Контроль письма І семестр за підручником Solutions Upper-Intermediate Third Edition

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Контрольна робота з письма розроблена за підручником Solutions Upper-Intermediate Third Edition включає лексико-граматичні завдання та творче завдання - лист.
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Date ________   First name___________________   Last  name_____________________






  1. Match the personality adjectives with their definitions.

1. upbeat  a) always tells people what to do

2. indecisive  b) wanting something that someone else has

3. miserable  c) full of hopehappiness, and good feelings

4. irritated  d) unkind or unwilling to share

5. bossy  e) very unhappy

6. stingy  f) not good at making decisions

7. outgoing  g) extremely angry

8. envious  h) friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others

9. cruel                   i) annoyed

10. furious              j) extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain


  1.            Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of 'used to' and the verbs in brackets.
  1. Mary ________________ (go) to my school, but now she doesn't.
  2. Andrew ________________ (be) very tall, but now he is.
  3. Chris ________________ (drink) coffee, but now he does.
  4. We ________________ (play) football at the weekend, but now we don't.
  5. There ________________ (be) a market every Friday, but now there isn't.


III. Which is the usual order of adjectives?

1.  a) I like that small glass coffee table.

     b) I like that glass small coffee table.

     c) I like that coffee glass small table.

2.  a) Last night I watched an interesting new German film.

     b) Last night I watched a German interesting new film.

     c) Last night I watched an interesting German new film.

3.  a) Sim City is a new exciting computer game.

     b) Sim City is a new computer exciting game.

     c) Sim City is an exciting new computer game.

4.  a) They live in a wonderful old wooden house.

     b) They live in an old wonderful wooden house.

     c) They live in a wooden wonderful old house.

5.  a) They are a heavy loud metal band.

     b) They are a loud heavy metal band.

     c) They are a metal heavy loud band.



IV. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.

1. Parents often make _____________________(their children, drink) milk.

2. Sue let _____________________ (we, do) all the work ourselves yesterday.

3. We suppose _____________________ (Dick, do) everything himself.

4. The boss wants _____________________ (you, tell) him all the information.

5.  He saw _____________________ (Ann, cry).


V. Transform the sentences using the Complex Subject

E.g.: It is believed that the poem was written by Byron. – The poem is believed to have been written by Byron. 

1. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 

2. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 
3. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 

4. It seems they have heard all about it.

5. It appeared that he was losing patience. 


VI. Imagine that a friend of yours sent you a letter asking for your advice as he/she and his/her parents don’t understand each other. Write a letter giving your friend some advice.



14 грудня 2021
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