Контрольна робота для 10 класу (за підручником Карп'юк О. Д.).

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота для 10 класу (за підручником О.Д. Карп'юк) містить вправи для перевірки лексико-граматичного матеріалу за темою "Health"; вправи на вживання Past Continuous та Past Simple forms, Quantifiers.
Перегляд файлу

Name _____________________________________________________________

  1.                   Complete the text with the correct words.

teeth  skin  play   broke  muscles  hurt  foot  does  has

Tennis players often get problems when they ___________ tennis regularly. One of my friends ___________ lessons every week. She also ___________ lots of exercises and enters competitions nearly every weekend. She gets lots of injuries. She needs new shoes because she has a bad  ___________ pain - that’s because she jumps up and down a lot. She also ___________ her head last month because another player hit her with a ball! When she plays in the summer her6 ___________ often goes very red. Last year she even ___________ a bone in her ankle because she fell over! And once someone hit the ball right in her face and she broke two ___________. She usually needs a warm bath after playing because all her ___________ are hurting.

You think tennis is a safe game but it's really quite dangerous!


  1.                   Complete the text with the words below.

do (3x) have go (3x) keep play

  1. It’s important for me to ____________ fit.
  2.                                    I ____________ rugby basketball every week.
  3.                                    I ____________ exercises at home every morning.
  4.                                    I ____________ to the gym regularly.
  5.                                    I ____________ weight training.
  6.                                    I ____________ running (cycling).
  7.                                    I ____________ yoga.
  8.                                    I ____________ fitness classes every day/week.
  9.                                    I ____________ swimming once a week.


  1.                   Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous or the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
  1. We ______________________ (eat) dinner outside when the rain ________________________ (start).
  2. The students ____________________________ (do) an exercise when the bell __________________________ (ring).
  3. While I ____________________________ (shop) on Saturday I ____________________________ (meet) an old friend.
  4. When I _________________________ (arrive) home my sister __________________________ (watch) a film on television.
  5. I _________________________ (not look) when Paul _________________________ (fall) off his bicycle. I ________________________ (talk) to Marie.
  6. What______________________ (you/do) when I ___________________ (phone) you last night?


  1. Cross out the incorrect quantifier in each sentence.
  1. Adam doesn't eat any/ much / many meat.
  2. A lot of/ Some / Too much salt is bad for you.
  3. There’s any/ some / too much sugar in my tea - it’s really sweet!
  4. Is there any / many / much bread on the table?
  5. Of course you're not hungry. You ate how many / a lot of / too many cakes!
  6. There aren’t any / many / some vegetarian things on the menu here.


  1.                   Use the definitions in brackets to complete the sentences with phrasal verbs. Listen and check.
  1. Could you ____________ (stop) eating sweets?
  2. What do you do to (take care of) your body?
  3. What sport or hobby would you like to ____________ (start doing)?
  4. How often do you  ____________ (spend time) in the park with your friends?
  5. When you’re ill, do you ____________ (consult) your symptoms on the internet to ____________ (learn) what illness you have?


  1. Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap.

A: What’s the ____________?

B: I’ve ____________ toothache.

A: You ____________ go to the dentist.


A: How are you  ____________?

B: My back ____________

A: You should make an ___________________ with your doctor.


A:What’s ____________?

B: I ____________ sick.

A: Sit ____________ and have _____________ water.



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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