Контрольна робота з анг мови 11 ( за підручником Нерсисян )

Про матеріал
Матеріал містить різнорівневі завдання з англійської мови для учнів 11 класу для перевірки навичок читання та письма
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Vocabulary Test 2 (UNIT 2) 11 form


Variant 1

Task I. Fill in the right words

match  / argue/  look /disapprove /  fellow students /such a /elderly  /going out  / crush/  bump into


1)I _____ your mother at the supermarket.

2) I’m really worried about my _____ aunt.

3) She’s got _____ nice house!

4) She was  _____ with Peter last month.

5) Everyone had thought that Bill and Marge were _____ made in heaven 

6) If you have a  _____ on someone, you shouldn’t tell about it at once.

7) My parents  _____  of going to parties very often.

8) We’re not close friends – we’re just studying French, so we are _____

9) You don’t _____ your age.

10) Sometimes couples start to  _____ about everything.

Task II. Match the words with similar meaning

  1. to be madly in love_______
  2. to look good together_______
  3. to complain about or protest_____
  4. to do the cleaning and cooking for your household ______
  5. close friends____
  6. to have a row with somebody _______
  7. to be brought back together ______
  8. a ceremony where people get married _____

Task III. Answer the questions

  1.       What are the relationship between you and your parents?
  2.       Can a single person be as happy as a married one?
  3.       How can you describe the ideal date?

Vocabulary Test 2 (UNIT 2) 11 form


Variant 2


Task I. Fill in the right words

 a perfect couple  / break / come /worry / true friend / relationship  / sight / so dark /  christen / meet up (with)


1)We usually _____ for a quick coffee in the morning.

2) They would want him to ______ their baby.

3) It was ____ that I couldn’t see a thing

4) This was the first really serious  _____ in her life.

5) ) Tom and Mary would make  _____ together.

6) If you are lucky, it will be love at first _____

7) I know my parents  _____ about me.

8) I know I can rely on her for help, she is my ______.

9) However, you will _____ of age in two months.

10) And so, sometimes, couples  _____ up

Task II. Match the words with similar meaning

  1. to be the best student in class____
  2. to have a feeling of romantic love for someone_____
  3. unique; single _____
  4. hang out (with) ______
  5. He was  in terrific shape _____
  6. She fancies you ______
  7. a mixture of good and bad things to happen ______
  8. to end relationship or marriage ______

Task III. Answer the questions

  1.       What does a typical teen’s life look like?
  2.       How do you know that you are in love? Symptoms?
  3.       How can you describe your parents?



До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
24 січня
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