Контрольний моніторинг знань ( тренувальні вправи для 11 класу)

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Контрольний моніторинг знань ( тренувальні вправи для 11 класу) - контрольна робота складається з матеріалів НМТ минулих років. Рекомендується учням як тренування перед складанням іспитів (ключі додаються).
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Завдання  1-5

Choose the best variant A B C D

True Friendship

My wife Olga is still in (1) _______ with the head girl of her high school, who lives in the Midlands and (2) ______ with us when in London. Another occasional house (3) ______ is a man I met while we were serving Queen and country as National Servicemen in the 1950s. A horse-racing fan, he persuaded me some years ago to share ownership of a thoroughbred racehorse. It was a sensationally poor (4) ________, but such are the bonds of friendship that we still see each other (5) ________ and without a feeling of anger. True friendship means taking the rough with the smooth.


1 A hand                  3    A  guest                                        5   A  hardly

     B keep                            B stranger                                      B regularly

     C reach                          C companion                                  C recently

     D touch                          D citizen                                          D generally

2 Astands                   4  A contribution

    Bshares                          B benefit

    Cstays                            C investment

    Dspends                         D profitНачало формы


Lost in the Jungle

                                                 Завдання 6-10

Yossi Ghinsberg’s parents survived the Holocaust and relocated to Israel, where he was born and raised. At 19, when he was drafted to the Israeli Navy, his uncle gave him a book. He’d been through the Holocaust and told Yossi the book had protected him. As a navy recruit, Yossi Ghinsberg not only travelled out of the country, but also learned many survival tips, became fit and strong. After completing his service in 1981, Yossi became inspired to travel to Venezuela by Henri Charriére’s book Papillon, an autobiography about being wrongly convicted of murder in France, imprisoned in French Guyana, and eventually escaping to Venezuela.

Yossi Ghinsberg felt a calling for adventure. He endured many bosses and tried many jobs to save up enough funds for the trip to explore the Amazon rainforest. So, he set off on his own, hitched rides from Venezuela to Colombia. He met Marcus, a Swiss teacher, and the two decided to travel together to Bolivia. An Austrian, Karl, who happened to be planning a similar expedition in search of gold, and an American photographer, Kevin, then joined them, and the four men began their quest into the Bolivian jungle.

The Bolivians warned the group of the dangers that awaited them in the jungle, but they chose to disregard the warnings. After stocking up on provisions and supplies, they headed downriver, deep into the jungle. Eventually, they lost their way, their food ran out, and they started fighting among themselves. They discovered that Karl, in fact, was an Austrian fortune hunter, who had zero experience navigating the jungle. And that split the group.

Yossi and Kevin decided to part ways with the two Europeans, and built themselves a raft that would take them back to civilisation. Unfortunately, after setting out, they found their raft hurtling towards the edge of a waterfall. Kevin managed to jump off in time and swim to shore, but Yossi and the raft went over the falls into a deep canyon. Yossi spent the next three weeks alone in the Amazonian jungle, filthy and wet, without any real food, surrounded by stinging insects and animal predators.

On his sixth day in the jungle, he woke to find a jaguar, ready to attack. With no weapon, he grabbed the only things he had to hand — a can of mosquito repellent and a lighter — and improvised the flame-thrower. Yossi said: “I learnt the trick from a James Bond movie.”

He was hallucinating and feverish when he was found on the brink of death. Without Kevin, who returned to search for his friend despite all warnings, Yossi would have died in the wilderness.

He has since returned to Bolivia to thank the people who saved him. He promoted the building of an ecotourism resort with the aboriginal people in the area and taught them how to manage it. Yossi also published several books, which sold millions of copies, gained extreme popularity, were translated into 15 languages, and were published under a variety of names worldwide.

Kevin and Yossi remained friends. Although Kevin continued pursuing his love for photography, he was not as eager to return to the rainforest as Yossi.

