Контрольна робота "Art"

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Контрольні завдання для перевірки знань та навичок з анлійської мови по темі "Art" для учнів 10 класу, які навчаються за підручником: Англійська мова (10-й) рік навчання, рівень стандарту), 10 клас, Буренко В.М. (Видавництво: Ранок)
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Variant 1

I. Match these words to their definitions

1. drawing

2. illustration

3. landscape

4. fresco

5. sculptor

6. portrait

7. decorator

8. photographer

a) someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes, furniture, etc.

b) someone who makes sculptures

c) someone who takes photos

d) a picture made with a pen or pencil

e) a picture in a book, magazine, etc.

f) a picture that is painted on a wall while the plastic is wet

g) a painting or photo of a person

h) a painting or a photo of nature or countryside

II. Write some, any or no

1. There is _________ water in the cup.

2. She bought ___________ computers. Now everybody can use them.

3. There is __________ cheese in the fridge. Can you buy it?

4. There isn’t __________ milk in the bottle.

5. Are there __________ pupils in the room?

6. There are _________ children in the room. It’s empty.

7. Buy me __________ cheese, please.

8. We haven’t got _________ potatoes in the house.

III. Read the text and answer the question

The Sherlock Holmes' Museum in London

In the 1880s a young doctor sat waiting for new patients who never came. To pass the time, he wrote stories about a man who was very good at solving crimes. These stories were so popular that the doctor decided to give up medicine and become a writer instead. The doctor was Arthur Conan Doyle and his' creation was Sherlock Holmes.

Holmes and his famous friend Doctor Watson shared rooms at 221b Baker Street.

Their landlady was the long-suffering Mrs. Hudson. She had to put up with strange visitors, revolver practice indoors, chemical experiments and late-time violin playing.In 1990, a museum was at last opened at 221b Baker Street, though it should have happened long ago. After all, 221b Baker Street is the worlds most famous address and people have been writing to it for more than 100 years.In The Sherlock Holmes' Museum you step back a hundred years in time. It is unique. There is no modern virtual reality, but it is all virtually real. There are no horrors, no mummies or hidden corpses, no wax figures... Even so, the atmosphere of this quiet house is electric. You have a feeling as if the great detective had just left the room for a moment with Dr. Watson, and Mrs. Hudson is somewhere in the backrooms, and you'll see her entering the room with a tray of tea cups.

Everything in the museum reminds us of the stories we know so well. It is filled with things which Holmes and Watson would have had - Holmes' violin, his deerstalker and pipe, the Persian slipper in which he kept his tobacco, unanswered letters pinned to the wall with a knife, his magnifying glass... Dr. Watson's diary contains hand-written notes and extracts from "The Hound of the Baskervilles".

The Sherlock Holmes' Museum is unlike other museums. Very little here is locked up in glass cases. You can sit in Holmes' s armchair by the fireplace, you can examine his things and put on his deerstalker. But please bring your own pipe to smoke!

People have been writing to this address for the last 100 years. Most letters come from the United States and many correspondents ask if Mr. Holmes can help them with some problem, such as finding a missing relative (or a pet). Greeting cards arrive at Christmas and on Holmes' birthday (he was born on January, 6th). Dr. Watson is not forgotten either.

1. What was the author of stories about Sherlock Holmes?

2. Why did he decide to become a writer?

3. Where did Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson live?

4. When was the museum opened?

5. What atmosphere is there in the museum?

6. What feeling have you got in the museum?

7. What things can you find in the museum?

8. What does Dr. Watson's diary contain?

9. Why is the Sherlock Holmes' Museum unlike other museums?

10. What do people write to this address?

IV. Write a short paragraph “What kinds of art do you like?” (7-10 sentences)




Variant 2

I. Match these words to their definitions



3. still life

4. portraitist

5. artist

6. fashion designer

7. oil painting

8. caricaturist

a) a picture painted in oil colours

b) a picture which you put on a wall

c) someone who draws funny pictures of people

d) someone who painters houses and walls

e) someone who paints pictures

f) a painting of flowers, fruits, etc.

g) someone who creates costumes

h) someone who creates paintings or photos of a person


II. Write some, any or no

1. There is _________chocolate on the table.

2. There is __________ water in the cup. Bring me some water.

3. There are __________ chairs in the class. We must bring them.

4. Are there __________ childen in the room?

5. There isn’t __________ butter on the plate.

6. There are _________ pencils in the box. I can draw a picture.

7. We haven’t got _________ juice in the jug.

8. They have got _________ tea in the box. We can make it.

III. Read the text and answer the question

The Royal Observatory, Hyde Park, Museums in Great Britain

Great Britain is rich in world-famous places.

Hyde Park is the London's largest and most fashionable park. It was once a royal hunting forest. There are restaurants and bars at each end of the Serpentine lake. You can hire a boat there.

Number 10, Downing Street has been the home of the British Prime Minister since 1735.

The official name of the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster. Most of the building was built in 1840 after the fire of 1834 destroyed the old palace. At the north end of the building, by Westminster Bridge, there is the famous clock tower, Big Ben. In fact Big Ben is really the name of the bell in the tower, not of the clock.

The Tower of London is the London's oldest building. Since William the Conqueror built it in the 11th century, this castle has been a Royal palace, a prison, a place of execution, a zoo, the Royal Mint, and an observatory. Today it's a museum and houses the Crown Jewels. There is a gift shop.

Ihe Natural Museum is situated in Kensington and is one of London's greatest museums. There is a huge collection of animals and plants, including a quarter of a million butterflies, a blue whale and the famous dinosaur skeletons. There is a cafeteria, a gift shop, and a book shop.

The famous Waxworks Madame Tussaunds Museum has the models of famous people from pop stars to prime ministers, displays of battles and a Chamber of Horror.

The Royal Observatory, Greenwich is situated 10 miles outside London on a hill above the River Thames. The Observatory contains telescopes and displays about astronomy, including Halley's Comet and Black Holes. There is a video theatre and a souvenir shop. You can have a picnic in Greenwich Park. You can take a riverboat to Greenwich from Westminster Bridge.

1. What was Hyde Park long ago?

2. Where can you hire a boat?

3. What is Number 10, Downing Street famous for?

4. When was the Palace of Westminster built?

5. What is Big Ben?

6. What was the Tower of London?

7. What is situated in the Tower of London now?

8. What can you see the Natural Museum?

9. What does the Waxworks Madame Tussaunds Museum display?

10. Why do people come to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich?

IV. Write a short paragraph “What kinds of art do you like?” (7-10 sentences)



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Оригінальність викладу
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Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Гончар Олена Миколаївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Кузнецова Марія Олександрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
17 серпня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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