Контрольна робота з письма 5 клас

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Контрольна робота з письма для 5 класу на три рівні. В першому завданні - підібрати правильний варіант до слова,в другому - вставити have got (has got),а третій рівень - творче завдання
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Контрольна   робота    5  клас


I. Match the pairs

   1. англійська мова                                        a. my friend

   2. гімнастика                                                 b. Music

   3. мій друг                                                     c. my class

   4. кучерявий                                                 d. wizard

   5. прямий                                                      e. name

   6. хвилястий                                                 f. English

   7. музика                                                      g. straight

   8. чарівник                                                   h. wavy

   9. мій клас                                                    i. curly

  10. ім’я                                                           j. Gymnastics

        Answers: 1. f 2 j 3 a 4. i 5. g 6. h 7 b 8 d 9. c 10. e


II. Fill in the gaps with “have got” or “has got”

  1. I … a computer.
  2. She … a big family.
  3. He … a wavy hair.
  4. Andrii … a lot of friends.
  5. Ann and Daryna … pets at home.


III. Write a composition on one of these topics

      About myself”, “About my class”
























Контрольна   робота    5  клас


I. Match the pairs

   1. розклад уроків                                          a. May I go out?

   2. цікавий                                                      b. favourite subject

   3. важкий                                                      c. timetable

   4. популярний                                              d. Thank you

   5. улюблений предмет                                e. difficult

   6. іменник                                                     f. verb

   7. дієслово                                                    g. preposition

   8. прийменник                                              h. noun

   9. дякую                                                         i. popular

  10. Можна вийти?                                          j. interesting

        Answers: 1. c 2 j 3 e 4. i 5. b 6. h 7 f 8 g 9. d 10. a


II. Form the degrees of comparison to these adjectives

     tall –                                                              beautiful –

     short –                                                           old –

     popular –                                                       good –

     interesting –                                                  bad –


III. Translate into Ukrainian

      Mathematics –                                               nice -

      History –                                                        I’ve finished -

      Art –                                                               homework -

      Geography –                                                  Sorry, I’m late - 

      Internet –                                                       Who is absent? -





















Контрольна   робота        5  клас


І. Translate into English

    марка –                                                         теніс -  

   фотоапарат –                                                карате -

   аеробіка –                                                     Я люблю… -  

   хор –                                                             Я не люблю… - 

   йога –                                                            комп’ютерні ігри –


ІI. Open the brackets using Present Simple Tense

  1. He …(to play) the guitar
  2. I …(to play) football.
  3. Taras … (to play) tennis very well.
  4. I … (to play) computer games.
  5. Daryna … (to read) books every day.
  6. Andrii … (to ride) a bike every day.
  7. I … (to visit) my grandmother every week.
  8. She … (to play) the piano.


      III. Write a composition on the topic

             “My hobby”


























 Контрольна робота 5 клас


  1.      Translate into English

     вечірки –                                                        друзі -

     бедж –                                                            гість -

     запрошення –                                                тема -      

     клей –                                                             корисний -

     вільний час –                                                 електронний лист -  


ІІ. Insert prepositions in, at, of, on to these sentences

  1.  I am good … English.
  2. They are fond … different things.
  3.  Maryna is interested … reading books.
  4.  Ivan is keen … writing messages.

Answers: 1. at  2. of  3. in  4. on

III. Write an e – mail to your friend about free time






















Контрольна   робота за І семестр       5  клас


І. Divide these words into three columns: “Family”, “School subjects”, “Jobs”

   Doctor, dentist, mother, grandfather, vet, History, English, father, taxi driver,

   computer programmer, postman, Art, Music, Maths, mechanic, brother.



ІI. Write correct Tense to these sentences: Present Simple or Present Continuous 

  1. He often plays the piano.
  2. I am speaking now.
  3. Taras is playing tennis now.
  4. I am listening to the teacher at the moment.
  5. Katia speaks English every day.
  6. I visit my grandparents  every day.
  7. I am reading interesting books now.
  8. She always watches TV.


      III. Translate into English

          сестра –                                                       зубний лікар -

          бабуся –                                                       поштар - 

ветеринар –                                                 школа -

шкільні предмети –                                    українська мова -

моя сім'я –                                                   математика -

























Контрольна   робота       5  клас


І. Divide these words into two groups: “Healthy Food”, “Unhealthy Food”

   chocolate, crisps, tomato, cherry, peanuts, hamburger, ice - cream, candy, honey,

   watermelon, carrot, jam, meat, cake, eggs, pizza.


