Контрольна робота для 5 класу

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота містить завдання за темами за темами "Дієслово "to have"", "Pronouns", "Numbers" та розрахована для учнів п'ятих класів.
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Test 1


  1.  Задайте    питання.    Вставьте    Have  або Has.

1 __________ they got an  uncle?

2 __________ he got a  sister?

3 __________ she got a  cat?

4 __________ I  got a  pony?

5 __________ we got a  bike?


2. Вставте необхідний займенник.
Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood.

 Together with _______ mum, __________lived in a big forest

One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother said, " ________- grandma is ill.

Grandma's house is not too far from ____________ house, but always go straight and don't stop!"

In the forest ____________ met the big bad wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood greeted  _________ and the wolf asked ___________:

"Where are _________ going, Little Red Riding Hood?"

"To _________ grandma's house." answered Little Red Riding Hood.

"Can you tell _________ where  ____________ grandma lives?"

" ___________lives in a little cottage at the edgeof the forest."

Meanwhile the wolf was going to grandma's house.

The house was quite small but nice and ________ roof was made out of straw

The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old Grandma.

After that ___________put Grandma's clothes on and lay down in _________ bed.

3. Запишіть цифри словами:






23 квітня 2020
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