Методична розробка уроку на тему "Навчання за кордоном"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови в 11 класі на тему "Навчання за кордоном"
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Методична розробка уроку англійської мови на тему: "Навчання за кордоном"

Підготувала викладач Плугатор Оксана Іванівна Theme. Studying Abroad Objectives:

practical: to train vocabulary on topic; to improve pupils’ listening, reading and speaking skills; educative: to enlarge pupils’ knowledge on studying abroad; developing: to develop a creative way of thinking; to develop pupils’ fluency in using English, language guess and logical thinking; cultural: to teach pupils to respect the culture and traditions of other countries; to bring up tolerant attitude to other pupils’ thoughts.


topical        pictures,     record        of      the    text,  tests  for     listening comprehension, cards with tasks, video record, presentation of the lesson plan.

Methods and activities:

work in groups, running dictation, mind map, communicative method.

Type of the lesson: interactive

Plan of the lesson

I.          Introduction

Greeting. Motivation

II.      Introducing the theme and expected results

a)    Talking with pupils

b)   Work in groups

c)    Presenting the theme and lesson plan

III.   Warming-up. Finding the words

IV.  Main part

1.   Revising lexical material

a)    Speaking. Completing the word map.

b)   Matching

2.   Listening

3.   Interactive activity

4.   Watching TV programme

V.          Summing-up. Reflection

VI.      Evaluation

VII.   Home task

Тема. Навчання за кордоном. Studying Abroad.


практична: практикувати учнів у використанні лексики; удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання і говоріння; освітня: розширити знання учнів про навчання за кордоном; розвивальна: розвивати творче мислення учнів, мовлення, мовну здогадку і логічне мислення;

виховна: вчити поважати культуру і традиції інших держав, виховувати толерантне ставлення до думок інших учнів.

Обладнання: підручник, аудіо і відео записи, роздавальний матеріал, презентація до уроку

Методи і прийоми:

робота в групах, інтерактивний і комунікативний метод

Тип уроку: інтерактивний

Plan of the lesson. План уроку

I. Introduction. Вступ

1.   Greeting. Привітання.

2.   Checking the pupils presence and preparing for the lesson. Перевірка присутності і готовності учнів до уроку

3.   Motivation. Мотивація

II.      Introducing the theme and expected results. Представлення теми і очікуваних результатів

a)     Talking with pupils. Бесіда з учнями

b)    Work in groups. Робота в групах

c)     Presenting the theme and lesson plan. Представлення теми і плану уроку

III.   Warming-up. Мовна розминка. Лексична гра «Назви слово»

IV.  Main part. Основна частина

1.   Revising lexical material. Робота з лексикою

a)     Speaking. Говоріння

b)    Matching. Завдання на відповідність

2.   Listening. Аудіювання

3.   Interactive activity. Інтерактивна вправа

4.   Watching TV programme. Перегляд відео

V.      1.Summing-up. Reflection. Підсумок уроку. Рефлексія.

2. Evaluation. Оцінювання

VI.   Home task. Домашнє завдання

Procedure. Хід уроку

I. Introduction. Вступ

1. Greeting. Привітання.

- Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you.

2. Checking the pupils’ presence and preparing for the lesson.

-   Who is absent today? Why?

-   Are you ready to begin our lesson?

3. Motivation. Мотивація

- We’ll have wonderful minutes of communication. OK, look at each other, please.

Smile! Now we can start our lesson.

II. Introducing the theme and expected results. Представлення теми і очікуваних результатів

a) Talking with pupils. Бесіда з учнями

-         You are the last-year pupils now. After finishing our lyceum you can work or try to enter the higher educational establishment. What’s about you?

-         Do you want to live away from home?

-         Do you want to live in campus/ hostel?

-         How quickly can you get home for weekends and holidays?

b) Work in groups. Робота в групах

-    I think, you can guess our today theme, but to help you I propose to make up the words from the letters. Now we have joined 2 groups. So, one word is for the 1st group and the 2nd for the next one. You words begin from the

capital letters. Let’s start. Who will be the first? (appendix 1) -      Can you write your words on the blackboard? Please.

c) Presenting the theme and lesson plan. Представлення теми і плану уроку

-         Yes, our today theme is “Studying Abroad” and our motto is “Live and learn”. Do you agree with it? Is it important to learn?

