Lesson plan: We are at School

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Plan of the Lesson  in the  5-th Form


                                                                             Teacher: Glushchuk L. Y.


Lesson 17.

Date: 09. 10. 2022

Learners: pupils of the  5-th Form


Topic: We are at School


Objectives: by the end of the lesson pupils would be able:

  1.     to learn and  practice the vocabulary on the topic: School,

   School Subjects, Days of a Week, Clock and Time, School Activities;

            3)  to  learn and practice Grammar: Parts of Speech, Adjectives,

                 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives, Prepositions of time: on, at.

            4) to speak on the topic: We are at School;

            5) to develop their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.


Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing.


Aim:  1) to educate and develop pupils’  interests to  school, school subjects,

              school activities and  school life;

          2) to introduce related vocabulary;

          3) to develop fluency through a range of speaking activities.


Material: a book, a workbook, an exercise-book, some Grammar and lexical cards

                 on the topic, a tape  recorder.



I. Beginning of the lesson:                                                                             2 minutes

Greeting, checking up the readiness of the form to begin their work at the lesson.

T.: Who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today. My name is  ...  Today is  Wednesday, the 9-th (ninth) of October.  All (the pupils) are present  today.  ( ...  is (are ) absent today.  

T.: What was your hometask for today?              

P.: Our hometask for today was:


T.: How are you today?

P1: I’m fine, Thank you.

P2: So-so..

P3: I’m OK.

P4.: Not bad.

T.: Are you ready for the lesson?

P.: Yes, we are.


II. Warming up:

    1. Phonetic drill.                                                                                         3 minutes

  T.: Dear pupils, I should like you  to read and learn the following poem:         

                  The school has doors  that open wide,

                  And friendly teachers  wait inside.

                  Hurry, hurry. Let’s go in.

                  Our English lesson begins.

T.: Do you like English? Why?

P.1: It’s very popular in the world.

P.2: It’s an interesting subject.

T.: Why do you study English?

P1 → P2→ P3  …: I learn English because I want to  ...

                                          - have friends from other countries.

                                          - write e-mails in English.

                                          - be good at English.

                                         - speak over the phone to people from other countries.

                                         - travel to other countries.

                                         - make presentations in English.

                                         - watch films and cartoons in English.

                                         - read English books.

                                         - sing English songs.

                                         - work and play  with a computer.

T.: I’m very glad to hear this. What other subjects do you study at school?

P.:  We study Ukrainian,  English, German,  Russian, Maths, History, Geography,  Science, Craft, Music, Religion,  Arts, World Literature, IT (Information Technology), PE (Physical education) at school.


   2. Brain play.                                                                                                 3 minutes

T.: The British students want to know more about Ukrainian schools and schoolchildren. Work in pairs: Take a card from the box, read the question to your friend and answer it, please:

P1 → P2→ P3  …:

1. What is your name?                                       2. What is your surname?                                 

3. How old are you?                                           4. Where are you from?                                    

5. Where do you live?                                        6. What family have you got?                          

7. Have you got a sister or a brother?                8. What is (are) your favourite colour(s)?    

9. Have you got a friend?                                  10. What is your friend’s name?                      

11. How old is your friend?                               12. Have you got a pet?

13. What are you?                                              14. Where do you study?                                  

15. What form are you in?                                 16. Are you a good pupil?

17. What subject are you good at?                     18. What subject are you bad at?                         

19. What is (are) your favourite subject(s)?      

20. How many pupils are there in your form?  

21. Name 3 things you like to do at school.

22. Do you take books in the school library?

23. Do you wear a school uniform?

24. What do you do at your English lessons?


III. Review:                                                                                                        5 minutes

T.: Now let’s revise your  hometask: Ex. 2, p. 41 (PB).

       I want you to  speak about you, your studies at school, your favourite subjects and about your English lessons.


P1 → P2→ P3  …:       

Hi! My name is Ann. My surname is  Brown.  I am 10 (ten).

I am from Ukraine. I live in Kivertsi. I have got a big (a small) family.  I have got a sister (a brother). (I haven’t got a sister or a brother.) My favourite colour(s) is (are) green  (blue and white). I have got a friend. My friend’s name is  Kate (Nick). She (He) is 11 (eleven).  She (He) is from Kivertsi, Ukraine. I have got a pet. I have got a parrot.

          I am a pupil. I study at school number 3. I am in the fifth form. I am a good pupil. I study Ukrainian,  English, German, Maths, History, Geography,  Science, Craft, Music, Religion, Arts,  Foreign Literature, IT (Information Technology), PE (Physical Education) at school. I am good at Maths. I am bad at Music. My favourite subject(s) is (are) English  (Maths and History).


IV. Presentation:                                                                                               5 minutes

 T.: Now let’s learn this Grammar rule:


We use on with days.

We use at with times.

on Wednesday

on Saturday

at five past eleven

at break


T.:  Write the correct preposition: on or at, please:

... nine o’clock                   ... lunchtime              ...  quarter to eleven

... Tuesday                        ... Sunday                   --- Wednesday

... half past two                ... my birthday

Complete this sentence:

Can you come ... Thursday ... 5. 15?


V. Practice:                                                                                                      6 minutes


T.: Now let’s practice your  knowledge about school:

       I want you to make your own timetable. You will work in 5 groups. Each group gets the names of your lessons at school. Your task is to make a timetable for one day of the week.

