Конспект уроку з теми: “London. ”

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У роботі подається конспект уроку з теми:"Лондон" для учнів 6 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Урок сприятиме розвитку навичок читання, аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.
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Хмельницьке НВО №28









у 6 класі на тему

« London»







Вчитель: Мочаліна Т. Л.













Тема: “London. ”


Мета: активізувати лексику уроку по темі  “London” в усному мовлені, узагальнити вивчений матеріал (проведення тесту на основі матеріалу уроку), продовжувати вчити учнів висловлюватися на основі прочитаного тексту, практикувати учнів в аудіюванні, удосконалювати навички читання, спонукаючи учнів до пошуку фактів у тексті, вміння вести діалог-розпит, розширювати кругозір учнів, розвивати здатність спів ставляти, порівнювати, здогадуватися, розвивати пам’ять, логічне мислення, виховувати культуру спілкування, вміння вислухати, формувати інтерес до предмету, готовність працювати в групах, парах, в колективі.


Обладнання: підручник, малюнки з визначними місцями Лондона, мультимедійний проектор, диск з презентацією Лондона, диск з відеофільмом про Лондон, родатковий матеріал (текст про парки, тест по визначних місцях), картки по аудіюванню “St. Paul’s Cathedral”, картки для роботи в групах.


Хід уроку


І. Організаційний момент


1. Повідомлення теми, мети уроку. Мотивація. Привітання.

T: Good day, dear friends. I am glad to see you. Set down and let’s start our lesson. Today at the lesson we’ll continue to speak about one of the finest cities of the world, about London. Look at the screen and read the saying: “Looking down on London we see at our feet the richest and the most beautiful city in the world, a city as great as Kyiv, and as magical as Rome.” These words will be the red line of our lesson. So, our task today is to prove that London is really a great city. Be attentive and you’ll memorize and learn the interesting facts about the sights of London which you will be able to use doing the test by the topic London at the end of the lesson. You will also be able to use your knowledge about London if you have an opportunity to visit this great city in your future.


2. Бесіда з черговим.


3. Бесіда про погоду.


ІІ Основна частина


1. Контроль домашнього завдання.

T. So, first let’s check your home task (the retelling of the text London). Open your books on page 66. Look through the text and let’s remind the general information about London.

На екрані з’являється population, territory, the parts of London.


T: Answer on my questions please.

1. How many people live in London?

2. What is the territory of London?

3. What parts is London divided in? What are they?

Перевірка: Yes, pupils you are right. На екрані з’являються відповіді на питання.


T: Now, let’s consider the parts of London. Look at the screen and tell me what do you know about the City?


Do you recognize this part?

(It’s the Westminster)


What do you know about it?

What part of London is this?

(It’s the West End)


Tell us about it.

What part of London can you see now?

(It’s the East End)

Who tell us about East End?


2. Закріплення лексичних одиниць визначних місць Лондону. Робота з дошкою ланцюжком.

(Діти вибирають щасливий номер собі і ланцюжком називають визначні місця.)


3. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

Now pupils let’s consider the sights of London. We begin our trip from the very important place in London, from the Tower of London. We need a guide. Who wants to be our guide? Ask her questions about the Tower of London. Begin your questions with When? Who? Why? What?


Приблизні питання:

When was the Tower of London built?

When was the Tower founded.

What was Tower for many centuries?

What is Tower now?

What are kept inside of the Tower of London nowadays?

What birds live in the Tower?

Where do the ravens live?

Why do the ravens have the great importance for the Tower?


4. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

Not far from the Tower of London you can see a church. It’s St. Paul’s Cathedral. Our classmates have prepared a dialogue at home. Let’s listen to them and try to memorize some facts because your task will be to complete the sentences about this great place. So, take the card № 1 and let’s listen the girls.

P1: Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages! How are you?

P2: Hi! I’m Ok , but I have been very busy since Monday, I have been preparing for the report about St. Paul’s Cathedral.

P1: Really? Was it interesting?

P2: It’s really so. I have read a lot about this beautiful church. This church was first built in the 7th century. But the original building was burnt down in1087

P1: Was the church burnt down 3 times for its history?

P2: Quite so, the last time it was during the Great Fire. Sir Christopher Wren began to build the cathedral 2 years later.

P1: I’ve heard it took him 35 years to build this church.

P2: Right you are.

P1: it’s really interesting information. Thanks a lot.


Контроль навичок аудіювання

T: Now, you should complete the sentences, using the information you’ve learnt from the conversation.

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral was first built in the ____________.

2. The original building was burnt down in _________.

3. It was burnt down ___________ times for its history.

4. Sir Christopher Wren began to build the cathedral in ______________.

5. It took him _______ years.

7th century, 1087, 1668, 35, 3

Ok. You have done this task very well.



5. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.

T: We are not far from the Great Russell Street. What famous building is situated there?

P: it’s the British museum. We need a guide. Who would like to help us and to tell about this museum? (Використання опор)

The British Museum in London is located in Great Russell Street. The British Museum was established in 1753 by Sir Hans Sloane, a British physician. The building, designed by architect Sir Robert Smirke, was completed in 1847. The museum has more than 90 galleries of artifacts from around the world. It shows works of art from Asia, Egypt, Rome, Greece as well as Britain and other countries. The British museum library is the largest library which was the part of the British Museum. Its Reading Hall is situated in the British Museum. It is circle in shape.

