Контрольна робота по темі "Great Britain and Ukraine" (5 Form)

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Контрольна робота по темі "Great Britain and Ukraine" (5 Form) за підручником А.Несвіт
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І. Складіть 6 речень, поєднавши країни зі столицями.

London, Paris, Belfast, Moscow, Berlin, Washington

Germany, England, the USA, France, Northern Ireland, Russia


… is the capital of ….


ІІ. Запишіть наступні речення, поставивши дієслова у Present Simple.

  1. Tom (to learn) Maths and PT.
  2. My friend (to live) in New York.
  3. He (to play) football on week-ends.
  4. They (to visit) grandparents every week.
  5. Her mother (to drink) coffee in the morning.
  6. We never (to have) lunch at school.


ІІІ. Напишіть наступні речення, поставивши дієслова у Past Simple.

  1. She (to listen) to radio yesterday.
  2. I (to answer) correctly last lesson.
  3. They (to climb) in the mountains last summer.
  4. A year ago we (to move) to England.
  5. Yesterday we it (to rain) heavily.
  6. Last week we (to enjoy) a good book.






І. Складіть 6 речень, поєднавши країни зі столицями.

Kyiv, Madrid, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Rome, Ottawa

Spain, Italy, Wales, Canada, Ukraine, Scotland


… is the capital of ….


ІІ. Перепишіть наступні речення, поставивши дієслова у Present Simple.

  1. Ann (to study) at the university.
  2. We usually (to watch) cartoons.
  3. She (to learn) English and German.
  4. Our friend often (to dress) sweatshirts.
  5. His sister (to like) eating apple-pies.
  6. You always (to listen) to music.


ІІІ. Напишіть наступні речення, поставивши дієслова у Past Simple.

  1. They (to ask) many questions.
  2. Last week I (to watch) a quiz show.
  3. He often (to play) snowballs last winter.
  4. Our family (to visit) the USA two year ago.
  5. Last year she (to live) in Canada.
  6. This winter it often (to snow).
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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
23 лютого 2021
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