Контроль читання. 11 клас

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Контрольна робота з читання для 11 клас містить у собі тексти та завдання до них. Мета - перевірити рівень знань учнів з читання, удосконалювати навички читання (3 варіанти).
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Reading                                                      11th form

I variant

 Read the text 1.

Colchester is a small university town 80 km to the northeast of London,  approximately 45 minutes by train. It is a very beautiful town, and students are  very happy here because there are so many facilities and good entertainment. It is  very famous for being the oldest town in England.

There is the only English Language School in Colchester, and it was  founded thirty years ago by Oxford University Press. There are twenty classrooms,  a video player in every room, a video library, a multimedia Centre with free e-mail  facilities, a library and a listening Centre, the Internet access, a restaurant and a  beautiful garden here. They also arrange course for children and young people in  homestay and in residential accommodation.

Courses are organized at seven levels. The maximum group size is 13  (average is 10). Each level lasts 8 weeks, but you can stay for only two weeks if  you want.

In summer many students stay for two or three weeks. You can start on any  Monday as the course is organized in weekly units. All lessons last 50 minutes.  You can choose options in Business English or International Affairs. They also  organize examination courses and a course that is called English for Academic  Study for students who want to learn English for studies. Some students also  choose to have extra private lessons.

There is a free daily social program: clubs, tea parties, etc. Young people  can have fun at a free party every Thursday evening.


Task 1.1. Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to what  the text says. 

1. Colchester English Language School was founded 30 years ago by Oxford  University Press 

2. Colchester is the oldest university town in England. 

3. Each of seven course level lasts 8 weeks. 

4. You can start on any Monday and stay at courses for two or three weeks.

 5. Children and young people can learn English in homestay and in residential  accommodation. 

6. Every Thursday evening young people enjoy a free party at English  Language School in Colchester. 

Task 1.2. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best  according to the text. 

1. Colchester is a small university town 80 km __________ 

A to the northwest of London                                                                                       

B to the towards to London 

C to the northeast of London 

D to the east of London 

2. Students are very happy here because______________ 

                    A there are a lot of facilities 

B there is a good atmosphere

C there are a lot of free parties 

D they can play at the band here 

3. The writer says that some students also choose to have____________                     

                    A extra single lesson 

                    B extra private lessons 

                    C just lessons                                                                                    

                    D lessons without teachers 

4. The word ―arrange” in line 7 means 

A to settle down 

B to organize 

C to put 

D some disposition 

Task 1.3. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best  according to the text. 

1. All lessons last________ 

A an hour                        C an hour without ten minutes 

B a half an hour              D a quarter of an hour 

2. Colchester is a small university town________ 

A less than one hundred km to the northeast of London 

B 50 km to the northeast of London 

C more than one hundred km to the northeast of London 

D 80 km to the west of London

3. The maximum group size in Colchester University is__________

              A more than twenty students          C 10 students plus three          

B less than five students                              D without restriction  

4. Each level lasts____________ 

A two weeks                   C eight days 

B two months                 D eight weeks 


 Read the text 2

Discover Yourself! 

1………Have you ever thought what makes a personality? A personality is  someone who has a very strong character and is different from other people  because he/she has character traits that make him/her interesting and enjoyable  to be with. This is the one who has discovered the road to himself/herself and  turned all challenges into the right steps in life. We all are just common people.  But everybody of us can succeed in his/her life. We can do our best to become  personalities. Our life is ruled by three basic choices: what moral values to have,  what people to be with and what aims to achieve. 

2……….First of all, we have to think about our inner world. People say, "When  a man begins to understand himself, he begins to live." In my opinion, it's good  to be easygoing, fun-loving, well-wishing and reliable. I can say that I'm a  sociable person because I can easily communicate with others. That's why I'm  always surrounded with friends. Furthermore, I'm responsible because I know all  my duties I'm in charge of and I try to fulfill them. So, both my parents and my  friends can rely on me. I'm helpful when my friends face either difficulties or  hardships. Finally, I'm ambitious because I want to be successful in life. 

3………..However, I have character traits I would like to get rid of. I think that  my serious fault is being too moody at times when I feel unhappy and impatient without a reason. What is more, I often make critical remarks about other  people's work or behavior. In addition, I can be obstinate at times. I don't like to  change my ideas and opinions even when other people think I'm unreasonable. 

