Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 10 класу " Appearance and feature of character"

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Урок з англійської мови для учнів 10 класу розроблений з метою вдосконалити і закріпити знання учнів по даній темі.
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Урок у 10 класі



Зовнішній вигляд учня та його

риси характеру















The topic of the lesson:  Appearance and features of character.


  •        to reinforce the topic-related vocabulary;
  •        to develop reading sub-skills and strategies;
  •        to develop students’ speaking skills through pair and group work;
  •        to involve students in discussion and make them more aware of the subject;
  •        to develop students’ test skills




  1. Introduction

T: Dear students! Today’s lesson is dedicated to the topic “Appearance and character of a man.” We have been learning this topic for 5 lessons. Today we are going to systemize your knowledge on the theme revising and expanding the topic-related vocabulary. You will practice your reading and speaking skills working in pairs and groups. As the final step of your work on the topic “Appearance and character of a man” you will have a test at the end of the lesson.


Home-task checking:

T: Your home task for today was to comment on the given proverbs about human nature. Another task was to create an emblem, divide it into 4 parts

and write in it characteristics of your friends. As you see the task was creative. That’s why I’m eager to listen to your variants. The first proverb was:

  •        A friend in need is a friend indeed.

The second proverb was:

  •        A man is known by the company he keeps.

The third one was:

  •        Clothes don’t make a man.


II. Main part

1. Group work

T: Thanks for your work. It was really very interesting to listen to your commentaries. Now, let’s move on and play a game. You are divided into groups. But your groups don’t have any names. How do you like the idea of giving names to your groups in an unusual way? This is what I mean. To choose the name for your team, you have to find out the necessary pieces of a motto, which are hidden here in the classroom. They are written on the colored pieces of paper. Each group will be looking for its own color. Now, let’s choose your colors and names. Answer my questions, please:

  •        What color is the sky?

             (The group which gives the answer first will be called “The blues”)


  •        What color is a cucumber?

              (The group which gives the answer to the question will be named “The greens”.       And “The reds” will be the name of the last group. So, now each team starts looking for its own color and tries to make up the whole sentence. The group which will be the first raises up their hand.

(After that their motto will be put on the desk, written on a sheet of colored paper)

The mottos are:

  •        “Don’t talk too much if you want to be listened to”.
  •        “Who chatters to you will chatter of you”.
  •        “A man is known by the company he keeps”.

              (At the end of races the teacher checks up the motto of each group, the group reads it out).

2. Brain-storming: (HO-1)

T: Now, you’ve got one more joyful task! We have boys and girls in the class. They say that those two genders differ. Let’s try to prove or disapprove this statement. On the given sheets of paper there are 12 statements. Try to sort out the written characteristics in the following way:

  •        group 1, “The blues”, will mark characteristics which are true to girls;
  •        group 2, “The greens”, will think of characteristics which are true to boys;
  •        group 3, “The reds”, will mark characteristics true both to boys and girls.

So, let’s start!

(After the task is completed, the pupils share their opinions)


III. Reading

1) Pre-reading activities: (HO- 2)

(The teacher distributes the texts and asks the students to answer some questions):

1a) Predicting from the title:

What do you think this text is going to be?

What do you already know about urban fashion?

What do you expect to find out after reading the text?

(The students give their answers)

1b) Let’s look through the glossary of the text: the teacher and the pupils look through the glossary and analyze it.

  1. While-reading activities:

2a) Skimming:

(The text is divided into three parts. Each group reads its own passage. The teacher determines a part for each group. After reading students answer the teacher’s questions:

  • What is the main idea of the part you have read?

    2b) Scanning:

(The groups look through the whole text one more time. Then, they are given the task to complete three sentences and answer the key question).

What starting point has influenced urban fashion?

  1.   Post-reading activities.

After reading students are expected to do exercises in pairs and groups.

Pair-work: Answer the questions.

  1. Was there a time when urban fashion didn’t exist?
  2. Whom was it all about?
  3. Did women like their clothes?
  4. Was it practical?
  5. What has played a significant part in urban fashion?

(Each group has to answer to 5 questions. Partners ask and answer). – (P1- P2).

Group work:

Recall and share:

T: Make up a list of words from the article. Let us see which group can remember more vocabulary. You have one minute for this work. (Than each groups reads out the topical words. The group which writes more words is a winner).


IV) Cooperative learning

1) Mind – mapping

 T: Now, let’s recollect the words or word combinations concerning the topic “Appearance, personality, likes and dislikes”. You have 2-3 minutes. (Each group is given a circle, divided in to 4 parts. The task is to fill in the necessary words for each characteristic feature. The group which writes out more words is a winner).

2) Creative work: (HO-3)

 T: All students are divided into 3 groups. Each group is given a photo of a lady. The task is to describe a lady (features of appearance and character, interests, likes or dislikes). Students shouldn’t show the other group the photo they work with. Each group presents their description while the other two groups listen to the description and add their own details).

 T: The time is 2-3 minutes! : P1>P2>P3….

V.  Test. Checking reading comprehension:

 (The teacher delivers the texts with a few tasks. For each correct answer the students will get two points .They have ten minutes to do this task till the end of the lesson).

 T: Now, you have got sheets of paper with test samples as I have promised. You have to cope with this task till the end of the lesson.

  1. Summing-up:

T: Let’s sum up what we have managed to do at the lesson?

(The students answer)

P1- We have read the text;

P2- We have done different activities;

P3- We have read the text.

  T: The results of the test will be announced at the next lesson. Your home task will be to read the text 1 on page 113. And do exercise 119 on page 34 in written form.

  Thank you for being active at the lesson. Thank you for your participation. Hope, you enjoyed the time we’ve spent together. Have a nice day! See you on Tuesday!



До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
6 березня 2020
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