Контрольна робота з письма І семестр

Про матеріал
Дана контрольна робота розроблена для перевірки навичок письма з англійської мови за підручником Карп'юк О.Д. (6 рік навчання)
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Writing. 6th form. I term.

Task 1. Choose the correct item.


1) Ted is a … pupil.

 a) good             b) well

2) This car is moving very…

 a) slow.            b) slowly.

3) My mother gets up … than my father.

 a) earlier           b) the earliest

4) Sam can swim … of all.

 a) better            b) best

5) Molly always writes…

 a) careful.          b) carefully.


Task 2. Choose the correct variant.


1) My friend … swimming in a local swimming pool.

 a) does              b) plays                  c) goes

2) I like watching golf … I can’t play it.

 a) but                 b) so                       c) and

3) Dolly can play the piano … the guitar.

 a) but                 b) so                       c) and

4) Sally … gymnastics and she is good at it.

 a) goes               b) does                   c) plays


Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct word.


1) This sweater is very _______ and nice. (soft, softly).

2) Nick can play baseball__________. (good, well)

3) The day is ___________ and sunny. (bright, brightly)

4) Jack always gets __________ marks in History and Geography. (good, well)

5) The woman __________ closed the door to the room, because she did not want to see anyone. (quick, quickly)

6) The pupils wrote an English test__________. (good, well)


Task 4. Make up sentences in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.


1) Ann/always/to watch/TV/in the evening.

2) I/not to learn/new/words/now.

3) My cousin/never/to forget/about/my/birthday.

4) We/to prepare/for/the competition/at the moment.

5) Where/your/brother/to go/every evening?

6) What/mother/to cook/now?


Task 5. Write answers to the questions.


1) What is your favourite subject at school?

2) How many lessons do you have on Mondays?

3) What subjects are you bad at?

4) What school subject is the easiest for you?

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 грудня 2022
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