Матеріали до теми " Travelling "

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  Tasks for the theme “Travelling”        

  1. Match the phrases


1.Go on the other side of the street                        a. Йдіть прямо

2.Find the café                                                             b. Не сідайте в автобус                                                    

3.Cross the road                                                          c. Поверніть ліворуч

4.Come back to the crossroads                                 d. Поверніть на цьому розі                      

5.Turn left                                                                     e. Пройдіть повз церкви                                   

6.Don’t  get on the bus                                               f. Почекайте трамвая

7.Go by metro                                                              g. Сядьте на другий автобус

8.Go straight                                                                 h. Пройдіть на іншій стороні вулиці

9.Go along the church                                                 i. Верніться до перехрестя

10.Turn at this corner                                                  j.  Знайдіть кафе

11.Get on the other trolleybus                                  k. Поїдьте на метро

12.Wait for the tram                                                    l. Переходьте дорогу тут


  1. Match the phrases
  1. Go to the next stop                                                 a. Поверніть ліворуч
  2. Get on this                                                                b. Cядьте на автобус
  3. Go through the park                                               c.Пройдіть до наступної зупинки
  4. Turn right                                                                  d.Знайдіть станцію метро
  5. Turn on the next corner                                         e.Поверніть праворуч
  6. Get on the next trolley bus                                    f.Пройдіть по парку
  7. Wait for the taxi                                                       g.Йдіть прямо
  8. Come back to the hospital                                     h.Сядьте на цей трамвай
  9. Turn left                                                                     i. Сядьте на наступний тролейбус
  10. Find the metro station                                            j.Поверніть на наступному розі
  11. Get on the                                                                 k. Верніться до лікарні
  12. Go straight                                                                l.Почекайте на таксі

                                  3.Give an advice to the traveler



a) Stand up                                                            b) Sing in the bathroom

c) Translate the exercise                                    d) Stay at the expensive hotel



a) Choose the room with the bath                   b) Hug all the birds

c) Sell your house                                                c) Eat crocodiles



a) Jump from the roof                                         b) Build the castle

c) Play games with your pupils                          d) Don’t sunbathe in too hot weather



a) Clean the windows                                           b) Break umbrella

c) Watch the documents                                      d) Bite the people



a) Take care of the children on the beach        b) Paint the coat

c) Watch the documents                                      d) Kiss a tiger



a) Dance with bats                                                 b) Don’t eat too much unknown food

c) Eat boots in the morning                                  d) Draw a face



               4.Give an advice to the traveler


  1. _________
  1. Don’t forget to take your sunglasses         b) Clean the floor
  2. Bite your fingers                                            d) Water the flowers



      a) Destroy the shop                                           b) Work a lot

      c) Buy a big case beforehand                          d) Plant the trees



     a) Dig the ground                                               b) Touch all  the monuments

     c) Feed the birds                                                d) Take your credit cards



     a) Put on your coat                                           b) Fall down

     c) Put your ticket into your pocket                d) Knit a sweater



      a) Have some flute lessons                             b) Pack your baggage carefully

      c) Cook at the kitchen                                     d) Cry a lot


      a) Play the guitar                                              b) Take your passport

      b) Sweep the floor                                            d) Break the chair        





5. Fill in

1. to go_ train                                                            2. to get_ a train

 a) at                b) by                                                    a) on                 b) fall

 c) but              d) turn                                                 c) yes               d) but


3. to look_ the monument                                      4. to turn_

 a) with           b) let                                                     a) still              b) left

 c) go               d) at                                                      c) let                d) pit


5. to wait _                                                                 6. to come_

  a) for             b) pond                                                 a) go               b) get

  c) ill                d) from                                                 c) back           d) ring


6. Fill in

1. to go_                                                                      2. to tavel_ the bike 

 a) by               b) over                                                    a) over         b) sit

 c) run             d) still                                                       c) break       d) on


3. to ride_ a horse                                                     4. to swim- the boat

  a) on             b) with                                                      a) dull           b) near

  c) under       d) top                                                        c) down        d) take


5. to go _ boat                                                            6. to stand_the stop 

  a) with          b) up                                                           a) in             b) from

  c)  on             d) under                                                     c) at             d) to 



7. Devide the text into words and sentences.

Travellingisaveryniceactivityyoucantravelinyourowncountryorabroadyouwillanyway getlotsofimpressionit’snotonlyalotoffunbutit’salsoquiteusefulforapersonpeopletravel abroadformanyreasonsfirstofalltravelingisagreatopportunitytobroadenyourmindwhen youtravelyouvisitplentyofattractionsifyoutakeanexcursionyoulearnthehistoryofthe placesandinterestingfactstravellinggivesyougoodemotionsasyoucanseeverybeautiful placesbuildingsparkslakesandbeacheswhenyoutravelyoumeetalotofdifferentpeople whoyoucantalktoandunderstandtheirwayofthinkingandthewaytheyseetheworldyou learnabouttheculturecustomsandtraditionsofothernationalitiesyoucanalsopracticeyou Englishwiththosepeopletravellingbroadenyourmind.







Text for checking up.

Travelling is a very nice activity. You can travel in your own country or abroad, you will anyway get lots of impression. It’s not only a lot of fun, but it’s also quite useful for a person. People travel abroad for many reasons. First of all, traveling is a great opportunity to broaden your mind. When you travel you visit plenty of attractions, if you take an excursion you learn the history of the places and interesting facts. Travelling gives you good emotions, as you can see very beautiful places: buildings, parks, lakes and beaches. When you travel you meet a lot of different people, who you can talk to and understand their way of thinking and the way they see the world. You learn about the culture, customs and traditions of other nationalities. You can also practice your English with those people.


Баран Ніна
9 лютого 2023
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