Контрольна робота з англійської мови 11 клас

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови 11 клас ( Аудіювання, Письмо, Говоріння). Матеріал містить різнорівневі завдання для перевірки навичок аудіювання, письма, говоріння. Мета: повторення вивченого матеріалу.
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Контрольна робота №      11-th Form

Your name ____________________________


Письмова  частина

Listening skills

Task 1. Listen to the radio show. Match the statements (A–H) with the speakers (1–7). There is one extra statement.

(1 point for each correct answer – 7 points max)


My aunt died last year, and I was very surprised that she had left me something in her will. I

know I should have saved it, but I didn’t. I blew it. I resigned from work and took my friends out

to dinner and on holidays. They thought I was mad but didn’t complain. Well, a year later, it had

all gone. Now I wish I’d acted differently because one day I might want to buy a house or start a

business and it could have been very useful.


I had always been good at school, top of the class, without really having to try. I thought I could

pass A levels with the same attitude. It didn’t work out. You are treated more like an adult, given

a lot of responsibility for your own studying. There’s a lot of background reading to do and no

one checks to see if you have done it. I was shocked when I got my results and I didn’t get into

the university I wanted. I still got a good job, though.


I’ve always been an outdoor type of person. I’ve bungee jumped and gone white water rafting. I

was always very careful about safety. Then, one time I went on holiday with a few friends and

got too confident. I didn’t check the equipment, didn’t tell anyone where I was, broke all the

rules and spent three months in hospital as a result. Luckily, I recovered, but I’m much more

careful now.


When I went to university, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I studied art and decided to sell

my work at galleries. My friend who studied marketing was going to help. In the end, she got a

better offer and I had to do everything alone. I’m not great at business, and I don’t know how I

survived during my twenties and thirties. Luckily, I was discovered at the grand old age of fortysix,

and now I’ve got my own gallery.


I was working as a waiter to get a bit of money. At the same time, I was going to college in the

mornings so I wasn’t getting much sleep. I found it more and more difficult to concentrate and it

was no surprise when the boss told me that I would have to improve or he would have to get rid

of me. Well, I didn’t and he did but I did well at college and got an excellent job in computing.


Jerry and I have been friends since we were kids. He became a milkman, and I worked in a

factory. After a few years, I got promoted to supervisor and he got sacked and started working in

the factory. The problem was, he wasn’t very good at his job and I had to talk to him about it.

He didn’t like that at all, told me I’d changed and should be nicer to him. In the end he left, but

we’re friends again now and laugh about it.


After school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Then, one day, a friend told me about an idea

she’d had. It meant that we would have to borrow a lot of money and we’d be in debt for a few

years and I didn’t want to take that risk. She found another partner and, a few years later,

their business really took off. Now I’m earning £350 a week, and she’s worth about £2 million. I

often wonder what my life would be like if I’d taken that risk.


A. I took too many risks.

B. I threw away a great opportunity.

C. I made a mistake with money.

D. I shouldn’t have gone on holiday.

E. I upset a good friend.

F. I lost my job.

G. I didn’t work hard enough.

H. I became successful much later than I thought.




















Grammar and Vocabulary

Tasks 2–9. Fill in the gaps (2–9) with the correct form of the verb given in capitals on the same line.

(1 point for each correct answer – 8 points max)

A book I’ve recently read

The plot was just too complicated for me. One character 2 ___________ of lying. Although he was completely innocent he told his friends that regretted 3 ___________ them lies. He promised that he 4 ___________ it again. Why didn’t he just denied it all?

Another character was a middle-aged woman called Alice. She insisted on 5 ___________ her extravagant lifestyle even when her cousin reminded her that she no longer rich since Alice’s husband 6 ___________ her. He warned her that she 7 ___________ her home if her debts became too large.

Alice was a rather absent-minded character. She then told her cousin that her husband had agreed to pay her a monthly allowance, but it was clear that no one 8 ___________ where her husband was. Was she slightly mad? Or, perhaps, she 9 ___________ as well.








Tasks 10–16. Fill in the gaps with the words formed from those in capitals.

(1 point for each correct answer – 7 points max)

10. It was a very _________ performance.

11. The play had a ___________ ending.

12. The show was an ___________ triumph and the applause at the end was deafening.

13. The band played a _________ melody.

14. She’s a very ___________ dancer.

15. The songs were rather _________.

16. The ___________ first act is completely different to the violent climax.

PEACE       ENERGY   DRAMA         DENY    RHYTHM        GRACE        MONOTONY



Tasks 17–20. You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Ben, who mentions

in his letter that it was very difficult for him to get used to living in a hall of residence. Ask him

4 questions about this experience.

(2 points for each completely correct question – 8 points max)

17. ________________________________________________________________________

18. ________________________________________________________________________

19. ________________________________________________________________________





Student’s Card 1

Study the advertisement.

Visit the Living History Centre in Wales!

You are considering visiting the Centre and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) location

2) transportation

3) duration of the excursion

4) admission fee for one person

5) group discounts

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.


Student’s Card 2

Study the advertisement.

Visit the Living History Centre in Wales!

You are considering visiting the Centre and now you’d like to get more

information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out

about the following:

1) opening hours

2) possibility of a weekend stay

3) places to eat

4) minimum age for children to be admitted

5) admission fee for children

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

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