4………..All things considered, none of us is perfect. But we have to be  optimists in everything we do. I try to do my best to discover my own  personality. I want to change myself and to become better. The person who thinks positively and tries hard to be sensible, honest, kind and caring will be  wiser tomorrow than he or she is today. 

5……….In this year I'll have to make important decisions in my life by myself.  My life will be enlarged with my own responsibilities. I'm sure that I'll make the  right steps in my personal growth. 

Task 2.1. Read the text and decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE according to  what the text says. 

        1. A personality is a person who has a character and is distinguished from  others.

2. Personality is the one who has not discovered the road to himself.

 3. We must do all possible to become personalities. 

4. Everybody of us must think about inner world. 

5. We have to be optimists in everything we do but we needn’t do anything to  discover own personality. 

Task 2.2. Read and choose the correct item to complete the sentences. 

1. We are ordinary people, and everybody can ____in our life. 

A solve problems 

B get progress           C change something

2 ..... is someone who has a very strong character and is different from other people  because he/she has character traits that make him/her interesting and enjoyable to  be with. 

A An individual 

B An individualist 

C A personality 

3.First of all, we have to think about our________ 

A inner world 

B family               C friends 

4.People say, "When a man begins to understand himself, he begins "_____

                A to work  

B to think  

C to live 

5.The author of the essay has some character traits he/she would like ____

               A to get rid of 

B to improve                 C not to think about 



Reading                                                      11th form

II variant

 Read the text 1

The United Kingdom is home to a vast number of prestigious universities. Every  year, students begin the rigorous admissions process to attend one of these schools,  including students from all over the world. To gain admission to a top university in  the U. K. from wherever a student may be, students must go through the  Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. The top 10 U. K. universities are  the elite, and admission to them is very competitive. 

(1)The University of Bristol 

Located in Bristol, England, the University of Bristol is one of the  proclaimed red-brick universities, a group of six British universities  established as civil science or engineering colleges before World War I. It  consistently ranks at the top of lists published by the ―League Tables of  British Universities. It also receives the most applications per school of any  British university, according to its website. 

 (2)The University of Exeter 

The University of Exeter is located in the southwest of England and has  three campuses. They boast high entry standards and low dropout rates, with  a great majority of students consistently reporting satisfaction with their  academic experiences there, according to the university. 

(3)Durham University 

Durham University, located in Durham, claims to be the third oldest  university in England behind its two heavyweight institutions, Cambridge  and Oxford. According to the ―League Tables of British Universities, it  attracts a largely middle and higher class student body as an alternative to  both Cambridge and Oxford. 

(4)London School of Economics

The London School of Economics, or the LSE, describes itself as the  world’s leading social science institution for both teaching and research. It  has the lowest admissions rate of any university in Britain, making it one of  the most selective universities. 

(5)The University of Warwick 

Located in the outskirts of West Midlands, England, the University of  Warwick is a research-led institution. It has high academic standards and is  renowned for its research in numerous areas such as history, mathematics  and business, to name a few. It also boasts many alumni in a diverse array of  fields. 


Task 1.1. Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to  what the text says. 

1. The University of Bristol was founded as civic science or engineering  colleges. 

2. The University of Exeter is situated in the southeast of England.

 3. The Durham University is the third oldest university. 

4. The London school of Economics is the institution for teaching.

 5. University of Warwick has the highest academic standards. 

Task 1.2. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits  best according to the text. 

1. The United Kingdom is_______ 

A home for famous people 

B home to a vast number of unknown Universities

C home to a vast number of prestigious universities 

D home for everybody 

2. University of Exeter has__________ 

A three campuses 

B three parts 

C three separate universities 

D a lot of campuses 

3. The LSE has_________ 

A the highest fee of any university in Britain 

B the lowest fee of any university in Britain 

C the highest academic standards 

D the lowest academic standards 

4. The top 10 U. K. universities are the elite, and admission to them is  very_______ 

A hard compete 

B hard 

C light 

D easy 

Task 1.3. Match choices (1 - 5) to (A – F). There are three choices you do not  need to use. 

The University of Bristol - (1) 

The University of Exeter – (2) 

Durham University – (3) 

London School of Economics – (4) 

The University of Warwick – (5) 

This university _______ 

A was founded as civic science or engineering colleges. 

B is the third oldest university in England after Oxford and Cambridge.

C was the first university institution to be founded in London.

 D is the foremost social science institution of the world.

 E maintains a very high academic reputation. 

F is acknowledged for its research in numerous areas of study.

