Конспект уроку з англійської мови " Wild animals"

Про матеріал
Конспект до уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу по підручнику "Hip-Hip Hello!" по темі: " Wild animals". Має на меті: повторити лексику та ввести нові лексичні одиниці; розвивати навички аудіювання; вдосконалювати навички усного та писемного мовлення. Використані інтерактивні завдання. Підходить для офлайн/онлайн навчання.
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                                                                             Lesson plan

Class: 6th grade

Level: A2

Topic: Wild Animals

Time: 45 min


  1. Language aims:
  •           To review  vocabulary on the topic «Animals» and introduce new vocabulary; to continue to develop listening skills; to improve oral and written communication skills.
  1. Digital literacy:
  •           To improve  digital skills in using online tools and  platforms such as MENTIMETER , CANVA, WORDWALL, LEARNINGAPPS.
  1. Autonomous learning aim:
  •           To develop skills of independent use of English to study and deepen knowledge about wildlife.

Outcomes: by the end of the  lesson,  students will be able to use words and expressions related to wild animals (words, stable expressions) in various tasks and create individual animal business cards (of their choice) using digital tools (MENTIMETER, WORDWALL, CANVA, LEARNINGAPPS).


  •           revise active vocabulary by playing online games, watching videos, and answering questions;
  •           complete tasks and learn the rules for using the definite article and the zero article;
  •           create wild animal business cards in pairs;
  •           use animals as a theme for assessment and feedback.

Rationale:  As students studied this topic last year, they are already familiar with some of the names, words and verbs. The aim of the lesson is to create a real-life situation for practising vocabulary and developing language skills while working together in groups.  During the lesson, participants will improve their speaking skills, as well as soft skills and digital literacy, such as communicating and collaborating online.


Watch this video and guess what we are going to do during the lesson:


a) learn new vocabulary and get to know the new topic: «Wild animals» ;

b) to go to the jungle;

c) talking about their food preferences.


Follow the link and write the names of the animals you know, both pets and wild.



        Expand your vocabulary with a link to the Wordwall.



  1. 58 - Zero article (things in general) - ex. 12 -p. 58.


2024-10-30 (1)


Physical activity - "Let's Pretend!

"Stretch like a giraffe!" – Потягнися, як жираф!

"Stomp like an elephant!" –  Тупни як слон!

"Hop like a kangaroo!" – Стрибай, як кенгуру!

"Fly like an eagle!" –  Літай, як орел!

"Swim like a fish!" – Плавай, як риба!

"Freeze like a statue!" -  "Well done, everyone!"

                                                            Group  work

       Students follow the link : https://www.canva.com/design/DAGVCzqw6E0/ORzGNi2VL6mj09f7zPL2Bg/edit?utm_content=DAGVCzqw6E0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

       Resourses : Mentimeter, Youtube, Wordwall, LearningApps, Canva.

       Homework. Ex. 14, 15-p. 58-59.



  •           What topic did we discuss at the lesson today?
  •           What new words have you learned?
  •           What activity did you like most?
  •           What is your favourite animal?




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