1) T. : Look at the board and try to guess the topic of our lesson. What do you think we are going to speak about?
Pupils give their ideas of the lesson. – Youth, life of teenagers, teenager’s problems, subcultures.
2) T. : You are right. We have to discuss problems of young people and their life. The topic of our lesson is “Life of Youth”. We’ll learn what problems we face when we are young, we’ll discuss one of the most important problems nowadays, bulling. What role subcultures and teenage groups play in our life. I hope our lesson will be informative and exciting.
3) T. : To begin with, I’d like you to answer the question. What can you say about the life of youth in Ukraine?
4) T.: Very often young people ask the question Who am I? So finish the sentences:
I think I am ……
I appreciate in people ……
II. Main part.
1) Work in groups.
T. : Teenage is supposed to be the most fun time of your life. You get to do things that you can never get away with as an adult or a kid. You’ve given different opinions about the life of young people. Now I’d like you to work in groups and think of some pros and cons of being a teenager. You can write down your ideas in two columns.
Group 1.
1. You aren’t a kid anymore.
2. You are not responsible for your actions, yet.
3. You can do with your life whatever you want.
4. You can spend a lot of time with your friends.
Group 2.
1. You are becoming more independent.
2. It is the time to experience new things.
3. Less responsibility.
4. Parents give you pocket money and you can do with it whatever you want.
Group 3.
1. Life has just begun!
2. You do not have to face the real world.
3. You don't have to work because you live with parents.
4. You are young, have lots of friends and so many opportunities.
Group 1.
1. You aren’t a child, but you aren’t an adult.
2. The pressure of having to decide your future career.
3. Gossips of your friends.
4. You have to learn a lot.
Group 2.
1. You can’t have the freedom the adults get.
2. You have to do homework.
3. A lot of bulling nowadays.
4. You are too young to “make decisions”.
Group 3.
1.Adults don't respect you and treat as children.
2. Some teenagers are bullied.
3. Less freedom.
4. You suffer from peer pressure as you want to be the best.
2) Reading.
T. : All in all, being a teenager has a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages. One of disadvantages and problems that you’ve named is bulling. Why are some kids bullied?
T. We have to read about one of teenagers, Billy who was bullied by his classmates. Read this leaflet.
1. Who produced the leaflet? ( Kidcare)
2. What is Kidcare? ( an organization that helps children who are being bullied)
3. Who is the leaflet directed at? (young people like Billy)
4. What were Billy’s problems?
1. He found studying hard.
2. He didn’t have many friends.
3. His dad left the family home.
4. He was bullied by other kids.
5. He tried to tell people but they didn’t listen.
6. He started playing truant and he didn’t know where to go for help.
T.: Make a prediction What happened with Billy? ( Billy ran away. He has been missing for six month.)
3) Listening.
T. As for you, what would you do if you had such problems as Billy had?
1. I would find a psychologist to talk about my problems.
2. I would ignore the bully.
3. I would talk to my parents about it.
4. I would search some help on the internet.
5. I would talk to someone I trusted.
6. I would call a telephone helpline.
T. : Would you ask for help or advice from a helpline or an advice forum? Why? Why not?
T. : You will hear an interview about a telephone helpline. Listen and answer the questions. Choose A, B or C.
1. What is Youth connect?
A. a radio station
B. a telephone company
C. a helpline
2. How is Youth Connect different?
A. It puts callers through to people who can help them.
B. It helps both adults and teenagers.
C. The staff meet the callers personally.
3. The caller who had trouble sleeping
A. had experienced a traumatic experience.
B. was suffering from stress.
C. was advised to take time off from school.
4. Callers who are lonely
A. often move to a big city.
B. all receive an information pack.
C. can speak to a local youth worker.
5. Youth Connect can
A. telephone for further information.
B. send callers useful advice.
C. only contact callers by email.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
Listening transcript.
Tania: Now it’s time to welcome Bob Hamilton, a worker from the telephone helpline Youth Connect! How are you doing, Bob?
Bob: I’m great thanks, Tania. Glad be here.
Tania: Bob, I have a question. There are several telephone helpline services offering information and advice. How is Youth Connect different?
Bob: The answer lies in our name, Tania, the word “connect”! That’s what we try to do. We try to put our young callers in touch with the help or advice they need. Let me explain. Young people, as they grow into adults, face new worries about relationships, health and happiness. Now this is where we, the workers at Youth Connect, come in. We know we haven’t got all the answers to the world’s problems, but we do our best to put every young caller through to someone who can give them the help they need. We make the connection.
Tania: And how do you do that, Bob?