G is proud of high entry standards and low dropout rates.

H is regularly rated high in school rankings. 

 Read the text 2

Hinemoa was a beautiful daughter of a native chief who lived near a great  lake in New Zealand. In the middle of the lake there was an island. Tutanekai, a  brave young warrior, lived with his tribe on the island. One day Hinemoa's father  gave a great feast where many young Maori warriors from different tribes were  present. These all young warriors danced and sang at the feast. Tutanekai was  among them. He was the most handsome and the bravest warrior. He sang and  played his flute beautifully. Hinemoa fell in love with Tutanekai and he fell in love  with her. But when Hinemoa told her father that she loved Tutanekai and wanted to  become his wife, the old chief became very angry and said 'You are the chief's  daughter and you must marry a chief. Forget that man. If you try to see him, I shall  lock you in the house. If he comes to our village, he will die'. Hinemoa was  unhappy. Tutanekai's friends told him he did not have to leave his island. Then in  the evening Hinemoa heard the sound of a flute. It came across the lake from the  island. 

Tutanekai's flute told Hinemoa about his great love. Night after night  Hinemoa went down to the shore to listen to Tutanekai's flute and dreamed of  meeting him. This made her father still angrier. He ordered his warriors to take  away all canoes from the water so that his daughter might not go to the island in  one of them. 

For a time Hinemoa spent her evenings near the lake always looking  towards the island but she never found a canoe there, which could take her across  the water. At last Hinemoa thought of a plan. She tied six empty gourds together as  floats. She hoped that they would help her to reach to the island. The island was  very far and even at the daytime it was very difficult to approach to it. She decided  to start at night when nobody could see her. She waited for the night when the moon would be behind the clouds and when it grew dark she slipped into the water  and began to swim. It was quite in the village. Nobody saw her. But how cold and  dark the water was! Something touched her leg and she got terribly frightened, but  she swam and swam, until she was so tired and weak that she could not swim any  longer. She cried out in the darkness. Then the moon came out from behind the  dark cloud and the girl saw that the island was near. A few minutes later she could  feel the grounds under her feet. She rested for a moment then she came to realize  that the water was warm: there was a hot spring nearby. She entered the warm  water and got stronger. Hinemoa found Tutanekai and became his wife. They lived  on the island happily for many years. Hinemoa's father could not be angry with his  daughter for a long time. Soon he came to the island with many beautiful gifts to  her and Tutanekai. The hot spring, which gave her life and strength back, has been  known as Hinemoa's Bath then.


Task 2.1. Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to what  the text says. 

1. Tutanekai, a brave young warrior, lived with his tribe in the desert.

2. Hinemoa fell in love with Tutanekai. 

3. Hinemoa told her father that she loved Tutanekai and wanted to become his  wife. 

4. Tutanekai's friends told him he had to leave his tribe. 

5. In the evening Hinemoa heard the sound of a violin. 

Task 2.2. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits  best according to the text. 

1. Hinemoa’s dwelling was located_______ 

A in a big wood 

B close to a pool 

C far from a lake 

D in the capital of New Zealand 

2. Tutanekai lived__________ 

A in New Orleans 

B on the isle 

C near big river 

D in the middle of the lake 

3. Hinemoa used ________ to get to the island 

A some empty gourds 

B a lot of apples 

C a board 

D six sticks 

4. Hinemoa waited________ 

A for the morning 

B for the beginning of the day 

C for the end of the day 

D for the day

5. Hinemoa’s father swam up to the isle with______ 

A anger 

B a lot of presents 

C love 

D a single gift




















Reading                                                      11th form

III variant

 Read the text 1.

Colchester is a small university town 80 km to the northeast of London,  approximately 45 minutes by train. It is a very beautiful town, and students are  very happy here because there are so many facilities and good entertainment. It is  very famous for being the oldest town in England.

There is the only English Language School in Colchester, and it was  founded thirty years ago by Oxford University Press. There are twenty classrooms,  a video player in every room, a video library, a multimedia Centre with free e-mail  facilities, a library and a listening Centre, the Internet access, a restaurant and a  beautiful garden here. They also arrange course for children and young people in  homestay and in residential accommodation.

Courses are organized at seven levels. The maximum group size is 13  (average is 10). Each level lasts 8 weeks, but you can stay for only two weeks if  you want.

