Квест до теми “Eating Out”

Про матеріал
Пропоную вашій увазі простий лінійний, короткостроковий, груповий, освітній моноквест з теми “Eating Out”, який проводиться на занятті і являє собою ряд проблемних завдань, пов’язаних між собою, з елементами рольової гри, для виконання яких потрібні різні ресурси. Даний квест дозволяє розвивати загальнокультурні компетенції студентів, використовувати їм свої знання із зазначеної теми та навички на практиці, а також розвивати важливі якості особи: здатність швидко приймати рішення, діяти в умовах невизначеності, навички командної роботи, креативність мислення і інші. Також даний квест можна використати в якості елементу фонду оцінних засобів, який дозволяє перевірити рівень сформованості компетенцій(soft skills і hard skills) з теми.
Перегляд файлу

     Пропоную вашій увазі простий лінійний, короткостроковий, груповий, освітній моноквест з теми Eating Out”, який проводиться на занятті  і являє собою ряд проблемних завдань, пов’язаних між собою, з елементами рольової гри, для виконання яких потрібні різні ресурси. Даний квест дозволяє розвивати загальнокультурні компетенції студентів, використовувати їм свої знання із зазначеної теми та навички на практиці, а також розвивати важливі якості особи: здатність швидко приймати рішення, діяти в умовах невизначеності, навички командної роботи, креативність мислення і інші. Також даний квест можна використати в якості елементу фонду оцінних засобів, який дозволяє перевірити рівень сформованості компетенцій(soft skills і hard skills)  з теми.


Квест до теми Eating Out


Практична: активізувати пасивний і активний словниковий запас відпрацювати навички спілкування, уміння знаходити креативне рішення в екстремальній ситуації;

Освітня: систематизувати і закріпити знання отримані в ході підготовки до квесту, розширювати світогляд учнів, розвивати мовну здогадку та логічне мислення;

Розвиваюча: сприяти розвитку в учнів навичок самоорганізації; розвивати репродуктивні та рецептивні граматичні навички, пам’ять, увагу; розвивати навички всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності;

 Виховна: виховувати почуття толерантності до чужої думки, уміння працювати в колективі.

Обладнання: маршрутні листи, картки із завданнями, CD програвач, стрілки-вказівники.


Хід гри

T: Гра розрахована на 3 команди по 5 учнів. Команди виконують завдання згідно легенди. Кожне наступне завдання логічно повязане із попереднім. Тому вони не можуть рухатись до наступної станції не виконавши його. Маршрут кожної команди починається однаково. На станції кожна команда може знаходитись знаходиться стільки хвилин, скільки зазначено в маршрутному листі. Якщо команда витрачає додатковий час на виконання завдання, вона втрачає бали. По виконанні кожного завдання наступне команда отримає, перейшовши по стрілочці на стіні (наприклад). Виграє та команда, яка швидше і якісніше впорається зі всіма завданнями.


Time management


Time (Deadline)



Define the restaurant

8 min



Not to miss your chance

6 min



Selecting food products

6 min



Learn how inventive you are

5 min




7 min



Ordering dinner

7 min




6 min



Extra points for premature completion of tasks




Extra points for cooperation in the team





45 min




"Quest"- синопсис

Т: You are invited to the ceremony The Student of the Year Award in London. You are in Heathrow airport. But unfortunately, all your suitcases with documents have been sent to Gatwick airport. And, nobody remembers the address exactly. You’ve got in mind only - this event will take place in one of London’s restaurant. You take a taxi and try to explain the taxi-driver the place you need. He proposes you to solve the first task and define the restaurant where your group will have been waiting.


Task 1. Define the restaurant

Match the place for eatery with the descriptions. Choose an appropriate restaurant to the event you’ve travelled to.


Task 1. Define the restaurant

Match the place for eatery with the descriptions. Choose an appropriate restaurant to the event you’ve travelled to.

Café or Bistro ________





   Fast Food___________

  Food Truck ________

Fast Casual Fine Dining ___________

  Restaurant Buffet ________

   Pop Up Restaurant ________

 _______________________________________ 1. One of the hottest trends at the moment is…………………., which is a slightly more upscale (and therefore more expensive) than fast food.This restaurant offers disposable dishes and flatware, but their food tends to be presented as more upscale, such as gourmet breads and organic ingredients. Open kitchens are popular with fast casual chains, where customers can see their food being prepared.

________________________________________2. The term ………………. brings to mind all kinds of images, from crisp white table cloths to waiters in tuxedos. This restaurant  just as the name suggests, offers patrons the finest in food, service, and atmosphere. It is also the highest priced type of restaurant you can operate. Restaurants are usually are unique, even if they are owned by the same person or company. 



