Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему : "Іграшки"

Про матеріал
Урок присвячений вивченню нової тематичної лексики, учні практикувалися у вживанні граматичних структур типу I have got / He /She has got... Діти удосконалювали навички говоріння, розповідаючи про свою улюблену іграшку
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Конспект уроку англійської мови у 1 класі на тему:


“Toys”- lesson  in the  1st  form


Objectives: by the end of the lesson


name new words: train, plane, bike, guitar;

talk about toys/possessions using

 "have got/has got".

Visuals and Equipment: toy; CD

 “Fly High 1”; flashcards; CD player; Fly High 1 (P.B., A.B.).


I. Beginning

1. Greetings

Who: class.

Skills: speaking.

Song: 'Hello! Can you clap your hands?'.

“How are you today? - I'm fine\good\

OK\so-so, thank you. How are you to- day?”

In two teams, SS ask and answer

the same question.

2. Introduction of the topic

You can see a lot of toys everywhere.

So, we are going to talk about your toys.

Here is my favourite toy teddy bear.

3. Group Division

Ok, this row, you're trains and this

 row you're planes.

Під час уроку ви будите отримува-

ти сходинки, які приведуть до ваших


Хто буде першим we'll see.

4. Warming-up: Phonetic Drill

Who: individuals.

Skill: speaking.

Ок, сьогодні Мг Tongue прокинувся і вирішив прибрати у своєму бу- диночку. Він вибив килимки [t-t], протер дзеркало [h-h], узяв усі свої іграшки й пішов на прогулянку. Дорогою він зустрів змію [s-s], сову [w- w] та мишку [i-1]. І вони всі разом почали гратися своїми іграшками toys.

II. Follow-up


Activity 1: New Vocabulary Presentation

Who: individuals\class.

Skill: speaking.


A train.

It's a train.

What colour is it?

Is it a plane?


Look and say the words.

T shows FCs very fast.

TPR: If it's a train clap your hands.

If it's not a train stamp your feet.

A hidden picture

Guess what it is?

Mime and guess

Mime and guess,


Activity 2: Song 'If you're happy

and you know it'

Who: individuals\class.

Skills: listening.

Do you like these toys? Are you



Activity 3: Listening

Who: individuals\class.

Skill: listening.

PB Ex.1, p. 40 listen, point and


Oh, our friends Trumpet, Paco and Cabu are looking for their toys.

PB Ex.2, p. 40 look and listen.

PB Ex.3, p. 40 listen again and say.

Who has got a train?

Trumpet: a train.

Paco: a plain.

Cabu: a guitar and a bike.


Activity 4: Listening

Who: class.

Skill: listening.

PB Ex.4, p. 41 listen and circle.

If it's #1 hands up.

If it's #2 clap your hands.

What has Trumpet\Paco\Cabu\Mr

Kuma got?

Trumpet: a plane.

Cabu: a guitar.

Paco: a train.

Mr Kuma: a bike.


Activity 5: TPR “Simon says”

Who: individuals\class.

Skill: listening\speaking.

If you hear Simon says do it. If

don't stand still.

Touch your nose/eyes/mouth/head.

Run, jump, clap your hands, turn

around, sit down, stand up.


Activity 6: Speaking

Who: individuals\class\pair work.

Skill: speaking.

PB Ex.5, p.41 point and say.

Game 'Bingo'

Each pupil gets a set of cards with

vocabulary under study. They choose

5 toys they like best. The teacher calls

out the words at random and pupils

put out the cards with the toys they

hear. The first pupil to put aside all the cards shouts out «Bingo».

Pair Work

Show a picture to your friend and say

what you've got.


Activity 7: Speaking

Who: individuals\class.

Skill: speaking.

AB p.24 - complete the toys, then

point and say.


Activity 8: TPR: Teddy bear

Who: individuals\class.

Skill: listening\speaking.

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Turn around.

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Touch the ground.

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Tie your shoe.

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Goodbye to you.

III. Rounding-off

1. Summing-up

Let's see who is the winner. Ok,

we are all winners.

Which toys do you like?

How are you now? Як ви сьогодні

попрацювали? Thumbs up\down.

2. Ending the lesson

You are very good pupils. Thank

you very much. Good bye! Have a nice day!

Драй Валентина
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Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
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