Конспект уроку з англійської мови "Одяг"

Про матеріал

Цей урок практичного застосування вивченого допоможе удосконалити навички використання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу з теми, продемонструвати рівень сформованості всіх мовних та мовленнєвих компетенцій учнів (діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, аудіювання, читання та письма).

Перегляд файлу

Topic: Clothes

 5 form

Цей урок практичного застосування вивченого допоможе удосконалити навички використання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу з теми, продемонструвати рівень сформованості всіх мовних та мовленнєвих компетенцій учнів (діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, аудіювання, читання та письма).

Today we are going to speak about clothes, different types and colours of it. You’ ll learn to describe your clothes and the clothes of your friends.

Let’s start our lesson.


I . Organization

  1. Listen the poem.

What a mess ! What a mess !

No jacket ! No dress!

Where’s my sweater and my blouse?

Can you find my hat in the house?

What a mess !  What a mess!

No jacket! No dress!

Where’re my trainers and my shoes?

Can you help me? Give me some clues!

What a mess! What a mess !

No jacket ! No dress ! Where’re my trousers and my dress?


What a mess ! What a mess!

No j_______ ! No d________!

Where’s my s__________and my b______

Can you find my h_______ in the house?

 What a mess ! What a mess !

No j________ ! No d________!

Where’re my t_______ and my s _______? Can you help me? Give me some clues!

What a mess ! What a mess!

No j________! No d_________!

Where’re my t_______ and my d_______?

Can you help me? Clean up the mess!

Can you help me? Clean up the mess!

  • Please, you must fill the words of clothes into this poem. You have 2 minutes


  • Are you ready?

Look at the poem again.

 Please, check the poem!

What mistake did you have? How many? Write me, please, your mistakes on my e-mail – roonyed1607@gmail.com.

  1. Read and translate these words:
  • A dress     a skirt      jeans    a jacket          mittens

A blouse    a tie          a cap   a coat       a belt

A sweater     trousers        trainers   shoes               a hat        

Boots               shorts            suit             gloves           stockings

A raincoat      a T-shirt        a fur coat    a shirt           socks 

A scarf           tights.

  • Complete the words in 4 groups:


Winter - а sweater, trousers, shoes, a hat,  gloves , a fur coat , socks , а scarf  

Spring- вoots, a suit, tights

Summer- A blouse,  a cap, shorts, a T-shirt, a shirt          

Autumn - a coat, trainers, stockings, а raincoat 

  1. Answer the questions.
  1. What do people usually wear when it is warm outside?

Key: People usually wear light dresses, shorts, hats, T-shirts and caps.

  1. What do you wear in autumn?

Key: I usually wear raincoats, overcoats, rubber boots and waterproof shoes in autumn.

  1. What do you wear in winter?

Key: I usually wear warm coats, sweaters, jumpers, trousers, hats, scarves, high boots, gloves and mittens in winter.

II. Practice of grammatical and lexical skills.

 4. Look and say. Who has got the following items of clothes on?

• a dress • a hat • trousers • a coat • a skirt • a jacket • a cap •

a tie • gloves • an anorak • a T-shirt • shorts • a blouse • jeans •

a jumper • a suit • a uniform •

E x a m p l e: Sue has got a purple blouse and an orange skirt on.


            Sue                               Alex                   Mary               Bob












Clark                        Tom                     Jack                     Alice

Key: Alex has got a purple cap, a green T-shirt and blue jeans.

 Mary has got a green dress and striped tights.

 Bob has got a brown anorak, a green jamper and orange trousers.

 Clark has got a red jamper and grey shorts.

 Tom has got a black tie and a grey suit.

 Jack has got a blue uniform and a green bag on.

 Alice has got a striped hat, a purple coat and red glovers.

5. Read and say what item of clothes it is. Match them to the pictures.

1. In cold weather you wear this round your neck. (Додаток 1)

2. This is like a very long jacket. You wear it when it is cold outside.( Додаток 2 )

3. You wear these on your feet inside your shoes.( Додаток 3 )

4. This protects you from the hot sun. (Додаток 4)


5. You wear these on your feet when you go in for sport. (Додаток 5)

6. You wear this when you go to school. (Додаток 6)

7. Boys and girls wear them on their legs. (Додаток 7)

8. You wear it when it is rainy outside. (Додаток 8)

6. Read the sentences. Write them into your exercise book in the correct

order to make a story about Dan.

  1. In summer I prefer wearing a T-shirt with trousers.
  2. I never wear jeans or a sweatshirt then.
  3. In winter I put on a warm sweater, so that I don’t catch the flu.
  4. Every morning I dress up in a white shirt, dark blue trousers and a jacket, a tie and a pair of shoes.
  5. My mum tells me that it will keep me from catching a cold.
  6. They help me feel comfortable even while I’m playing football in the heat.
  7. I love dressing up to my friends’ birthday parties!
  8. This is my school uniform.
  9. In the rainy season I usually wear a raincoat and rubber boots.

7. Watching this video and making the exercises.

(Додаток 10 - відео)



















Key: ( Додаток 11)

III. Ending the lesson.

8. Reflection. Crosswords.

- Find the hidden vocabulary words and circle them.

Key: ( Додаток 12)


- What do you wear at different times of the year?

10. Homework.

  • What are your favourite clothes?
  • What do they look like? Where are they
  • from?
  • Why are they your favourite? Write about them and draw a picture.
  • - Please write your answers and your picture with your favourite clothes to my email address roonyed1607@gmail.com




До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
25 березня 2018
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