Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі на тему :" Weather and clothes"

Про матеріал

Даний урок проведено у 5 класі на тему "Погода та одяг". На уроці використано різні граматичні, лексичні завдання.Даний урок є узагальненим по вивченій темі.

Перегляд файлу


відкритого уроку

з англійської мови

у 5 класі

на тему:

«Weather and clothes»












                                                                                Підготувала і провела

                                                                                вчитель англійської мови

                                                                               Васьковецької ЗОШ I-II ст.

                                                                               Мельник Л.О.



Цілі: практична: повторити і закріпити лексичний матеріал до теми: «Weather» and «Сlothes», формувати комунікативну компетентність учнів у процесі( складання речень) творчих вправ, закріпити використання граматичного матеріалу на письмі, удосконалювати навики аудіювання, мовлення, читання і письма;

освітня: забезпечити формування предметних компетентностей, а саме: комунікативної, мовної, мовленнєвої і соціокультурної

розвивальна: розвивати пам'ять, увагу учнів, уміння аналізувати, послідовно передавати свою думку;

виховна: виховувати інтерес учнів до різних предметів гардеробу, дбайливе та охайне ставлення до одягу, почуття колективізму під час роботи в групах, інтерес і повагу до країни, мову якої вивчають.

Тип уроку: узагальнення та повторення вивченого матеріалу.

Форми: фронтальні, групові.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, тематичні малюнки, граматичні картки, телевізор.

  1. Introduction
  1. Organizing the class
  • Good morning, children
  • Good morning, teacher. English is easy come and join in, English is easy, Let’s begin.
  • Let’s begin. Sit down, please. Tell me please, who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today?

Warning – up

 And now let us improve our phonetic drills. (The teacher and the children read the rhymes about “the weather” and “we are the best”).

Our next exercise is “the magic Handbag” -  your task is to take out the question from the handbag and give the answer to it.


  • What is the weather like today?
  • What was the weather like yesterday?
  • What is your favourite weather?
  • What do you wear in hot weather?
  • What clothes do you like to wear?
  • What are you wearing today?
  • What do you usually wear at home?

Pupils give the answers in turn

As you have already guessed today we are going to speak about the weather and clothes we can wear in different weather. At our today’s lesson we’ll revise the words on these 2 topics, we’ll repeat some grammar rules, watch video and discuss it. I must say you’ll be busy at the lesson.

  1. Main part of the lesson.


T. On the blackboard you can see 3 pictures of different weather (sunny, cloudy, snowy). On my table there are pictures with different clothes. Your task is take the picture, name it and make up the sentence with it and stick it under the weather we can wear this thing.

P1 – I can wear a skirt in sunny weather.

P2 – We can wear shoes in cloudy weather.

P3 – My sister can wear a cap in snowy weather.


T. You are very nice and you do everything right. Now I shall give you the papers where there is a sentence in different grammar rules. Your task is to read the sentence, translate it and name the tense form it is written in.

Yes, you are right. And now write the interrogavite form to these sentences.

T. I can see that you are tired a little, so stand up and let’s do some physical exercises. (Pupils watch the exercise on the TV and do it all together)


T. Open your books on the page 167 and let us do Ex. 2. We have to read the description of the weather and guess what weather is hidden here. (Pupils read one by one and guess the weather).


Pre-listening task

T. Before we’ll listen to the text about Molly and her village. I want you to look at new words on the papers and repeat after me. (Pupils repeat the words after the teacher)

To hope

To look worry

To be rescue


Safe place

To be prepared


First aid kit 


That’s what friends are for!


While-listening task

T. All right, now let’s listen and watch the video and try to understand it. (Pupils listen and watch the video on the TV)

After-listening task

T. And now to check how did you understand the text please answer my questions:

1) What was the weather like in Monica’s village?

2) Could Monica go outside on that day?

3) Who was sitting and talking in the living-room?

4) Did she take her school uniform with her?

5) How many bottles of water did her mother take?

6) When did the rain stopped?

7) Did Monica’s family help their friends and neighbours?

T. I see that you understand everything. So, let’s devide into 2 groups. Imagine that you are shop assistances and your task is to tell us – where can we buy all these clothes – at men’s department or at the women’s department. Please, tell the sentences one by one.

You are very nice.

III. Summarizing.

Or lesson is coming to the end.

Open your daybooks and write down your hometask:

I-II p. – Ex.5 p.167-  read and guess the riddles about clothes

III-IV p. – make up your own 3 riddles about clothes.

T. I want you tell me weather you liked the lesson or not and stick your name badge under the Smiley you were feeling yourself during the lesson.

(The children tell what they like and stick their names under the Smiley)

So, I hope you will always care about your clothes to be tidy and neat and never forget about your friends and neighbours.

The lesson is over. Good – bye!

2 лютого 2018
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