6 What motivated Yossi Ghinsberg to make a journey?

Athe stories of the Holocaust survivors

Bthe adventures of a French prisoner

Cthe experience of his navy service

Dthe life talks of his relatives

7 What is TRUE of Yossi Ghinsberg, according to PARAGRAPH 2?

AHe drove a fellow-traveller to Colombia.

BHe borrowed some money from his boss.

CHe worked hard to get money for his journey.

DHe planned expedition with his friends.

8 According to PARAGRAPH 3, the travel companions _______.

Awere unaware of the threats

Bwere accompanied by the locals

Cwere hunting for fortune

Dsuffered serious hardships


What helped Yossi Ghinsberg to survive in the jungle?

Aeatable insects

Ba flame-providing device

Can adventure book

Dhis uncle’s advice

10 What did Yossi Ghinsberg do on returning to Bolivia?

AHe published his books in 15 countries.

BHe set up a business with locals.

CHe became famous pursuing photography.

DHe thanked Kevin for saving his life.

Завдання 11 з 32

Начало формыTraveller’s Tales

Award-winning news correspondent Frank Gardner

This traveller __________.

Adiscovered the source of the River Nile

Btravelled alone to the coldest points on the earth

Cpublished a book adapted into an Oscar-winning film

Dis a former military person

Egot enthusiasm for climbing from aboriginals

Fcombined ascending and flying down the summit

Gshared environmental ideas with statespeople

Hmanaged to survive a traumatic incident


 Frank Gardner is a journalist who has travelled extensively in the Middle East and is currently the BBC’s security correspondent. His first book, Blood and Sand, was a critically acclaimed bestseller describing his experiences of the Arab world and his recovery after being shot by Al-Qaeda gunmen. Since then he has written Far Horizons, documenting his travels to unusual places, as well as two spy thrillers. He is currently working on his third novel, which will soon be released.


Начало формыTop British climber Leo Houlding

Leo Houlding began climbing at the age of 10 and by 18 had become the first Briton to free-climb the infamous El Capitan in California’s Yosemite Valley. Since then he has gone on to specialise in tackling the most technical peaks and the biggest rock walls in the world. He’s also an experienced base jumper and at the forefront of para-alpinism, scaling up mountains then parachuting down. On one of Houlding’s most recent group expeditions, he kite-skied for 61 days across Antarctica to climb Mount Spectre, the world’s most remote mountain, enduring violent storms and -40˚C temperatures.


Начало формыDr. Tara Shine

Dr. Tara Shine is an expert in the field of climate change. Her passion for what the future could look like is strong, and her knowledge has drawn the attention of world leaders and governments, who regularly turn to her for advice. To create a positive shift in society she founded her award-winning social enterprise Change by Degrees, while her travels have taken her from Antarctica to the deserts of Mauritania and the rainforests of Borneo. She explains why connecting to nature is so important for us and what we can do to help safeguard it for the futureКонец формы

Конец формыКонец формыКонец формы 14 

Начало формыExplorer Levison Wood

Levison Wood is an explorer, photographer and writer whose travels have taken him around the world and onto our TV screens. His passion for adventure has led him to walk the length of the River Nile, travel through the Himalayas and, more recently, journey 650 miles on foot to follow the world’s largest annual migration of elephants across Botswana. Last year he returned from his most ambitious expedition to date; a 5000-mile circumnavigation of the Arabian Peninsula from Iraq to Lebanon. Levison Wood spent a number of years as an Officer in the British Parachute Regiment.


Начало формыSurvival expert Megan Hine

Megan Hine is a survival consultant, celebrity-expedition leader, adventurer and author. Her fascination with mountaineering comes from time spent working and living with native communities all around the world, from the San Bushmen in Africa to the Sámi reindeer herders in the Arctic. Hine’s understanding of the wilderness and advanced survival skills have led her to work on television shows such as Bear Grylls’s Mission Survive and Running Wild. In addition to her love for the outdoors, Hine is also keen to understand the psychology of survival and the way the human mind deals with hostile environments. Her book Mind of a Survivor draws from her vast experience of persevering in dangerous situations.

