Контроль письма ІІ семестр 5 клас НУШ

Про матеріал
Дана контрольна робота розрахована для учнів 5 класу НУШ, включаючи і роботу за підручником Prepare за авторством Дж. Коста та Мелані Вільямс. Кожне завдання оцінюється в 3 бали. Бажаю успіху вам та вашим учням!
Перегляд файлу

Form 5      V-I

  1. Write comparative.
  1.      clean – …                                    4) big - …
  2.      tall – …                                       5) comfortable - …
  3.      happy - …                                   6) expensive - …
  1. Complete the sentences with: in, on or at
  1.      There is a TV set ___ the corner of the room.     4) My friends stay ___ a hotel near the city centre.
  2.      Her birthday is ____ Tuesday.         5) You should read the instruction ___ the beginning of the book.
  3.      They met _____ the crossroads.       6) Suddenly we saw a fox ___ the forest.
  1. Write the words in English.
  1.      His trousers are … (такі короткі).              4) My father has the bags … (такі важкі).
  2.      She wears a dress … (таку довгу).             5) He told us the stories … (такі цікаві).
  3.      Sam drives a car … (таку дорогу).            6) Look at these pandas. They are … (такі кумедні).
  1. Fill in the gaps with: was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.
  1.      Lora _____ late for the bus.
  2.      Kate and Dora _____ at the concert last evening.
  3.      They _____ really friendly.
  4.      The film _____ boring.
  5.      It _______ difficult to say the true.
  6.      These books _________ interesting.


Form 5      V-II

  1. Write comparative.
  1.      small – …                                    4) old - …
  2.      hot – …                                       5) interesting - …
  3.      dirty - …                                      6) exciting - …
  1. Complete the sentences with: in, on or at.
  1.      James sits ____ front of the class.
  2.      His parents work ____ a farm.
  3.      She will go there ____ Sunday.
  4.      They lived ___ a small town.
  5.      He has to stay ___ the hospital for a week.
  6.      My sister is ____ the university now.
  1. Write the words in English.
  1.      We bought a house … (такий великий).     4) We had a test … (такий важкий).
  2.      He wears jeans … (такі широкі).                 5) Linda can’t drink coffee. It’s … (таку гарячу).
  3.      A giraffe has a neck … (таку довгу).           6) I saw the photos of my granny. They are … (такі старі).
  1. Fill in the gaps with: was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.
  1.      We _________ really excited.
  2.      Karoline ______ his sister.
  3.      The children ______ tired and want to sleep.
  4.      This travelling ______ fantastic.
  5.      It’s a pity. Your parents _______ there.
  6.      Sorry, you ______ her best friend.
Ishchenko Gala
До підручника
Англійська мова (1-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Пахомова Т. Г.)
26 травня
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