Контрольна робота з англійської мови "Clothes" 5 клас. А. Несвіт

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота розрахована на 40 хвилин, має 6 завдань, легко оцінювати. Перевіряється граматика та лексика.
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ENGLISH TEST                        5th form


Task 1. Write the English equivalents of the Ukrainian words:

  1. Сукня
  2. Спідниця
  3. Сорочка
  4. Штани
  5. Пара шкарпеток
  6. Пара колгот
  7. Кросівки
  8. Пальто
  9.         Шарф
  10.    Чоботи
  11.      Джинси
  12.    Краватка


Task 2. Write as many items of clothing as you can according to four seasons:

In spring we wear: _____________________________________________


In summer we wear: ____________________________________________


In autumn we wear: ____________________________________________


In winter we wear: _____________________________________________


Task 3. Write the English equivalents of the Ukrainian collocations:

  1. Зав’язати шнурки
  2. Одягнути пальто
  3. Зняти шкарпетки
  4. Розстібнути кофту
  5. Застібнути куртку
  6. Зняти пальто
  7. Стягнути шкарпетки
  8. Пристебнути ремінь


Task 4. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb “TO BE”:

  1. I _____ going to put on my dress.
  2. Nick ________ going to pull off his socks.
  3. Mary ________ going to take off the jacket.
  4. We _______ going to lace our shoes.
  5. They ________ going to take off their coats.
  6. You ________ going to fasten the belt.



Task 5. Put the phrases and words from the box in the sentences.


out of fashion           fashionable            dirty           expensive           elegant   

                     untidy                     trendy                                 in fashion    


  1. Today in modern shops you can buy a lot of ___________ clothes made by different modern designers.
  2. I like to wear _________________ clothes like sneakers, sweatshirts and jeans.
  3. You clothes is so ______________! You need to wash it!
  4. Rich (багаті) people like to wear ________________ clothes.
  5. This dress is so _______________ that you can wear it for the dinner with the Queen.
  6. We cannot wear ______________ clothes to school.
  7. This coat looks like my granny’s coat. It’s ___________________.
  8. Loosy jeans and shirts are _____________________ today.


Task 6. Find the antonyms to the following words:

Wide - _____________________________________________________

Baggy - _____________________________________________________

High-heeled - ________________________________________________

Dark - ______________________________________________________

Heavy - _____________________________________________________

New - ______________________________________________________

Plain - ______________________________________________________

Long - ______________________________________________________



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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Гумен Інна Сергіївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
14 квітня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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