Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему "Життя і творчість В.Шекспіра".

Про матеріал

Даний конспект ставить на меті видати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці до уроку. Адресовано вчителям англійської мови, які працюють в початковій школі. Різноманітні методи та прийоми роботи, запропоновані в конспекті, спрямовані на збагачення знань учнів щодо життя та творчості В.Шекспіра, закріплення та систематизацію набутих знань, розвиток уяви, уваги та мислення.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Життя та творчість В. Шекспіра.

Мета: поглибити знання учнів про життя та творчість В.Шекспіра; розвивати навички аудіювання, читання та усного мовлення; розвивати увагу, пам’ять, творчість учнів; виховувати любов до поезії, до навчання та читання книг.

Обладнання: предметні малюнки, вислови, портрет В.Шекспіра, картки, відео.

Хід уроку

І. Організація класу.

P1. Welcome to our world

Come in and close the door.

Welcome boys and girls

There’s lots of fun store.

P2. Meet our friends and join the fun

Say hello to everyone!

Sing our songs and be our guests

Welcome, be the best!

T1. Good morning, dear boys and girls. We are glad to see you at our meeting.

People all over the world are fond of reading. Most of them read for pleasure or to get some information. Reading is very important in our life. There are different kinds of books: stories, poems, fairy-tales…

T2. Do you like reading? What Ukrainian writers do you know? Who is your favourite Ukrainian writer? What English writers do you know? Who is your favourite English writer?

II. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Game “Anagrams”.

T1. I’d like to remind you who we are going to speak about at our lesson. But oops! What can I see? Something is wrong with the words. Who can help me to make up a sentence.

William Shakespeare is a famous English writer.

T2. Today we are going to talk about the greatest English poet and actor William Shakespeare. Everyone knows Shakespeare’s plays “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Midsummer Night’s Dream”. But today we are going to talk and watch a cartoon “Romeo and Juliet”.

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку.

T1. You have to find the Ukrainian equivalents of some Shakespeare’s expressions. You all know that the main question of our life is “To be or not to be”. I’ll read some other expressions in English and you will give your translation. Let’s start.

  1. Much ado about nothing. – Багато галасу даремно.
  2. All’s well that end well. – Усе добре, що добре закінчується.
  3. All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. – Життя наше гра, а люди в ній лише актори.
  4. All that glitters isn’t gold. – Не все те золото, що блищить.
  5. Brevity is the soul of wit. – Стислість – сестра таланту.

Activity “Biography”.

T2. Would you like to make a journey through time and to meet the greatest dramatist of the world William Shakespeare?

  • Now you have such an opportunity. You are journalist of the local newspaper “Shepetivskiy Visnyk” (music is played).
  • Close your eyes and use your imagination. You are in a time machine that carries you back into the 16th century. Now you are going to visit a beautiful castle and be present at a ball. Ladies and gentlemen are dancing. You can hear the sounds of music. Now open your eyes. (З’являється Шекспір).
  • So, you are in the 16th century now. Here’s William Shakespeare himself. You can have an exclusive interview.

Розповідь Шекспіра.

T1. He left school when he was 14 or 15. Three years later he married Anne Hathway. They had a daughter called Susanna and twins named Judith and Hamnet. Sometimes before 1590 he left Stratford and went to London.

Shakespeare worked in London as an actor and then started writing plays too. In 1593 the theatres were closed. William Shakespeare started to write poems. His short poems are called sonnets.

Shakespeare helped build a new theatre called “The Globe”.

He wrote comedies with happy endings, tragedies which had sad endings.

William became rich and famous. He had houses in London and in Stratford. He died when he was 52 on 23 April 1616. His plays and poetry were very popular 400 years ago and they are still popular today.


  1. Do you live in Ukraine?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Are you a writer?
  5. Do you write sonnets?

Words: fight, fall in love, to get married, poison forever, knife.

Game “Magic Box”.

T2. You listened the biography of William Shakespeare. I have a magic box. There are some cards in the box. In turn you will take a card out of this box and tell us what events are connected with this word.

Words: 1564, England, writer, 4 sisters, 3 brothers, 14, a daughter Susan, twins, an actor, sonnets, The Globe, famous, 1616, Romeo and Juliet.

T1. Romeo and Juliet have become forever associated with love.

William Shakespeare writes short poems are called sonnets. Listen some of them.

P1. A glooming peace this morning will it bring,

The sun for sorrow, will not show his head.

Go hence, to have no tall of these said things;

Some shall be pardon’d and some punished

Foe never was a story of Juliet and Romeo.

Р2. (Не визирає сонце з-поза хмар

Похмурий мир приніс світанок вам:

Ходім звідсіль. Все треба з’ясувати

Ще доведеться вирішити нам,

Кого помиловать, кого скарати

Сумніших оповідей не знайдете,

Ніж про любов Ромео і Джульєти).

P3. Two household, both alike in dignity

In fair Verona where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

P4. (Однаково шляхетні дві сім’ї

В Вероні пишній, де проходить дія,

Збували в ворожнечі дні свої,

Аж враз кривава скоїлась подія).

T2. Do you know how the story finishes. Now we are going to watch a cartoon “Romeo and Juliet”. I hope you’ll like this cartoon.

Be attentive, because after the cartoon you have to do a short quiz (agree or disagree).

IV. Підсумок уроку.

T. Thank you for expressing your opinions and acting. You have done a great job and now you have deep knowledge about William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”.

At home try to write a happy ending of this story.






До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
25 грудня 2018
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