Контрольна робота/ Writing

Про матеріал

Контроль знань з письма для учнів 4 класу загальноосвітньої школи. Містить два варіанти завдань рівносильні за складністю. Робота складається з граматичих завдань та творчого.

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                                   Semester – II

                                     Form – 4

                                   Variant – I

I. Write the sentences into the Past Simple Tense.

1. They (to be) in the museum last week.

2. I (to help) my mum about the house last weekend.

3. Stella (to eat) an apple for her lunch at school.

4. Olena (to invite) many classmates to her last party.

5. My family (to move) to Kaniv last month.


II. Copy the sentences. Write the capital letters where they are necessary.

1. sam’s favourite subject is art.

2. my birthday is in march.

3. what was your homework for monday, ann?

4. it’s wednesday, august the tenth.


III. Finish the sentences.

My name is ……………………….

I am …………………………….. years old.

I live in ………………………

I go to ………………………………..

My favourite subject is ………………………

After school I ……………………………….

My hobby is ……………………………….

I like to eat ……………………….

I like to drink ………………………………














                                   Semester – II

                                     Form – 4

                                   Variant – IІ

I. Write the sentences into the Past Simple Tense.

1. He (to make) a new model car yesterday.

2. We (to live) in Lviv two years ago.

3. Children (to dance) at the Nelly’s party last Sunday.

4. My mum (to cook) a tasty chicken yesterday.

5. I (to be) at the zoo last Saturday.

6. They (to clean) their classroom very well. 


II. Copy the sentences. Write the capital letters where they are necessary.

1. it was friday, september the eleventh yesterday.

2. oksana’s favourite lesson is english.

3. do you live in odesa, oleh?

4. they went to kyiv, the capital of ukraine.


III. Finish the sentences.

My name is ……………………….

I am …………………………….. years old.

I live in ………………………

I go to ………………………………..

My favourite subject is ………………………

After school I ……………………………….

My hobby is ……………………………….

I like to eat ……………………….

I like to drink ………………………………








6 серпня 2018
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