Контроль письма для учнів 10 класу

Про матеріал
Дана контрольна робота допоможе здійснити перевірку знань учнів.Контрольна робота містить різноманітні завдання для об"єктивного оцінювання учнів в 10 класі, перший семестр.
Перегляд файлу

Writing.        Form 10      Semester 1   

   Name         ________________________________________

  1. Complete each gap with an adjective formed from the noun or verb in brackets.

1. It was (courage) decision .

2. The film wasn't (wonder).

3. The singing and dancing were (amaze).

4. I was a bit (bore) by the end of the film.

5. She was trying to be (help).

       2. Circle the correct answer

             1. A vegetarian would not eat…

                a) tuna  b) pasta c) mushrooms

             2. There are lots of vitamins and minerals in…

                a) butter    b) vegetables   c) crisps

             3. I sometimes feel….if I see a snake.

                 a) happy  b) afraid   c)  proud

              4. That's a good mark for the exam, so don't be…of it.

                 a) anxious  b) envy  c) ashamed

               5. I was ….  to get such a present.

                 a) depressed  b) suspicious c) surprised

               6. I‘ve lost my wallet, and it makes me….

                  a) sad  b) afraid c) cross

   3.Decide if these parts of the body are found on the head (H), the leg ( L), or the arm (A).

      1. heel      2.lip      3.ankle     4.scalp     5.wrist      6.foot      7.ears      8.cheek      9.knee      10.elbow

   4.Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of used to and the verbs in brackets.

      1. She ……        (eat)  meat but now she's a vegetarian.

      2. My parents…..           (live) in the city, but they’ve moved to the country .

      3. They …..        (study) French  but we don't anymore.

      4. I ….          ( exercise) regularly but now I jog every day.

      5. He…          (be) thin, but now he is.    

   5. Match the sentence beginnings (1-5) with the endings (A-E)

       1. If we fly less,…..                                            A.we won't be late.

       2. If we don't protect  endangered species…    B. it will cut down on pollution.

       3. If they give us a lift,……                            C. more people will have homes.

       4. If we use up all the oil,….                           D. they have become extinct.

       5. If we build smaller houses,...    E. we'll have to find other sources of energy.



   6.  Complete the conversation with the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

A. Hi there. Are you going (go)  home?

B. No, I'm not. I________(go) to the shopping center. ______you________(want) to come?

A. That ______(sound) like a good idea! I_____usually____(not go) there because I never _____(have) time.

B. There’s a really good clothes shop there called Sam's. It____(belong) to my neighbours. They____(sell) everything at half price at the moment because it's the end of the season.

A. _____they_____(have) loose fitting jackets? They_____(get) really popular this season.

B.Yes, I____(think) so. What's the matter?

A. Wait a second…I ________(think). Oh, no! I can't buy anything! I left my money at home…

7.Order  the words to make sentences.

1.  I'm/ to stay/ going/ in England/with/ a/ host family.

2. I've/getting up/ been/ for the past/ very early/few days.

3. I've / bought/ already/tickets/the.

4. How long/ been/ living/ in/they/ have/France?

5. Scientists/ find/ a cure/ definitely/will/for/cancer.

6. You/yourself/ might/cut/if/careful/aren't/you.




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  1. Кравцов Ігор
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
19 грудня 2023
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