T: Thanks a lot. We may go on.


6. Практика усного мовлення. Робота в групах.

T: Now, let’s work in groups, each group prepares the description of one of London sights, and other groups will guess it. (кожна група отримує завдання)  3 minutes.

Now, listen to about one of the sights and guess what it is. Which group has the card № 1.

1) It is one of the tourists’ centres’ of London. It is a place for rallies and political meetings. You can see a lot of pigeons here.

It’s Trafalgar Square. Let’s check if you, are right. Look at the screen. (на екрані з’являються картинка Трафалгарської площі).


2) Which group has the card № 2.

These are buildings in the Parliament Square. They were built between 1840-1852. Their medieval look is misleading. One of the palaces has 2 miles of corridors and more than 1000 rooms. When Parliament is sitting, a flag flies from the Victoria Tower. The Victoria Tower is the tallest tower of the complex. The famous great bell is situated there. The bell and the clock are on the clock tower of these buildings. (It’s the Houses of Parliament)

T: Now, what can you add to this description about this famous place?

3) The name of this church means “western monastery”, showing its geographical relation to the City of London. In this church most British monarchs have been crowned. You can see the ancient Coronation Chair. Beneath the chair is the Stone of Destiny. This church was built by Edward the Confessor. (it’s Westminster Abbey)

T: Can you say anything about Westminster Abbey?

4) This building was built as a country house by John Sheffield in 1703 and it was bought by King George III in 1762. This Palace is located near Saint James's Park It has about 600 rooms and 20 hectares (50 acres) of gardens. It is noted for its fine collection of paintings. The Changing of the Guard is held in front of this Palace. (It’s Buckingham Palace)

T: Can you tell us more facts about Buckingham Palace?


7. Практика читання тексту та розвиток навичок граматики. Робота в парах.

Speaking about London we can’t mention the fact that it is a very green city. There are many parks in it. And now we can rest in the park and read a text about park.

a) Reading this article, find words that don’t belong to the sentences. If you do everything correctly, you’ll get the saying about London told by Dr. Johnson.


Londoners enjoy when their parks and gardens. Royal parks a are all around London. St. James’s Park is man one of the most beautiful parks. You can is see pelican and ducks there.

Green tired park was bought by Charles II in 1667. Soon it of become very popular among Londoners. It’s called green as there are no flowers there, only trees and grass.

Regent’s Park was London opened to the public in 1838. London Zoo is situated here. Hyde Park he is the largest and the most popular of the London is parks. It was a royal hunting ground. Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner where orators of all types declare their various opinions. Here you tired can take a ride on horseback. The horse-rides usually end in Hyde Park Corner near Marble Arch of. Marble Arch life was built to commemorate Lord Wellington’s victory over Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo.

Londoners enjoy their parks and they are very proud of them.

“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life!” (Dr. Johnson)




b) Now write down what each park is famous for. Fill in the table.

T: Let’s check up what you’ve written.



8. Перегляд відеофільму. Виконання тесту.

Now, lets watch the film to do the test.

a) Look through the test and get ready to watch the film.



1. The Queen of England lives in

a) Buckingham Palace

b) Houses of Parliament

c) Saint Paul’s Cathedral


2. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build

a) Westminster Abbey

b) The Tower of London

c) Saint Paul’s Cathedral


3 The National Gallery is

a) In front of the Trafalgar Square

b) On the bank of the Thames

c) On the Piccadilly Circus


4. Big Ben is …

a) a palace

b) a bell (clock)

c) a square


5. Nowadays the Tower of London is…

a) a prison

b) a royal palace

c) a museum


6. The country’s government seats at…

a) Buckingham Palace

b) Houses of Parliament

c) Hyde Park


7. In Trafalgar Square there is a monument of…

a) The Queen of England

b) Sir Christopher Wren

c) Admiral Nelson


8. They change the Guard every day at ...

a) 9:30 a.m.

b) 11.30 a.m.

c) 12 o'clock.


9. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting-point of ...

a) 5 streets

b) 7 streets

c) 6 streets.


10. This building is used for the coronations royal weddings and funerals. It is

a) the Buckingham Palace

b) the Westminster Abbey

c) the Houses of Parliament


11. In this park anyone can stand up and say what he wants.

a) Hyde Park

b) Regent’s Park

c) St. James’s Park


12. It provides the panoramic view of London

a) Tower Bridge

b) the London Eye

c) the Tower



b) Виконання тесту учнями.


c) Учні обмінюються тестами та перевіряють їх.




ІІІ Заключна частина.


1. Домашнє завдання

Next time we shall talk about English traditions. You will have two variants of  hometask.

The first will be to read and translate the text exercise 51 page 67-68.

He second one will be to prepare the report about the English traditions.

You may choose the hometask you like best of all.


2. Підведення підсумків.

You’ve worked well during the lesson. I think we’ve proved that London is really as great as Kyiv, and as magical as Rome. What have you learnt during our lesson?


3. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 січня 2022
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