Listening Comprehension 6 form II semestr

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Listening Comprehension II semestr 6 form Розробила Соколюк Тетяна Володимирівна
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Listening 6 form II semester

Hello, everyone!

Last week I travelled by plane for the fi rst time in my life1 . I travelled with my parents.

We went to the airport by taxi. When we arrived there, we put our suitcases on a cart and went into the airport.

The airport was very busy. There were too many people. Some of them were at the check-in desk. Others were at the information desk. When we got on the plane, an air hostess said hello to us and pointed to our seats. There were lots of people on the plane, too.

It was fantastic when the plane started going up into the air. I looked through the window. Everything below us was very small — the streets, the cars, the buildings and the people.

And I felt very excited! Julia

  1.   Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Julia went to the airport ...

  1. by bus b) by taxi

2. They put their suitcases ...

a) on a cart b) on a trolley

3. The airport was very ...

a) quiet b) busy

4. Some of the people stood at the ...

a) souvenir shop b) check-in desk

5. When they got on the plane ... said hello to them.

a) a pilot b) an air hostess

6. It was fantastic when the plane started going ... .

 a) down onto the ground b) up into the air


  1. Say if the sentences are true or false.
  1. Tom went to the airport.
  2. He went by train.
  3. I travelled with my parents.
  4. The airport was very busy.
  5. There weren’t lots of people on the plane.
  6. It was boring.


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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 грудня 2022
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