Контрольна робота "Українська кухня" (10 клас).

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з теми "Українська кухня" містить два варіанта подібних завдань і перевіряє знання лексики з теми. Відповіді до завдань надають можливість вчителю швидко перевірити виконані учнями завдання:доповнити речення дієсловами, перекласти речення та записати власний кулінарний рецепт.
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TEST (10th form)

Ukrainian Cuisine

I variant

  1. Fill in the blanks:                        

Put    Add    Keep   Take   Chop   Wrap    Grease   Serve   Beat   Cover    Grate (x2)


Traditional Christmas Pudding


  1. ____________ glace cherries, almond.
  2. ____________ the carrot and the apple.
  3. ____________ lemon and orange rind.
  4. ____________ your largest mixing bowl and Mix all the dry ingredients in it.
  5. ____________ the eggs lightly.
  6. ____________ the beaten eggs and beer to the mixture.
  7. ____________ the bottom of a large bowl and press mixture into it.
  8. _____________ the top with wax paper (crimp it around the edges).
  9. _____________ the bowl in a pan with water on stove for about 4 hours.
  10. ____________ the bowl well to keep it warm as long as possible.
  11. ____________ the pudding for one year to eat the next (not necessarily).
  12. _____________ with cream, hot custard, or brandy sauce.


  1. Translate the sentences into English:
  1. Українська кухня різноманітна і унікальна.
  2. Вона має багату історію і є дуже популярною в слов'янських країнах.
  3. Традиційний український напій узвар - компот із сушених яблук і груш.
  4. Любителям риби сподобається вуха. Це-бульйон з різних видів риби.
  5. На друге українським гостям особливо подобаються вареники.
  6. Це-маленькі пиріжки, нафаршировані картопляним пюре, сиром, вишнею або суницею.

III. Give the instructions about cooking vegetable soup, salad or chocolate ice-cream.



TEST (10th form)

Ukrainian Cuisine

II variant

  1. Fill in the blanks:                        

Put    Add    Keep   Take   Chop   Wrap    Grease   Serve   Beat   Cover    Grate (x2)


Traditional Christmas Pudding


  1. ____________ glace cherries, almond.
  2. ____________ the carrot and the apple.
  3. ____________ lemon and orange rind.
  4. ____________ your largest mixing bowl and Mix all the dry ingredients in it.
  5. ____________ the eggs lightly.
  6. ____________ the beaten eggs and beer to the mixture.
  7. ____________ the bottom of a large bowl and press mixture into it.
  8. _____________ the top with wax paper (crimp it around the edges).
  9. _____________ the bowl in a pan with water on stove for about 4 hours.
  10. ____________ the bowl well to keep it warm as long as possible.
  11. ____________ the pudding for one year to eat the next (not necessarily).
  12. _____________ with cream, hot custard, or brandy sauce.


II) Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Серед перших вражень для всіх відвідувачів, які приїжджають в Україну є його національна їжа.
  2. В українській кухні є багато смачних страв, але, мабуть, найвідомішим є борщ.
  3. Це овочевий суп, зроблений з буряка, капусти, помідорів, моркви і картоплі.
  4. Кухарі також додають у борщ  часник, цибулю, кріп і м'ясо.
  5. Різновидів цієї страви чимало.
  6. У кожної домогосподарки в Україні свій рецепт борщу.

III) Give the instructions about cooking stuffed chicken or biscuits.



Завдання 1

  1. Chop glace cherries, almond.
  2. Grate the carrot and the apple.
  3. Grate lemon and orange rind.
  4. Take your largest mixing bowl and Mix all the dry ingredients in it.
  5. Beat the eggs lightly.
  6. Add the beaten eggs and beer to the mixture.
  7. Grease the bottom of a large bowl and press mixture into it.
  8. Cover the top with wax paper (crimp it around the edges).
  9. Put the bowl in a pan with water on stove for about 4 hours.
  10. To prevent burning keep checking the water in pan.
  11. Wrap the bowl well to keep it warm as long as possible.
  12. Keep the pudding for one year to eat the next  (not necessarily)
  13. Serve with cream, hot custard, or brandy sauce.


