Конспект заходу з англійської мови: " Do you know..."

Про матеріал
Навчити учнів сприймати та розуміти іншомовне мовлення на слух; розширити знання учнів про культуру країни, мова якої вивчається; формувати лінгвокраїнознавчу компетенцію школярів; виховувати розуміння важливості володіння іноземною мовою як засобу спілкування; підтримувати у школярів мотивацію до оволодіння іноземною мовою; розвивати вміння усного спілкування, розвивати мовну здогадку та логічне мислення учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Навчальний  предмет: Англійська мова.6клас

Назва заходу: Brain RingDo You Know…?”

Мета: навчити учнів сприймати та розуміти іншомовне мовлення на слух; розширити знання учнів про культуру країни, мова якої вивчається; формувати лінгвокраїнознавчу компетенцію школярів; виховувати розуміння важливості володіння іноземною мовою як засобу спілкування; підтримувати у школярів мотивацію до оволодіння іноземною мовою; розвивати вміння усного спілкування, розвивати мовну здогадку та логічне мислення учнів.

Обладнання: складені парти у вигляді круглого столу,  дзвіночки, роз даткові картки, презентація, проектор, олівці.


T: Dear pupils and guests! I’m very glad to see you. Welcome to our contest for young experts of the English language. Our contest is called ” “Do You Know…?”. I hope you’ll relax and enjoy your time. Our contest is devoted to English and it consist of 8 rounds.

And now let me introduce the participants of our competition. The first team is called ” ”( team of the 6th”A”- you are welcome!), the second team – ” ”( team of the 6th ”B”- you are welcome!). Meet our jury. They are … Let’s start. I wish you good luck.

Round 1

The first round is called “How much do you know? Your task is to answer the questions:

1.     What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

2.     What is the capital of Ukraine? (Kyiv)

3.     When do the English people celebrate Christmas? (25 December)

4.     When do the English people celebrate Halloween? (31 October)

5.     What is the official language of Great Britain? (English)

6.     When is Christmas celebrated in Ukraine? (7th of January)

7.      What river does London stand on? (the Thames)

8.      What’s the British national drink? (tea)

9.      What’s the capital of the USA? (Washington)

10.    What is the national dish of the Ukrainians? (borch)

11.    What river does Kyiv stand on ? (Dnipro)

12.   Where is Hollywood situated? (Los Angels, USA)

13.    Who discovered America? (Columbus)

14.   How many states are there in the USA? (50)

Round 2

The second round .Your task is to read the sentences and decide if they are true or false.

1.   Nile is the longest river in the world. T

2.   A desert is drier than a rainforest.  T

3.  The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.  T

4.  Wolves hunt for food in groups.  T

5.   Penguins are birds.  T

6.   A dolphin is more intelligent than an elephant.  T

7.   Tigers are farm animals.  F

8.   July is colder than April.  F

9.   Parrots can learn how to talk easily.  T

10.  Lions have got a beak.  F

Round 3

The third round. You’ll listen to a shot story and your task is to draw what’s the story about. Teams get paper and colored pencils.

There is a big house in the middle of the picture. The house is yellow with red roof. There are two windows in the house and one door. To the left of the house there is a green tree. To the right of the house there are two flowers. They are red .Under the tree there is a black dog, on the tree there is a fat cat.

Round 4

The task  is to show the story in miming. Team has to guess what they show.

Task 1 You have a strong toothache and go to the dentist.

Task 2 You come to a shop and buy bananas.

Round 5

The next round is called “Matching Words”

Each team takes the envelope with matching words. I’ll give you a minute to match these words and then read.

Black -White           Winter-Summer

Right-Wrong            Cold-Hot

Boy- Girl                  Lazy- Hard-working

Strong -Weak           Fresh-Stale

First- Last                 Slim-Fat                          

 Round 6

The sixth round is called “Grammar”. Your task is to fill in the past simple of the verbs






















Round 7

The round is called “Guess Riddles”

1 It can not talk but it can bark (a dog)

2 It can live without water for a long time (a camel)

3 It is a domestic animals and it likes fish (cat)

4It is a wild animals and it likes bananas (a monkey)

5 This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animals, it gives milk (a cow)

6 This animal lives at home or in the street, it is a man’s great friend (a dog)

Round 8

The round is called “Captains”. Your task is to answer the questions:

1. What day of the week is after Wednesday? (Thursday)

2. What part of the day is after evening? (morning)

3. Where does a fish live? (in the river, pond, lake, sea)

4.  Where does a fox live? (in the wood)

5.  How much is 5+8? (thirteen)

6.  How much is 5+10? (fifteen)

7.  People whose profession is singing. (singers)

8.  A man whose profession is to fly in the sky. (pilot)

9.  Who wrote “Jungle Book” (R. Kipling)

10.  Who wrote “Tom Sawyer” (M. Twain)              

T: Now we have finished all the tasks and it’s time to announce the winner.

According to the scores and juries’ decision we can congratulate the team of the 6th “ ” with the victory.

I hope you have enjoyed the English party. Thank you very much for taking an active part in our contest. Best wishes to you. Good-bye!







До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 червня 2020
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