Контрольна робота "Teen generation"

Про матеріал
Робота містить завдання на розуміння та засвоєння нового лексичного та граматичного матеріалу. Показує вміння учнів використовувати вивчені ЛО на письмі.
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Part 1: Multiple Choice (Choose the correct answer)

  1.   Which group is most likely to be associated with excellent academic performance and a focus on success?
    a) Athletes
    b) Emo/Punk Rockers
    c) High-flyers
    d) Heavy Metal Fans
  2.   Computer geeks are typically known for their interest in:
    a) Music and fashion
    b) Sports and physical fitness
    c) Technology and video games
    d) Arts and literature
  3.   Which of the following groups is often linked with hip-hop culture and music?
    a) Preps
    b) Hip Hoppers
    c) High-flyers
    d) Emo/Punk Rockers
  4.   Heavy metal fans are usually identified by their:
    a) Preference for classical music
    b) Interest in upbeat pop music
    c) Love for loud, intense rock music
    d) Focus on academic achievement
  5.   Which group tends to have an edgy style, often embracing alternative fashion and emotional expression through music?
    a) Preps
    b) Athletes
    c) Emo/Punk Rockers
    d) High-flyers

Part 2: True or False
Mark "T" for true and "F" for false.

  1. ___ High-flyers are mainly focused on athletic success.
  2. ___ Emo/Punk Rockers are known for their love of pop music and bright colors.
  3. ___ Preps are often associated with a polished, fashionable appearance and a focus on social status.
  4. ___ Computer geeks may spend a lot of time engaging with technology and video games.
  5. ___ Hip Hoppers are typically linked with the rap and hip-hop music scene.

Part 3: Choose the correct form (Gerund or Infinitive) to complete the sentences.

I’m really looking forward to __________________________ (visit) my grandparents next weekend.

Do you enjoy _________________________________ (swim) in the ocean?

We need ________________________________ (buy) some food for dinner.

I can’t stand _____________________________ (wait) in long lines.

I can’t imagine ______________________________ (live) in another country.


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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