Listening ComprehensionTest For 6th Form Students

Про матеріал
Матеріал до уроку містить скрипт тексту, завдання(True-False)та ключі. Це завдання можна використати як для розвитку навичок слухового сприйняття.так і для контролю сформованості навичок аудіювання.
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Listening  Comprehension Test for 6th Form Students

The Man With 13 Jobs

Seumas  McSportan I s avery busy man.He comes from Scotland.He is 60 years old and he has 13 jobs. He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a boatman, a petrol attendant, a barman, and an undertaker. Also he and his wife Margaret have a shop and a small hotel.

Seumas lives and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha, but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8 o’clock he drives the island’s children to school. At 9 o’clock he collects the post from the boat. He delivers it to all the houses of the island. He also  delivers the beer to the island pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop at 5pm.

He says :”Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we don’t like watching television. In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I do accounts.  At 10 pm we a cup of green tea and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn’t very interesting, but we enjoy it.’’










Listen to the text and mark statements True or False:

  1. Seumas  McSportan comes from the USA.
  2. He is a teacher.
  3.  Gigha is his wife.
  4. The couple has a shop and a small hotel.
  5. 220 people live on the island.
  6. In summer 150 tourists come to the island by train.
  7. Seumas gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning and makes breakfast for the hotel guests.
  8. At 11 o’clock he collects the post from the boat.
  9. Seumas  McSportanhas got two children.

10.His wife is an artist.

11.They like watching TV very much.

12.They enjoy living in the mountains.




До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
1 листопада 2019
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