________________________________________3. This restaurant does not offer table service. Customers order their food from a counter and serve themselves. A menu traditionally offers things such as coffee, espresso, pastries and sandwiches. They originated in Europe and are strongly associated with France. They are known for their intimate, relaxed atmosphere. Outdoor seating is another trademark of it. 




________________________________________4. It is the most familiar restaurant to most people. Chains like McDonalds and Burger King became popular in the 1950s, and helped spawn countless other concepts like Taco Bell, KFC and In-n-Out Burger. Its service attracted customers for its speed, convenience, and cheap prices. These restaurants are typically chains. If you are thinking of opening  food franchise, keep in mind that the initial costs of franchising are more expensive than opening an independent restaurant. 


________________________________________5. A popular food trend across the country are mobile restaurants. Their benefits  include low cost and low overhead, making it one of the easier ways to open a new restaurant. Other their advantages include its mobility- it can go to where the customers are. It also requires far less staff.


________________________________________6. Around since the Middle Ages, this restaurant’s concept has stood the test of time and continues to be a popular choice for many restaurant customers. By definition, it is a meal where guests serve themselves from a variety of dishes set out on a table or sideboard. They are one type of restaurant concept that includes self-service and catering services. If you are opening a new restaurant, you can offer a buffet for special occasions or as a restaurant promotion. 


________________________________________ 7.    Another growing trend in the hospitality industry are these types of restaurants. According to the National Restaurant Associations What’s Hot survey, they are the biggest trends for 2012. While popular now, these restaurants are not a new concept. They originated as super clubs in the 1960s and 1970s. Today’s these types restaurants have many different looks and functions. They can appear in an unlikely place, such as an old warehouse or building rooftop.


Answers: Fast Casual Restaurant -1, Fine Dining – 2, Café or Bistro – 3, Fast Food Restaurant – 4, Food Truck – 5, Restaurant Buffet – 6, Pop Up Restaurant – 7.


Task 2. Not to miss your chance

You are at the restaurant now. A doorman asks you to produce your invitation for the ceremony. But we remember, we have lost all our documents. He offers you a compromise. If you do the task correctly you will have a chance to be present at this event. If you make a mistake you’ll get one more chance, but should do one more task. But then, you’ll waste time.  Identify the idioms with the appropriate sentence.

Identify the idioms with the appropriate sentence.

  1. Be like chalk and cheese 
  2. Piece of cake 
  3. Fish out of water 
  4. Big cheese 
  5. Apple of one‘s eye 
  6. To be full of beans 
  7. What is cooking? 
  1. Bill and Amanda were __________________________________.

D) When she started talking about her problems, he looked like ________________________.

E) I thought I was just going to speak to a secretary, but it was the __________________________ himself.

F)   Isabella is the ___________________________.

  1.   They could not get to sleep because they ___________________________.


  1. “Hey guys! ________________________?” “Nothing much. Same old, same old.”


  1.    This case was __________________________ .





Bill and Amanda were like chalk and cheese. –

When she started talking about her problems, he looked like a fish out of water.

I thought I was just going to speak to a secretary, but it was the big cheese himself.

Isabella is the apple of her father’s eye.

They could not get to sleep because they were full of beans.

“Hey guys! What’s cooking?” “Nothing much. Same old, same old.”

This case was a piece of cake.


Task 3. Selecting food products

Now you have got a permission to enter the restaurant. You are accompanied to the table. You take seats and notice only plates, glasses and cutleries on the tables. A waiter explains they have an accident with the electricity and unfortunately almost all products are spoiled. Because of this accident the chef has got a heart attaсk and they need any help to define products have left fresh to cook dishes.












Listen to the dialogue, write down all the products are mentioned in it.

Sample of the dialogue:

Todd: So, Meg, you look like a healthy person. Do you eat lots of fruits and vegetables?

Meg: I do eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially fruit. I love to eat fruit because it's so sweet.

Todd: Yeah? What fruits do you like?

Meg: I love bananas because they're so healthy for you. And so usually, in the morning for breakfast, I'll have a banana. I also love blueberries. Blueberries are my favorite fruit. But sometimes, they're expensive so I can't often eat blueberries.

Todd: Oh, I agree. Blueberries are so good. I love blueberries in oatmeal.

Meg: That's a good idea. I love to have blueberries in muffins.

Todd: Oh, that's nice. Well, you bake. Do you bake blueberry muffins?

Meg: I do bake blueberry muffins, and also blueberry bread, blueberry pancakes, many blueberry things.

