Контрольна робота з англійської мови 4 клас (за підручником А.Несвіт)

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови 4 клас (за підручником А.Несвіт) стане в нагоді при здійсненні контролю навичок читання вкінці навчального семестру.
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Reading Comprehension. Form 4 (based on the textbook by A.Nesvit)


Miss Alison

1. I go running a lot. I listen to classical

music. I like cooking for other people!

And I also love travelling - that is

my hobby, too. It is so nice to meet new

people, visit famous places and to learn


Mrs Tame

2. We have a nice summer cottage. It is

near the North Sea. I like to go for walks

along the shore. And in summer we go

sailing and swimming mostly every day.

In winter I like knitting - I make jumpers

for my children and my grandchildren.


3. I enjoy playing the piano. I have a

very good teacher, Miss Angela. I also

like to dance and enjoy that a lot. I collect

shells and I think that my collection is

the biggest in class. I like playing tennis

and want to take up swimming.

Task 1. True or false.

  1. Miss Alison likes cooking.
  2. Miss Alison visits famous places.
  3. Mrs Tame has a nice flat.
  4. In summer Mrs Tame goes sailing and swimming.
  5. Kim plays the piano.
  6. Kim collects dolls.


Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Miss Alison goes…
  1. Swimming
  2. Running
  3. Sailing
  1. Miss Alison likes…
  1. Travelling
  2. Playing the piano
  3. Dancing
  1. Mrs Tame lives near…
  1. The South Sea
  2. The North Sea
  3. The Black Sea
  1. Mrs Tame likes knitting in…
  1. Summer
  2. Spring
  3. Winter
  1. Kim collects…
  1. Dolls
  2. Cars
  3. Bears
  1. Kim plays…
  1. Football
  2. Computer games
  3. tennis
7 листопада 2020
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