Контрольна робота за тему "Clothes and appearance", 6 клас (друга іноземна мова)

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота містить 2 варіанти лексико-граматичних завдань та розроблена до підручника "Англійська мова. Другий рік навчання" автори М.О.Кучма, Л.І.Морська.

Перегляд файлу

6 Form


Unit 1 “Clothes and appearance”


Variant 1

  1. Translate the words and word combinations.
  1. Краватка
  2. ніс
  3. розмір
  4. зуби
  5. блузка
  6. curly hair
  7. thick eyelashes
  8. dimple

ll.  Write the second form of the verbs.

To help

to meet

to do

to open

to live

to spend

to dress

to have


lll. Turn the sentences into the Past Simple.

  1. They drink milk in the evening.
  2. My uncle lives in Lviv.
  3. You have English on Wednesday.
  4. The pupils know the answer.
  5. I am in the park.


lV.  Write the descriptions of your favourite person’s appearance.


Variant 2

  1. Translate the words and word combinations.
  1. Губи
  2. плаття
  3. обличчя
  4. пояс
  5. одягати
  6. even teeth
  7. thick eyebrows
  8. cheeks


  1. Write the second form of the verbs.

To begin

to play

 to look

to come

to visit

to go

to wear

to work

lll. Turn the sentences into the Past Simple.

  1. You watch TV in the evening.
  2. They do exercises every morning.
  3. I go to the village on weekends.
  4. He uses a computer.
  5. We are in the classroom.


lV.  Write the descriptions of your favourite person’s appearance.


12 травня 2020
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