Матеріал до вивчення теми "Inventors and Inventions"

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Inventors and Inventions

  1. Answer the questions.
  1. What can we use a computer for?
  2. What does modern invention offer?
  3. What have modern mobile phone impact on?
  4. When did the first mobile phone appear?
  5. What country was the first TV station located?
  6. What makes people’s life easier and comfortable?


  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. The first computers were…
  2. Modern television offer a great choice of …
  3. Now computers have changed …
  4. Thanks to Microsoft, Gates is now one …
  5. An … Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone. 


  1. Guess what the sentences are about.
  1. A thing that changed the way of people’s communication.
  2. Something that appeared on the Empire State Building in New York.
  3. The most important invention of all times.
  4. A thing that weighted one kilo at the time of its invention.
  5. Zvorykin’s invention of 1931.
  6. An invention which appearance has remained consistent since 1873.


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.
  1. People’s communication
  2. Invention known
  3. To make our life easier
  4. To introduce the first automobile
  5. Invention of all times
  6. Around the world


  1. Combine the sentences.
  1. Mobile phone…                                              h) a great progress
  2. Computers in the world use the software…    i) for scientific purposes
  3. Now mobile phones…                                     j) that makes computers                   

                                                                                      perform serious tasks

  1. We can use a computer                                     k) make people’s life easier

                                                                            and more comfortable


  1. Karl Benz’s automobile was …                       l) have changed the way we



  1. Modern inventions appear very fast and            m)to draw a picture or to

                                                                             design a house

  1. The first computers were used …                       n) appeared in 1973.


  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. It took five years to draw in a commercial contract with the … from Bahrain.
  • Operator
  • Economist
  • Businessman
  1. Mobil phones have made a massive impact on social and … activities.
  • Industrial
  • Cultural
  • Working
  1. The first … were  huge.
  • TV sets
  • Computers
  • Revolvers
  1. Now modern television offers to the … a wide choice of programs on different channels.
  • Students
  • Workers
  • Viewers
  1. Software invented by Bill Gates makes computers perform …tasks.
  • Serious
  • Easy
  • Entertaining
  1.  The first revolver was designed by …
  • Volodymyr Zvorykin
  • Samuel Colt
  • Graham Bell
  1. Make up 5 questions to the sentence.
  • Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone- Motorola.
  • Now modern television offers to the viewers many programs on different channels.
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Inventors and Inventions


The most important inventions of all times is the automobile.

By 1860, the gasoline engine had been invented in Europe in 1885, Karl Benz introduced the first automobile. His car ran on three wheels, had no pedals and could hold two people. It was the great progress.

The first revolver was designed in 1835 by Samuel Colt. The Colt Single Action Army has been offered in over 30 different calibers and various barrel lengths. Its overall appearance has remained consistent since 1873.

The first telephone was made by the American A.G.Bell. It was a wonderful invention which changed the way of people’s communication.

Mobile phone, using now by millions of people, appeared in 1973. An American Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone-Motorola.

It weighted a kilo. It took five years to draw in a commercial contract with the operator from Bahrain.

Now mobile phones have made a massive impact on social and working activities and changed the way we communicate.

The first computers were huge. They were used for scientific purposes.

Now computers have changed the way we live. We can use a computer to write a letter, to design a house, to draw a picture or to exchange messages with someone around the world.

Computers in the world use software invented by Bill Gates , the founder of Microsoft Inc. of  programs that makes computers perform serious task. Thanks to Microsoft, Gates is now one of the richest men in the world.

A Russian engineer Volodymyr Zvorykin emigrated to the USA and there in 1931 he made his invention known as a television set.

The first TV station was located on the Empire State Building in New York City. Now modern television offers to the viewers a wide choice of programs on different channels.

It isn’t the full list of the modern inventions, they appear very fast and make people’s life easier and more comfortable.


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