-         So, during this lesson we are going to:

revise lexical units (doing matching, playing lexical game and speaking) listen to information about the Studying abroad play interactive game “Running dictation” watch video about Oxford.

III. Warming-up. Мовна розминка. Лексична гра «Назви слово»

-      Let’s play lexical game. Your task is to name new words which begin from the letters of our today theme and are connected with topic “Education”

(Student, tutor, teacher, university, year, institute, notes, graduate, advanced,

Bachelor, rector, Oxford, art, director…)

IV. Main part. Основна частина

1. Revising lexical material. Робота з лексикою

a) Speaking. Говоріння

-         Some years ago only a few young people studied abroad. But now there are more. Why do people study abroad now? What makes them do it? Speak on the reasons. Use and complete the word map below. You can use the next phrase:

Young people want to … (word map in the textbook or presentation)

(appendix 2)

-         All of you are right. There are many reasons which make young people study abroad.

b) Matching. Завдання на відповідність

-   The next task is matching. You have to work in groups. Each group has a leader. They are…. Also we have the time-keepers, writers and some assistants. The time-keeper must watch the time. The leader must lead the activity of his group and present the group’s work. The writer writes, of course, and assistants must do the group’s work. Also, at your desks, you have self-evaluation group’s card. Be ready to divide your group marks at the end of the lesson and use the card to help you.

-   Let’s do matching. It’s exercise 3 on page 57 at your textbook. Match the words from the Word file with their definitions. You have 3 minutes to do it.

-   The … group was the first. Let’s check your work.

1.  renowned;

2.  appealing;

3.  freedom

4.  liberty;

5.  diversity;

6.  a graduate;

7.  foundation course;

8.  publicly funded;

9.  to be well regarded (in)

2. Listening. Аудіювання

- Now I propose you to listen to the information about what each of the five English-speaking countries has to offer for students who are thinking of going overseas to study and answer the following questions in no more than three words.

Make notes if you need. It’s exercise 2 on page 56 from your textbook.

(After listening pupils read and answer the questions.)

3. Interactive activity “Running Dictation”. Інтерактивна вправа

-   I think you need to move, so it’s time for “Running dictation”. You know the rules:

One person is a writer the rest must run one by one to the desk with the tasks, read, run to the group and dictate it to the writer. Remember that only one person can be near the desk with the tasks all the rest must take their sits. You can run until you will have done your task, but it is competition and the winner will be the group which will have done it faster and better.

(appendix 3)

-   Read the Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad.

4. Watching TV programme. Перегляд відео

- Our last activity is watching TV programme. Watch and do multiple choices.

(appendix 4)

V. Summing-up. Reflection. Підсумок уроку. Рефлексія.

1. - Now answer my questions:

-         Have we done our lesson plan? Let’s check.

-         Did we achieve the expected results?

-         What activities were the most interesting for you?

2. Evaluation. Оцінювання

- Thank you for your work. I can say you worked really very well and have shown me how much you are able to do.

But more I’m content with the work of the … group. Your general mark is … . You made some mistakes in your listening comprehension test and in your oral answer, you were slower, so your mark is … . Be ready to divide your marks in groups and tell me at the end of the lesson.

VII. Home task. Домашнє завдання

And your home task is exercise 4 at page 55 from your textbook

Appendix 1. ( is cut)

S t u d y i n g A b r o a d

Appendix 2.


1.     You can learn about the customs and the way of life of other people.

2.     Students make friends from different countries.

3.     Students communicate every day in foreign language.

4.     You will become more experienced, confident and independent.


1.     You are not at home, far from your family.

2.     It’s too expensive to study abroad.

3.     You may feel isolated and have trouble coping with the complete culture shock.

4.     You must be independent and be ready to do without somebody’s help.

Appendix 4.



Watch video and choose the better variant.

1.  Oxford should be about ……         drive from London.

a)   a ten minutes'          b) an hour’s

2.  The University is ………   of Oxford.

a)   at the heart   b) on the outskirts

3.  In the first year ………       accommodation in the University Halls of Residence.

a)   few students get      b) everyone gets

4.  The Students' Union building is the place …….. .

a)   where they can meet friend after a busy day

b)  where they have classes and lectures.

5.  An International Students' Officer is responsible for………….

a)   helping overseas students in visa issue and generally settling down in a new home

b)  the academic           environment

6.  Studying at Oxford is…………..

a)   all about living in the library

b)  not about living in the library

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