Контрольна робота по темі "used to"

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови Тема: People and Relationships Час виконання: 45 хвилин
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Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative, interrogative or negative form of 'used to'

  1. Alex … be hard-working, but now Alex puts in more effort.
  2. … be very talkative, or has she always enjoyed silence?
  3. Mike … et jealous easily, but now he trusts people more.
  4. I … be untidy, but now I keep my room spotless.
  5. She … be overly sensitive, but now she handles criticism much better.
  6. Max … be reliable and always kept his promises, but lately, he has been inconsistent.
  7. Ann … be active, but now she is always on the move.
  8. George … hide the truth, but lately, he has been less open.
  9. We … prefer staying at home, but now we enjoy quiet evenings.
  10. … be shy around new people, or has she always been confident?

Translate the words

  1. Rude –
  2. Well-bred –
  3. Calm –
  4. Unselfish –
  5. Talkative –
  6. Sensitive –



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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