Завдання 2

  1. Among the first impressions for all the visitors who come to Ukraine is its national food
  2. Ukrainian cuisine is diverse and unique.
  3. It has a rich history and is very popular in Slavic countries.
  4. There are a lot of tasty dishes in Ukrainian cuisine but the most famous one is perhaps the borscht.
  5. It is a vegetable soup, made of beets, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and potatoes.
  6. They also add garlic, onion, dill and meat.
  7. There are many varieties of this dish.
  8. Every housewife in Ukraine has her own recipe of borscht.
  9. Traditional Ukrainian drink is uzvar – compote, made of dried apples and pears.
  10. Those, who like fish, would appreciate ukha.
  11. It’s a clear soup, made from various types of fish, for example, bream, catfish or ruff.
  12. For the main course Ukrainian guests especially like varenyky.
  13. They are small pastries or dumplings, which can be stuffed with mashed potatoes, cheese, cherries or strawberries.

Завдання 3


Chocolate Ice-cream

INGREDIENTS: 1/2 litre milk,5 egg yolks,80 g sugar, 50 g cocoa,100 g fresh cream

1. Heat up the milk. Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl.

2. Pour in a little boiling-hot milk, beating all the time, then pour in the rest of the milk and blend.

3. Return the mixture to the saucepan and leave to thicken, stirring continuously.

4. Do not allow the cream to boil.

5. Once it coats the back of the spoon it is cooked. Leave to cool for a while. Add the cocoa and whip the mixture.

6. Add the fresh cream and whip again.

7. Leave the cream to cool before pouring into the ice-cream churn for freezing.


Carrot and Radish Salad


 INGREDIENTS:  60 ml (1/4 cup) olive oil, 60ml (1/4 cup) fresh lemon juice, 2 garlic cloves,

1 tbs honey, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp mild paprika, 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon, 3 carrots, 1 bunch radish, 1 cup fresh mint leaves

1. Chop the garlic finely.

2. Whisk oil, lemon juice, garlic, honey, cumin, paprika, and cinnamon in a bowl.

Season with salt and  pepper.

3. Peel and slice the carrot and the radish thinly.

4. Combine the carrot and radish in a large bowl.

5. Add dressing and torn mint leaves to the salad. Toss to combine. Serve.


Vegetable Soup

INGREDIENTS: 2 carrots, 2 turnips, 1 small marrow,1 leek (or onion), 1 potato,1 stick celery, 1 clove garlic, 20 g butter, salt pepper, 1 litre water, 2 sprigs parsley

 1. Peel and wash all the vegetables, slice them.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the vegetables.

3. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on a low heat, stirring continuously.

4. Add salt and pepper and pour in 1 litre of very hot water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes.

5. Chop the parsley in the mill and sprinkle over soup just before serving.

6. Add a spoon of fresh cream.


Redcurrant Biscuits (Tarts)

INGREDIENTS: 100 g softened butter, 125 g icing sugar,2 eggs, 150 g sifted flour, 75 g currants


1. Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl until smooth.


2. Add the eggs, then the flour. Blend until the mixture has an even consistency.


3. Preheat the oven at 200°C. Grease a baking sheet and use a piping bag or 2 teaspoons to space out small drops of the mixture.


4. Top each drop with 4 to 5 currants.


5. Put the sheet in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes. The biscuits should be golden around the edges but still light in the middle.


6. Remove the biscuits using a metal spatula and leave to cool on a rack in several lots.



Stuffed Chicken

INGREDIENTS : 1chicken weighing 1 kg 400 with liver,200 g button mushrooms, 3 stalks parsley,60 g butter, 20 g bread , 700 g potatoes, salt, pepper

1. Clean and wash the mushrooms. Wash and dry parsley and remove leaves. Mince the chicken liver, parsley, chopped mushrooms and bread.

2. Preheat the oven at 220°C. Melt 15 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the stuffing for 2 minutes on a moderate heat.

3. Add salt and pepper and leave to cool.

4. Once the stuffing has cooled, stuff the chicken and sew it up (or plug with a ball of greaseproof paper).

5. Put the chicken in an oven dish, coat it with 15 g of butter and put in the oven. Cook for 15 minutes.

6. Peel and quarter the potatoes. When the chicken has cooked for 15 minutes, arrange the potatoes around it, adding knobs of butter, and leave to cook for a further 35 minutes.


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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