Тема уроку: Час та дати.
Мета уроку: формування практичних вмінь та навичок щодо вивчення лексичних одиниць за темою «Час та дати», спілкування в межах теми, відповідей на запитання, доповнення речень, пояснення значення слів, повторення граматичного матеріалу за темою «Теперішній неозначений час», використання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу на практиці.
Методичне забезпечення: словники, опорні граматичні таблиці, роздавальні картки, ноутбуки.
Хід уроку
Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words - Звернути увагу на вимову слів
h [h]: hand, horror, hero, hollow, hut
h [ ]: hour, honor, honorable
Do tongue-twisters twist your tongue?
1.How much dew does a dewdrop drop if dewdrops do drop dew? They do drop, they do As do dewdrops drop If dewdrops do drop dew.
2.How much dough would Bob Dole dole if Bob Dole could dole dough? Bob Dole would dole as much dough as Bob Dole could dole, if Bob Dole could dole dough.
3. How much myrtle would a wood turtle hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle? A wood turtle would hurdle as much myrtle as a wood turtle could hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle.
1. Read the words and remember the new ones - Введення нової лексики
Task 2.Read and translate the text Прочитати та перекласти текст
Time and Date
There’re 24 hours in a day. There’re 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. There’re seven days in a week. The seven days of the week are named in honor of the sun, the moon and five of the planets.
Sunday is the sun’s day.
Monday is the moon’s day. Saturday is Saturn’s day.
Tuesday is Mars’ day. Friday is Venus’ day.
Wednesday is Mercury’s day. Thursday is Jupiter’s day.
The planets were named after Roman gods and goddesses. The beginning of the day is dawn or daybreak and then comes morning, noon (12 o’clock), afternoon, evening and night. We can’t change the length of the day. The day is made for us by turning of the earth on its axis. The sun rises in the east in the morning and sets in the west in the evening. When the sun shines it is light. When the sun sets it is dark, except for the light of the moon and the stars.
We can tell the time by means of watches and clocks. The first timepiece anyone made was a sundial. A sundial tells the time by shadows. The oldest sundial was made in Egypt about 3,500 years ago. It was common practice to divide the time between sunrise and sunset into equal 12 parts, or hours. The water clock was invented as long as the sundial. Water clocks could tell the time of day or night. But they often went wrong. The stand-glass is another timepiece that was invented long ago. Before true clocks were invented, fire was also used to measure the time.
The first true clocks were made nearly 1,000 years ago. The first watches were made about 500 years ago. We know that the time isn’t the same all over the world. For this reason the world has been divided into time zones. All the places in each zone have the same time. It’s called standard time.
Task 3
Answer the following questions Дати відповіді на запитання
Task 4
Complete the following sentences Закінчити наступні речення
Task 5
Give synonyms to the words Дати синонімі к словам
Task 6
Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets
Вставити необхідні слова у дужках
Task 7
Match the months and their definitions Добрати місяці та їх значення
January February March April May June
July August September October November December
Task 8
Choose the correct form of the verb Вибрати правильну форму дієслова
Task 9
Open the brackets Викрити дужки
1. Підсумок уроку
- What have we done during our lesson?
- What did you like?
2. Домашнє завдання
3. Оцінювання учнів
- Today your marks are very good and excellent. Our lesson is over.