Listening comprehension " Meet Bill Gates"

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При вивченні теми "Communication technologies" ми вивчаємо про Bill Gates, я розробила матеріал для аудіювання. Listening comprehension Meet Bill Gates
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Meet Bill Gates


Personal computers, or PCs, are an important part of our everyday lives. Many people cannot imagine life without them. One of the most important people in making these machines work is Bill Gates. Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family. His parents sent him to private school. There he met his business partner, Paul Allen. When they were in eighth grade, they were writing programs for business computers and making money. In  1973 Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy. They thought he would get over his obses­sion with computers and become a lawyer like his father. Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his friend Allen. They worked eighteen hours a day in a dormitory room at Harvard. They were writing the program that would run one of the first personal computers. In 1975, they created a company called Microsoft to sell their product. Allen became ill with cancer and left Microsoft in 1983. He recovered a few years later and started his own company. Meanwhile, Microsoft became a giant company. By 1990, at the age of 34, Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the United States. He was the "King of Software." He achieved his success with a lot of hard work, for more than ten years, he worked 16-hour days, seven days a week. He had a dream and the will to succeed. By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States.


                    Персональні комп'ютери, або ПК, є важливою частиною нашого повсякденного життя. Багато людей не можуть уявити собі життя без них. Одним з найбільш важливих людей в створенні цих машин роботи є Білл Гейтс. Білл Гейтс народився в 1955 році в штаті Вашингтон. Він виріс в багатій родині. Його батьки відправили його в приватну школу. Там він зустрів свого ділового партнера, Пол Аллен. Коли вони були у восьмому класі, вони пишуть програми для бізнес-комп'ютерів і заробляти гроші. У 1973 році Гейтс був прийнятий в Гарвардському університеті. Його батьки були щасливі. Вони думали, що він отримає за його одержимості з комп'ютерами і стати адвокатом, як його батько. Два роки по тому, Гейтс випав з Гарварда, щоб працювати над комп'ютерною програмою разом зі своїм другом Аллена. Вони працювали по вісімнадцять годин на день в кімнаті гуртожитку в Гарварді. Вони писали програму, яка буде запускати один з перших персональних комп'ютерів. У 1975 році вони створили компанію під назвою Microsoft, щоб продавати свою продукцію. Аллен захворів на рак і покинув Microsoft в 1983 році він видужав через кілька років і почав свою власну компанію. Тим часом, Microsoft стала гігантська компанія. До 1990 року, у віці 34 років, Гейтс був наймолодшим мільярдером в історії Сполучених Штатів. Він був "королем програмного забезпечення." Він досяг свого успіху з великою кількістю важкої роботи, протягом більше десяти років він працював 16 годин на добу, сім днів на тиждень. У нього була мрія і бажання домогтися успіху. До 1997 року він був найбагатшою людиною в Сполучених Штатах.







Listening comprehension

Meet Bill Gates

Task 1 .Circle the correct letter А, В, C, or D.

1. In 1973, Вill Gates was accepted at ...

A. Microsoft                                                          C. computer school

B. Harvard.                                                  D. Law School.

2. Bill Gate's parents wanted him to become a...  

A. computer programmer.                                    C. lawyer.     
B  teacher.                                                   D. doctor

3. When Gates and Alien were in the eighth grade, they were writing programs for
                       A. Apple computers.                                          C. private schools.

B. personal computers.                                          D. business computers.

4.  Paul Alien left Microsoft because...

A. he wanted to start his own company  .     C. he became rich.

B. he was ill.                                                            D. he didn't tike Gates.  

5. In 1-990, Bill Gates became the youngest... in U.S. history. president                                         C. billionaire

B. college student                                                   D. programmer

6. Bill Gates was born in...

A.1955 in Washington State.                              C.1955 in Norway.

B.1955 in Los Angeles.                                      D.1955 in Cleveland.

7. Bill Gates was...

A."King of dance".                                                    C."King of hardware".

B."King of software".                                                D. King of cinematography".

8. Bill Gates worked...

A.13-hour days six days a week.                        C.15-hour days six days a week.

B.14-hour days six days a week.                        D.16-hour days six days a week.

9. By 1997 Bill Gates was...

A. the poorest man in the United States.                         C. the oldest man in the United States.

                 B. the richest man in the United States.                     D. the youngest man in the United States.

10. Bill Gates was …. when he became the youngest billionaire.

A.32                                                                      C.34

B.33                                                                      D.35

11.The company created by Gates and Allen called...

A. Linux.                                                                      C. Excel.

B. Windows.                                                                 D. Microsoft.

12.The text called...

A.Meet Bill Gates.                                                         C. Write Bill Gates.

B.Tell Bill Gates.                                                           D. Show Bill Gates.                (2 point)

Task2. True or false

  1. PCs are an important part of our life.
  1.   Bill Gates grew up in the poor family.
  2.   He met his business partner in the private school.
  3. They were writing programmes for business computers when they were in eighth form.
  4.   In 1973 he entered  to  Harvard University.
  5. In 2013 at the age of 34 he became the youngest billionaire in the history of the USA.       (2 points)

Task 3. Answer the questions.

  1.    Who was Bill Gates?
  2.    When and where was Bill Gates born?
  3.    Who was Bill Gates business partner?
  4.    At what university did Bill Gates study?
  5.    When was the Microsoft Company creating?
  6.    Gates was the youngest billionaire in the history of the USA, wasn't he?
  7.    How did he achieve his success? 

8. What do you think about Bill Gates?

                                                          (8 points)



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