Bob: I’ll give you an example. A young caller I spoke to the other day told me he was having trouble sleeping at night. I asked him if something traumatic had happened to him lately to disturb his sleep, and he said no, but he did say that he was under a lot of pressure at school. Aha! Stress, I thought. So, I told him that he needed to find a way to unwind, you know, to take his mind off things. But, of course, I was also able to put him directly through to the health service helpline for young people , staffed by psychologists and doctors.
Tania: Sounds good to me, Bob. But what if you were just lonely and needed to chat?
Bob: It is often a very lonely experience growing up in a big city, but fortunately, in London, there are a number of youth support groups, and we can put the caller in touch with a worker like me in their local area. And if they only want to talk on the telephone, these support groups can offer just that. We can also send callers an information pack through the post or by email, and it’s full of useful advice and contact numbers.
Tania: Well, that’s about all we’ve got time for folks. Our thanks to Bob for his time here today. And, just to remind our listeners, if you have any views or opinions on Youth Connect, you can send your comments and also get more information on our website.
T.: Are there such telephone helplines in our country? I hope you’ve got useful information about a telephone helpline. And if you have any problems, you can call and ask for help.
4) Speaking. Group work.
T. One more issue that is closely connected with young people’s lives is subcultures. Most young people in Great Britain and in Ukraine create a certain lifestyle within their subcultures or different teenage groups. Why do they do that?
P.1 They want to express themselves.
P.2 They want to show off.
P.3 They want to change the world to the best.
P.4 They want to try out all sort of options.
P.5 They want to protest against parents.
P.6 They want to differ from social norms.
P.7 They want to rebel against the older generation
P.8 They want to have their own values and beliefs
P. 9 They want to express their individuality
P. 10 They want to make other people know who they are
P. 11 They want to oppose to the society
P. 12 They want to be in a group
P.13 They want to achieve something in life
T.: What does the term SUBCULTURE mean?
P.1 A subculture is a group of people with a complex culture.
P. 2 I think that a subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity.
P. 3 Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music.
P. 4 A subculture is a way of life
Brain storm
T. : What youth subcultures and teenage groups do you know? (look at the slides and they can help you) – Computer geek, emo, goth, hippie, hipster, punk, brony.
T. : How do they differ from each other? (Possible answers: music, image, lifestyle, ideas
pastime, behavior, language)
Work in groups.
T.: My younger students of the ninth form prepared three posters for you which contain some information about three subcultures : computer geeks, goths and hippies. You are divided into three groups. The first group will read about goths, the second about hippies and the third about computer geeks. You have to memorize everything that you have found out. After that you will have to write a short presentation of your subculture and represent it.
Hippies appeared in the United States in the 1960s. Hippie likes to be in a group and go to the disco. They prefer folk and rock music, especially Beatles. They usually wear bright and loose clothes, long hair, sandals or walk barefoot. They like to wear different weaved of beads things. They prefer to be free and not to work. They want to change the world to the best. Their popular phrase is “Make love, not war” for which they are sometimes called “flower children.”. Yoga and meditation bring them the inner peace and help them to act in balance with their surroundings. Their dream is to live in harmony with each other and the planet.
The goth subculture is a subculture that began in England in the early 1980s. Goths wear black clothes, with a lot of silvery jewellery and have very black hair and look thin and pale. They like dark things - dark things make them happy and inspire them. In their subculture music plays a great role. They prefer listening to gothic rock, death rock and post-punk. They also like watching horror films. They are non-violent, tolerant and passive. They read Bram Stocker who was an Irish author, best known today for his novel Dracula. Goths talk about being vampires, and about the end of the world.
Computer geeks are crazy about computers. They can be placed in two groups. The first group is fat, sluggish, and bald ones. Who wear whatever they find in their wardrobe. Another group is thin and often tall ones, usually with hair of middle length, aware of their health and follow the fashion. Usually they wear glasses that go well with their beautiful faces. Very few people can understand them when they talk about the latest software or new gadgets. They feel a computer is like a car. Computer geeks are good at Math and Physics. As Bill Gates said, “If your culture doesn’t like geeks, you are in real trouble.”
T. : I’d like each group ask two questions about their presentation.
III. Summing-up.
T. : I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson. Thank you for your participation. I wish you to be attentive to your own life because joining a subculture can help you to escape from loneliness but on the other hand it may cause much more difficult problems.
T. : What do you think now: is it easy to be young? Do you like to be young? Was our lesson useful for you? What new information have you learnt?
And in the conclusion let me give some pieces of advice to all teenagers:
Be yourself! Love yourself! Believe in yourself! If you want to be happy, love what you do! Life is what you make!
Your homework is to write an article on the following subject:
How serious is a problem of bulling at our school and what can be done to stop it?