In summer many students stay for two or three weeks. You can start on any  Monday as the course is organized in weekly units. All lessons last 50 minutes.  You can choose options in Business English or International Affairs. They also  organize examination courses and a course that is called English for Academic  Study for students who want to learn English for studies. Some students also  choose to have extra private lessons.

There is a free daily social program: clubs, tea parties, etc. Young people  can have fun at a free party every Thursday evening.


Task 1.1. Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to what  the text says. 

1. Colchester is the oldest university town in England. 

2. Each of seven course level lasts 2 weeks. 

3. You can’t start on any Monday and stay at courses for two weeks.

 4. Children can learn English in homestay and in residential  accommodation. 

5. Every Tuesday evening young people enjoy a free party at English  Language School in Colchester. 


Task 1.2. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best  according to the text. 

1. Colchester is a small university town 80 km __________ 

A to the west of London                                                                                       

B to the south to London 

C to the northeast of London 

D to the east of London 

2. Students are very happy here because______________ 

                    A there are good entertainment

B there is a good atmosphere

C there are a lot of free parties 

D they can play at the band here 

3. The author says that some students also choose to have____________                     

                    A lessons without teachers 

                    B extra private lessons 

                    C just lessons                                                                                    

                    D extra single lesson 

4. The word ― “arrange” in line 7 means 

A to settle down 

B to organize 

C to put 

D some disposition 

Task 1.3. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best  according to the text. 

1. All lessons last________ 

A an hour 

B a half an hour 

C fifty minutes 

D a quarter of an hour 

2. Colchester is a small university town________ 

A less than one hundred km to the northeast of London 

B fifty km to the northeast of London 

C more than one hundred km to the northeast of London 

D eighty km to the west of London 

3. The maximum group size in Colchester University is__________ A more than twenty students 

B less than five students 

C thirteen students  

D without restriction 

4. Each level lasts____________ 

A two weeks and a half 

B two months 

C eight weeks 

D eight months 


 Read the text 2

Discover Yourself! 

1………Have you ever thought what makes a personality? A personality is  someone who has a very strong character and is different from other people  because he/she has character traits that make him/her interesting and enjoyable  to be with. This is the one who has discovered the road to himself/herself and  turned all challenges into the right steps in life. We all are just common people.  But everybody of us can succeed in his/her life. We can do our best to become  personalities. Our life is ruled by three basic choices: what moral values to have,  what people to be with and what aims to achieve. 

2……….First of all, we have to think about our inner world. People say, "When  a man begins to understand himself, he begins to live." In my opinion, it's good  to be easygoing, fun-loving, well-wishing and reliable. I can say that I'm a  sociable person because I can easily communicate with others. That's why I'm  always surrounded with friends. Furthermore, I'm responsible because I know all  my duties I'm in charge of and I try to fulfill them. So, both my parents and my  friends can rely on me. I'm helpful when my friends face either difficulties or  hardships. Finally, I'm ambitious because I want to be successful in life. 

3………..However, I have character traits I would like to get rid of. I think that  my serious fault is being too moody at times when I feel unhappy and impatient without a reason. What is more, I often make critical remarks about other  people's work or behavior. In addition, I can be obstinate at times. I don't like to  change my ideas and opinions even when other people think I'm unreasonable. 

4………..All things considered, none of us is perfect. But we have to be  optimists in everything we do. I try to do my best to discover my own  personality. I want to change myself and to become better. The person who thinks positively and tries hard to be sensible, honest, kind and caring will be  wiser tomorrow than he or she is today. 

5……….In this year I'll have to make important decisions in my life by myself.  My life will be enlarged with my own responsibilities. I'm sure that I'll make the  right steps in my personal growth. 

Task 2.1. Read the text and decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE according to  what the text says. 

        1. A personality is a person who has a character and isn’t distinguished from  others.

2. Personality is the one who has discovered the road to himself.

 3. The author is obstinate. 

4. Everybody of us must think about inner world. 

5. We have to be optimists in everything we do but we needn’t do anything to  discover own personality. 

6. The author hasn’t  character traits he would like to get rid of.


Task 2.2. Match choices (1 – 5) to (A – G). There are two choices you do not need to use. 

From paragraph 1 you can learn about_________ 

From paragraph 2 you can learn about_________ 

From paragraph 3 you can learn about_________ 

From paragraph 4 you can learn about_________ 

From paragraph 5 you can learn about_________ 

A common people 

B being sensible

C right steps 

D our inner world

E own faults 

F appearance 

G a personality  

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