ІI. Complete the series of each group of four nouns

    Countable: apple, …

    Uncountable: milk, … 


      III. Translate into English

          помідор –                                                     чіпси -

          риба –                                                           молоко - 

мед –                                                             варення -

капуста –                                                      яйця -

морозиво –                                                   здорова їжа -
































Контрольна   робота        5  клас


        I. Find a superfluous word 

            1. spider,  bat,  bug,  branch.

            2. New Year, Christmas, ghost, Easter.

            3.  vegetables, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.

            4.  Independence Day, horror, Victory Day, St. Valentine’s Day.


ІI.  Fill in the gaps with “was”, “were”

  1. He … at home yesterday.
  2. I … at summer camp last year.
  3. Taras … in the swimming pool last Sunday.
  4. Ann and Daryna … in a circus on weekend.
  5. We … at the library last Friday.
  6. Andrii … at his friend’s birthday last Wednesday.
  7. My friend and I … in the museum last Saturday.
  8.   … you at school yesterday?


      IІІ. Match the pairs

1. Новий рік                                                   a. Easter

2. День Подяки                                              b. attic

3. Великдень                                                  c. ghost

4. Різдво                                                         d. horror

5. день народження                                       e. be afraid of

6. День Перемоги                                          f. New Year

7. горище                                                       g. Birthday

8. жах                                                             h. Victory Day

9. привид                                                        i. Christmas

10. боятися                                                     j. Thanksgiving Day

         Answers: 1. f 2 j 3 a 4. i 5. g 6. h 7 b 8 d 9. c 10. e

















Контрольна   робота        5  клас


     I.   Match the pairs

1. весна                                                           a. flood

2. пори року                                                   b. summer

3. повінь                                                         c. spring

4. літо                                                             d. autumn

5. зима                                                            e. seasons

6. осінь                                                           f. winter

7. гроза                                                           g. cloud

8. цвітіння                                                      h. climate

9. клімат                                                         i. thunderstorm

10. хмара                                                        j. bloom


 Answers: 1. c 2 e 3 a 4. b 5. f   6. d   7 i  8 j  9. h 10. g


II.    Translate into Ukrainian

      sun –                                                          snow -

      rain –                                                         cold -

     wind –                                                        weather - 

     temperature –                                             degrees centigrade -

     fog –                                                           frost -   



     ІII.  Write a composition on the topic: “My favourite season”   



















Контрольна   робота       5  клас


І. Divide these words into two groups: “Warm clothes”, “Cold clothes”

   jacket, socks, jeans, mittens, trousers, T - shirt, coat, shorts, skirt,

   cap, mittens, shirt, sweater, dress, blouse, scarf.


      II. Translate into English

светр                                                             біла сорочка і синя спідниця -

сукня –                                                             куртка -

блузка –                                                           червоні кросівки - 

футболка –                                                      чорні туфлі - 

зимовий одяг –                                              Мені подобається носити чорні штани –


ІII.  Write a report on one of these topics (5 – 9 sentences):

       “Clothes which you wear to school, “Clothes which you wear in different seasons”  

























Контрольна   робота       5  клас


І.  Translate into Ukrainian

    library –                                                          café -

    village –                                                          park -

    train station –                                                  street -

    traffic lights –                                                 zoo -  

    opposite –                                                       Where do you live? -


      II. Put “is” or “are” to these sentences

  1. My village … clean.
  2. There … a lot of houses in the street.
  3. The club … opposite the school.
  4. There … a bus stop in the village.
  5.  There … cafes in the village.


ІII.  Write a short report on the topic

              “My village


























Контрольна   робота за ІІ семестр     5  клас


І.  Translate into Ukrainian

    Ukraine –                                                             Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine -

    Christmas –                                                          national flag -

    territory –                                                             England -

    city –                                                                    Great Britain -  

    region –                                                                I live in Ukraine -


      II. Which tense is used in these sentences?

 I have already read this book.

 My brother finished school last year.

 Taras lived in Odesa in 1985.

 I go to school every day.

 He speaks English very well.

 He has just come.

 I did this work yesterday.

 I have been to Kyiv.


ІII. Translate into English

      Лондон –                                                                             територія -

      Дніпро –                                                                              прапор -

      три брати і сестра Либідь –                                              Україна - 

      Київ дуже красиве місто –                                                країна - 

      Велика Британія складається з чотирьох частин –         Одеса -       





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