Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 6-го класу на тему "Подорож Лондоном"

Про матеріал
Матеріал поглиблює знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона, розвиває готовність учнів до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні, виховуває повагу до культурного різноманіття інших країн.
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Тема: A trip to London

(6 клас)



    1) активізувати та закріпити вживання лексичних одиниць  теми в

         усному мовленні учнів;

2) поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона;

3) навчати діалогічного та монологічного мовлення за темою;

4) удосконалювати навички аудіювання та читання.


2) розвивати готовність учнів до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні, до

     подальшої самоосвіти в оволодінні іноземною мовою;

3) розвивати творчу увагу;

4) розвивати логічне мислення.


  1. виховувати повагу до культурного різноманіття й потребу в пізнанні світової культури;

2) виховувати культуру спілкування і колективної співпраці;

3) виховувати доброзичливість, толерантність, активність,


ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручники, зошити, словники, презентація, картки,

телевізор, ноутбук.



        I. Організаційний момент.

T: Today our lesson will be unusual.

Have you ever been to London? I suppose you haven’t. Now you have such an opportunity.

At our lesson we’ll make а trip to London, the capital of Great Britain. It’s one of the oldest and the most interesting cities in the world. Do you like to travel?


1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Warming up

T:  Please, close your eyes, think about London and try to imagine it in your mind.    Don’t worry, you will not be alone. Leo will travel to this wonderful place too. Let’s watch the video. Be ready to talk over the following questions.

(watching the video «London Central Episode 01 Arrivals»)*



Answer the questions:

  1. Where is Leo?
  2. Does he speak English well?
  3. Where are Ann and Oscar from?
  4. What languages can they speak?
  5. Are they having tea or coffee?

Гра “Guess who?”

  • … likes to play football.  (Oscar)
  • … is mistress of the house.  (Janet)
  • … speaks English and Russian.  (Ann)
  • … is from Spain.  (Oscar)
  • … arrives in London for the first time. (Leo)
  • … comes to study English. (Georgina)





ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Practice the topic

T:  Do you know anything about London’s sights? Let’s see.

Find the pairs to the words


1.     Buckingham      Museum

2.     Trafalgar     Cathedral

3.     Westminster    Bridge

4.     Big      Palace

5.     The Houses     Column

6.     Nelson’s     of Parliament

7.     St. Paul     Ben

8.     The Tower     Square

9.     Madame Tussauds    Abbey


  1. New material presentation

T:  Great! And now imagine!

Some pupils will help you to make a trip to London. Listen to them carefully and have fun.

(watching the presentation)


T:  Dear boys and girls, you have some cards with the information about London’s sights from the presentation above. Please, find as many words as you can. The first letters must be: B, H, C and N. Make up your own sentences with these words.



  1. Physical Training.

Let’s sing song “The Wheels on the Bus go round and round” and do some exercises.


Гра “Guess what sight is it?”

  1. It is in the center of London. In the center of square we can see Nelson’s Column in honor of Admiral Nelson, who defeated Napoleon fleet in 1805. There are four bronze lions around the column. (Trafalgar Square)
  2. The members of the British Parliament work in this building. Inside this beautiful building there is the House of Common and the House of Lords.  (The Houses of Parliament)
  3. It is the most famous church in England. It was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place in it. Some famous English people were also buried here. (Westminster Abbey)
  4. It is the1st ever Underground railway system in the world. It opened more than 100 years ago. It has 300 underground stations and it is about 300 km. long. The Tube is used by hundreds of people who travel from the uptown into the central London every day. (The Tube)


 Do the Quiz:

1. Big Ben is …

a) a radio tone;
b) a famous clock;
c) a famous church.

2. Buckingham Palace is…

a) a home of Royal Family;
b) a place of interest;
c) a fine cathedral.

3. Westminster Abbey was built …

a) by King Edward;
b) by Elizabeth II;
c) by PeterI.

4. The Tower of London was…

a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
b) a fortress, a prison, a palace;
c) a tower, a prison and the king’s palace.

5. London stands on the river …

a) Dniester;

b) Severn;

c) Thames.

6. The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is …

a) Sir Charles Barry;

b) Sir Christopher Wren;

c) Northmore Pugin

7. Which of these theaters is NOT in London?

a) The Globe Theater;

b) The Grand Opera House;

c) The Madam Tussauds Theater.

8. The oldest building in London is…

a) The Houses of Parliament;

b) The Tower of London;

c) The British Museum.

9. Trafalgar Square is …

a) in the City;

b) in the West End;

c) in the East End.


Keys: 1- b; 2- a; 3 – a; 4 – c; 5 – c; 6 – b; 7 – b; 8 – b; 9 – a; 10 – b.

T:  Now, my dear, it is time to make a trip to London. We are going on a tour around London. There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new places of interest. Among them are: St Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, London Eye etc. Let’s do it.

(watching the video “This is London”)*

 Post listening task

Complete the sentences according to the video

  1. We ______ live in London, we’re ________.
  2. We are going to get _______.
  3. It goes ______ the Buckingham Palace.
  4. Can I have _______ tickets?
  5. Harrods is a big _____ ________.
  6. Oxford Street and Piccadilly Circus are very _______.
  7. The London Eye is a big _______. It is _____ metres high.
  8. The Bell is very _______.
  9. The Green Park is _____ ____ the Buckingham Palace.
  10.  There a lot of bridges _______ the River Thames in London.

Write down all the sights that were in the text.


III. Заключний етап|.

Teacher sums up:

Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to an end. It’s time to say good-bye. We’ve done much at our lesson. You were great! You all get good and excellent marks. So your marks are…

Homework: Your home task for the next lesson is to write down new words into your vocabularies and to make up the dialogue with the phrases from the video.


* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2WQBD6nNY4&feature=youtu.be

Картки для учнів

Big Ben is a great attraction of tourists. They want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. You can hear it every hour.


Westminster Abbey is the most famous church in England. It was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place in it. Some famous English people were also buried here.


You can see the Tower of London from the river Thames. The tower is very old. It has a long and cruel history. The Tower was King’s palace, prison, zoo. Now it is a museum, where one can see treasure of British monarchy.


Buckingham Palace is the place where British Queen Elizabeth II lives. When the Queen is at home we can see the flag above the palace.


Trafalgar Square is the center of London. In the center of square we can see Nelson’s Column in honor of Admiral Nelson, who defeated Napoleon fleet in 1805. There are four bronze lions around the column.


The Tube is the1st ever Underground railway system in the world. It opened more than 100 years ago. It has 300 underground stations and it is about 300 km. long. The Tube is used by hundreds of people who travel from the uptown into the central London every day.


The Houses of Parliament.

The members of the British Parliament work in this building. Inside this beautiful building there is the House of Common and the House of Lords.


The Houses of Parliament.

The members of the British Parliament work in this building. Inside this beautiful building there is the House of Common and the House of Lords.


Madam Tussaud's is the world's most famous wax museum.

In the days before television, cinema and radio, Madam Tussaud's figures were a sensation. Over two million visitors go there to see the 500 lifelike figures of the famous people.



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 січня 2023
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