Todd: Wow. That's great. So, are there any fruits you don't like?

Meg: I don't like kiwi actually because the flavor is okay, but the fruits is too soft. So usually, I don't want to eat kiwi.

Todd: Oh well, I love kiwi. I love kiwi and bananas. It's very good.

Meg: Hmm, sounds okay but maybe I'll just have the banana.

Todd: So, what about vegetables? Are you a person who eats lots of salad?

Meg: I don't eat a lot of salad, but I do like to eat vegetables with my meals, usually lunch and dinner.

Todd: So, you cook vegetables.

Meg: I cook vegetables, or I eat vegetables fresh. For example, usually with my lunch, I'll cut up a cucumber, and put some salt or pepper on the cucumber and eat with my lunch.

Todd: Oh great. I love vegetable sticks, so I love carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, radish sticks. It's very good.

Meg: Do you like to dip vegetable sticks into any dressing?

Todd: I do but it's not healthy, right?

Meg: No.

Todd: But yeah, I love the dressing like the ranch dressing with carrot sticks or the ranch dressing with cucumber sticks. It's very nice.

Meg: Yeah. It's pretty delicious. But you're right. Not so healthy.

Todd: No. So, what vegetables do you cook?

Meg: Sometimes I cook broccoli. I actually like to roast broccoli, which is when you put broccoli into the oven and cook it a few minutes. So, it's really delicious. You can add some salt or seasonings and it's easy to make. You can cook some meat or rice while the broccoli is in the oven and then it's ready for your dinner.

Todd: That's great. Yeah. You see some vegetables like on a kebab that are roasted. I guess onions are roasted, peppers are roasted.

Meg: Right, right.

Todd: Do you roast other vegetables besides broccoli?

Meg: Sometimes tomatoes, and sometimes potatoes although, it's that a vegetable.

Todd: It is but it's not a very healthy vegetable.

Meg: So maybe I shouldn't eat potatoes.

Todd: I love potatoes though. So, you roast vegetables, do you cook vegetables any other way? Do you boil vegetables or fry vegetables?

Meg: Sometimes I boil vegetables. For example, I like to boil carrots because they're soft and you can add some spices again to have some flavor when you eat carrots with your meal.

Todd: Yeah. Actually, I love carrots, but I only like raw carrots.

Meg: Oh really?

Todd: And I hate cooked carrots.

Meg: Oh well, I'll try to remember that if ever you come over for dinner.

Todd: Yeah. Carrots sticks please.

Meg: Okay.


Task 4. Learn how inventive you are.

You remember about the accident in the restaurant. They need any help. You’ve already known what kind of food remain. It won’t be a simple task but try to do it with all creativity as you can to wonder the guests.

Make a menu using food products you have just written.



Task 5. Master-chef

As you remember chef has got a heart attaсk. The chaos and confusion are in the restaurant kitchen. Time is getting less and less.

To fix the situation we need your help with cooking of some dishes.

If you fill in the gaps with appropriate word, you’ll save all of us. And everybody will have an opportunity to enjoy the meal.

Using food products you ‘ve defined and verbs given below make up the dishes from your menu.

  • Cut
  • Peel
  • Mix
  • Chop
  • Soak
  • Boil
  • Drain
  • Put
  • Add
  • Slice
  • Take
  • Cool



Task 6.







Help to serve the guests. Make a dialogue between a gest and a waiter using your menu. (own students’ answers). You can get extra points for an acting




Task 7. Cinquain


You are at the end of the way. You’ve done a lot the ceremony happened. Make the last impact. Think and make up cinquain to prove you’re the best.


The word cinquain comes from the Latin root for “five.” Notice that the cinquain has five lines that follow this sequence:


Line A: One vague or general one-word subject or topic

Line B: Two vivid adjectives that describe the topic

Line C: Three interesting -ing action verbs that fit the topic

Line D: Four-word phrase that captures feeling about the topic

Line E: A very specific term that explains Line A




Tasty, delicious

eating, meeting, celebrating

attend for enjoying meal




Research and sharing of information.



1. Dodge B. Creating WebQuests. 1999. -http://webquest.org/

 2. Горбунова О.В. Использование технологии веб-квест в образовательном процессе http://inshakovaox.jimdo.com/методические-работы/повышениеквалификации/использование-технологии-веб-квест-в-образовательном-процессевариативный-модуль-72-часа/

 3. Веб-квесты http://idee.ucoz.ru/publ/kvest/idei_sozdanija_kvesta/veb_kvesty/3-1-0-4

4. Веб-квесты по английскому языку http://творческиеработы.рф/webquest

5. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/p/6764.html





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