Контрольна робота для учнів 4 класу

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота для учнів 4 класу за ІІ семестр за підручником Карпюк. Завдання містять питання на знання вивченої лексики та граматики
Перегляд файлу

Variant  I                           Test  Form4___________________________________________


I. Match the pairs

1. музей                                            a. trip

2. пасажир                                        b. gallery

3. галерея                                         c. circus

4. між                                               d. passenger

5. подорож                                       e. between

6. повернути ліворуч                      f.museum

7. цирк                                              g. house

8. театр                                             h. luggage

9.багаж                                             i. turn left

10. будинок                                       j. theatre


ІІ. Fill in he, she, it, we, they.

boys — ___________________ Jack — ______________________

men — ___________________ Mary and I — _________________

man — ___________________


ІІІ. Fill in my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

1) This is Jack and this is __________ room.

2) This is Mary and this is __________ friend.

3) These are Jack and Mary and these are __________ parents.

4) It is me and this is __________ family.


IV. Write 3 forms of the verbs:

бути- ___________________________________________________

робити- _____________________________________________________

отримувати - ________________________________________________

ходити - ____________________________________________________

V.  Сompare  the  adjectives. 

Handsome____________________________________________________________ funny________________________________________________________________wonderful_____________________________________________________________clever________________________________________________________________old__________________________________________________________________good______________________________________________________________


VI.Open the brackets using Present Perfect Tense

  1. I ____________________ (do) my homework.
  2. We _____________________ (help) our mother.
  3. She____________________ (be) to Kyiv.
  4. He____________________(get) his presents.






Variant  II                          Test  Form4___________________________________________


             I. Match the pairs

1. метро                                                             a. bus stop

2. довідкове бюро                                            b. by train

3. пошта                                                            c. library

4. навпроти                                                       d. ticket

5. потягом                                                         e. opposite

6. повернути праворуч                                    f.underground

7. бібліотека                                                     g. city

8. квиток                                                           h. post office

9.автобусна зупинка                                        i. turn right

10. велике місто                                                j.information desk


ІІ. Fill in he, she, it, we, they.

girls — ___________________   my father— ______________________

a desk — ___________________    Tom and I — _________________

my granny— ___________________


ІІІ. Fill in my, your, his, her, our, their.

1) This is Ann and this is __________ doll.

2) This is Tom and this is __________ dog.

3) These are Tom and Mary and these are __________ friends.

4) These are I and Ann. This is __________ street.


IV. Write 3 forms of the verbs:

писати - ___________________________________________________

мати - _____________________________________________________


приходи ти- _________________________________________________

V. Сompare the adjectives. 

Handsome____________________________________________________________ funny________________________________________________________________wonderful_____________________________________________________________clever________________________________________________________________old__________________________________________________________________good______________________________________________________________


          VI.Open the brackets using Present Perfect Tense

  1. I ____________________ (open) the door.
  2. We ______________________(visit) Kyiv.
  3. She________________________ (read) this book.
  4. He ___________________(come) to the airport.



До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Буренко В.М., Михайлик)
26 березня 2023
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