16Конец формы

Начало формыPolar Explorer Ben Saunders

Ben Saunders is one of the world’s leading polar explorers and a record-breaking long-distance skier who has covered more than 4,000 miles on foot in the polar regions since 2001. He has led challenging polar expeditions and completed the 105-day round trip from Ross Island off the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back again that defeated Captain Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton. He also holds the record for the longest solo Arctic journey by a Briton

Завдання 17-22

The History of Tea

Tea is consumed more than any other beverage in the world; and behind this everyday drink, beyond the boxes on the tea-store shelves, lies a colourful and fascinating story that makes its way through (17) __________.

Little did Chinese Emperor Shen Nung realise in 2737 B.C., (18) __________, that the beverage he discovered would cause sensations around the world. The pleasant aroma and refreshing taste charmed him, and soon everyone in the kingdom was drinking tea.

Until the third century A.D., (19) __________ with the fresh green leaves gathered from the wild tea trees. To match supply to an increasing demand and guarantee a regular crop, farmers began to grow tea (20) __________. The Dutch and Portuguese were responsible for bringing tea from China to Europe in the early 17th century.

In the 1870s, Ceylon became a major area producing tea as an alternative to coffee crops which failed in the 1860s. The first tea plantations were established in Loolecondra Estate near Kandy, and (21) __________.

Tea takes you on this long journey, with innovative blends and packaging yet, (22)__________.

Awhen dried leaves blew into his cup of hot water

Bkeeping the 5000-year-old traditions unbroken

Cthe social and cultural history of many nations

Dbegan the tea ceremony that is practised even now

Ethe beverage was prepared as a medicine or tonic

Fthe system of drying and processing tea leaves

Gplanting tea bushes wherever the land was suitable

Hthis marked the birth of tea industry in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

Начало формыBlackie

Blackie, the appropriately named black cat (23) _______ by British recluse Ben Rea, became the Guinness Book of World Records “Wealthiest Cat” in 2011. After his death in 1988, Rea left his £7-million ($12.5-million) (24) _______ to Blackie, the last surviving of the 15 cats he (25) _______ his mansion with. The millionaire antiques dealer left nothing to his family members, but split the rest of his wealth between three cat charities, with the instruction to (26) _______ his beloved pet. No one seems to know where Blackie is today…probably relaxing on his own (27) _______ island somewhere!


23  Abelonged      25 A shared                        27A  official

Bgained                    B stayed                             B local

Cresided                  C divided                            C private

Downed                    D lived                                D formal

24 Amoney            26 A take after

   Bcost                        B name after

   Cfortune                   C look after

   Dworth                      D go after

The World’s Most Untranslatable Word

The world’s most difficult word (28) __________ has been identified as Ilunga from the language, spoken in Congo. The word (29) __________ a poll conducted among a thousand linguists. Ilunga means “a person (30) __________ is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time.” Another high scorer was naa, a Japanese word that is used to emphasise statements or agree with someone. According to Managing director of the translation and interpreting agency, any interpreter should translate from one culture to (31) _______ culture, and sometimes, the equivalent idea just does not exist in (32) ________ cultures.


28 Atranslate    30 A who                            32 A every

Bto translate         B which                               B both

Ctranslating          C whom                              C neither

Dtranslates            D whose                              D either


29 Awill win      31 A the others

Bwins                     B other

Cis winning          C another

Dwon                    D others


Конец формыКонец формыКонец формы

1 D

2 C

3 A

4 C

5 B

6 B

7 C

8 D

9 B

10 B

11 H

12 F

13 G

14 D

15 E

16 B

17 C

18 A

19 E

20 G

21 H

22 B

23 D

24 C

25 A

26 C

27 C

28 B

29 D

30 A

31 C

32 B

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