Timetable  of  the 5-A Form in School №3 of Kivertsi










8.30 – 9.15







9.20 – 10.05



































T.: Now let’s work in pairs (Additional Card № 1): 

     Exercise 1. Ask and answer the questions:

P1 → P2→ P3  …:

1. What lessons have you got on Monday? – We have got Maths, ... on Monday.

2.  When have you got Maths ... ? - We have got Maths on Monday, Tuesday, ... .

3.  What is your first (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth) lesson on Wednesday?

    - Our first (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth) lesson on Wednesday is ... .

4. When does your first (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth) lesson begin (finish)?

 - Our first (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth) lesson begins (finishes) at 8.30  (14.00).

5.  Have you got Maths on Monday? – Yes, we have.  (No, we haven’t.)

6. When do you have lunch? – We have lunch after the third lesson at  10.20.


!!! Physical Warming:                                                                                       2 minutes


T.:  I think it’s time to rest a bit. If you are ready  let’s  do exercises

     and  sing with me:

Make your left hand clap-clap-clap!

Make your right hand clap-clap-clap!

Turn around one-two-three!

It is easy you can see!


Make your left foot tap-tap-tap!

Make your right foot tap-tap-tap!

Turn around one-two-three!

It is easy you can see!


T.: Let’s practice the Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives:                      5 minutes

tall – taller – the tallest

popular – more popular – the most popular

interesting – less interesting  - the least interesting


good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst

many – more – the most

much – more – the most

little – less -  the least


P1 → P2→ P3  …:

1. Nick is taller than Ann.  Vlad is the tallest of all.

2. English is easier than German. Music is the easiest subject.

2. English is more interesting than History. Ukrainian is the most interesting subject.

3. History is less interesting than English.     Craft is the least interesting subject.


T.:  Now make up your own sentences about your school subjects.

       Use the adjectives:    difficult, easy, boring, important, interesting, popular.


P1 → P2→ P3  …:  I think ...               To my mind ...


VI. Production:                                                                                                8 minutes


      T.: Now let’s do some exercises in the cards (Additional Card № 1):

P1 → P2→ P3  …:

Exercise 4.  Match the subject on the left with the topic on the right:

  1. Maths                                          a) animals
  2. History                                        b) gymnastics
  3. Geography                                  c) 2+2=4
  4. PE                                                d) the countries of the world
  5. English                                        e) people lived in the past
  6. Science                                         f) computers
  7. IT                                                 g) spelling


Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:


 September    /     books       /        May      /      PE       /    English


  1. My favourite school subject is ... because I like sports.
  2. There are a lot of ... in our school library.
  3. School starts in ... .
  4. School finishes in ... .
  5. ... is the most interesting subject because we learn to speak English.


Exercise 6.   a) Which school subject is each person talking about:

Example: Carlos: I need it becuuse I want to study in Australia one day. - It’s English.

  1. Mark: It’s my favourite subject because I like to learn about other countries.
  2. Simon: I like it because I like to draw and paint pictures.
  3. Tim: I think it’s very interesting to learn about animals and plants.
  4. Kate: It’s good because we run and jump and we don’t sit at a desk.
  5. Nick: Numbers are very interesting and we like to do sums.
  6. Bill: I like to learn about how people lived in the past.
  7. Pete: I think it’s very important  to learn all about computers.
  8. Sam: We like to sing songs very much.


b) Complete the table and say what subject each person likes:   

Example: Carlos likes English.






















































































Exercise 7. Complete the dialogues (Additional Card № 2):






1. - Why is it English?

2. - I think it’s English.

3. - What is the most popular subject at school?

4. - It’s English because we can  have friends from other countries.







1. - Why is it Maths?

2. - I think it’s Maths.

3. - What is the most important subject at school?

4. - It’s Maths  because  it’s very important to know numbers.







  1. It’s PE.
  2. What is your favourite subject at school?
  3. Why do you like it?
  4. I like it because I like to play games.


T.: Here are some questions for you to practice reading. Work in pairs

      (Additional Card № 1):


Exercise 2. Ask and answer the questions:


P1 → P2→ P3  …:

                                                   Reading Task: At School


  1.               What's your favourite subject? -  My favourite subject is__________________.
  2.               Have you got _________________ today? -  Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
  3.               Have you got ________________ on (Monday)?  - Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
  4.               What subjects have you got today?  -  Today I have got  _____________.
  5.               What subjects have you got on (Friday)?  -  On Friday I've got __________.


We go to school five days a week: on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday,

on Thursday and on Friday.

We don't go to school on Saturday or  Sunday, it's the weekend.

We have got a lot of school subjects:  ... .


VII. Revision:                                                                                                    4 minutes

      T.: Now I want you to revise what you have learned at the lesson

            (Additional Card № 1):

P1 → P2→ P3  …:


Exercise 3. Ask and answer the questions. Say what you do at these lessons:


Example:        What do you do at your Maths lessons?

                        We do sums  at our Maths lessons.

learn poems / read a book / write sentences /dictations    / do sums / retell stories

draw pictures / sing songs    /   run   / jump / play games   /  speak English (Ukrainian,   Russian,   German)  


      T.: Now let’s do ex. 3 on p. 42 (PB). Guess the subjects. Say what you do at these lessons. Write it, please.

   P1 → P2→ P3  …:    


      T.: And now I want you  to do some Puzzles and Crosswords about 

           school subjects (Additional Card № 3):                           

  P1 → P2→ P3  …:    


VIII. Summary:                                                                                              2 minutes

     T: Pupils,  I’m satisfied with your work  at the lesson.

          Did you like the activities?


         Your marks are:


T.:  And now  I offer your hometask. Please, do:


T.: Well, pupils. Thank you for your participation at the lesson.

      You have worked hard.

      Now the lesson is over. Good bye.








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