Про матеріал
Методичні рекомендації для написання контрольних робіт з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів третього курсу спеціальності "Екологія".
Перегляд файлу

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Кам’янський фаховий енергетичний коледж

Циклова комісія соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін




























Затверджено на засіданні кафедри

соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін











Укладач: Довга Ю.М., викладач англійської мови Кам’янського фахового  енергетичного коледжу.


Рецензент: к.філол.н.Романюха М.В. доцент кафедри перекладу Дніпровського державного університету.




Розглянуто і схвалено на засіданні циклової комісії соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін Кам’янського фахового енергетичного коледжу.

Протокол № 6 від 14 січня 2023 року.
















  Методичні рекомендації для написання контрольних робіт  з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів третього курсу спеціальності "Екологія". / упор.: Довга Ю.М. –  Кам’янський фаховий енергетичний коледж. – Кам’янське, 2023. –61 с.














Основною метою вивчення іноземної мови у  фаховому передвищому навчальному  закладі  є практичне володіння іноземною мовою для використання її у спілкуванні під час вирішення побутових, навчальних та соціокультурних завдань.

Мета допомоги ввести студенті в область іншомовного письмового спілкування за спеціальністю та допомогти засвоєнню мінімуму змісту програми та у виконанні ними контрольних робіт.


Методичні вказівки щодо виконання контрольної роботи

Для того щоб виконати контрольні завдання, потрібно:

1. Засвоїти спеціальний лексичний матеріал, перекласти технічний текст (з англійської на російську) за допомогою політехнічного словника та конспектів зроблених під час семінарів;

2. Відповісти на запитання після тексту, які задаються для перевірки розуміння;

3. Виконати вправи:

       а) на повторення граматичного матеріалу;

       б) переклад зукраїнської на англійську;

4. Кожна робота виконується в окремому зошиті для контрольних робіт. 

5. Розв'язання задач бажано розташовувати у порядку номерів, зазначених у завданні, номери завдань слід зазначати перед умовою.

6. Умови завдань повинні повністю переписуватися в контрольний зошит.

7. Якщо у роботі допущені недоліки та помилки, то студент повинен виконати роботу над помилками.






         АНОТАЦІЯ                                                                                               2

  1. Варіант                                                                                                 4
  2. Варіант                                                                                                 6
  3. Варіант                                                                                                 8
  4. Варіант                                                                                                11
  5. Варіант                                                                                                13
  6. Варіант                                                                                                16
  7. Варіант                                                                                                18
  8. Варіант                                                                                                21
  9. Варіант                                                                                                23
  10. Варіант                                                                                                26
  11. Варіант                                                                                                28
  12. Варіант                                                                                                31
  13. Варіант                                                                                                34
  14. Варіант                                                                                                37
  15. Варіант                                                                                                39
  16. Варіант                                                                                                42
  17. Варіант                                                                                                44

Граматичний довідник                                                                             46

Таблиця неправильних дієслів                                                                 57

          Література                                                                                                   61









Контрольна робота №1

I.    Translate the text.


E cology is defined as the study of living things, their environment, and

the relation between the two.

E c o logy gives an understanding of nature's structure and function

changes over time, and reaction and recovery from various kinds of disturbances.

Natural history is an important element of ecology, but it is not sufficient to

give an understanding, even in general terms, of the impact of humans on nature

and what comprises a good ecological management. Ecology is not

synonymous with environmental science, environmental management or

environmental education.

T h e term oekologie was coined in 1866 by the German biologist

Ernst Haeckel; the word is derived from the Greek oikos ("household") and

logos ("study"); therefore "ecology" means the "study of the household [of


E cology is usually considered a branch of biology, the general science

that studies living organisms. Organisms can be studied at many different

levels, from proteins and nucleic acids (in biochemistry and molecular biology),

to cells (in cellular biology), to individuals (in botany, zoology, and other

similar disciplines), and finally at the level of populations, communities, and

ecosystems, to the biosphere as a whole; these latter strata are the primary

subjects of ecological inquiries.

E c o logy is a multi-disciplinary science. Because of its focus on the

higher levels of the organization of life on earth and on the interrelations

between organisms and their environment, ecology draws heavily on many

other branches of science, especially geology and geography, meteorology,

pedology, chemistry, and physics.



II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. How is ecology defined?

2.When was the term oekologie coined by the German biologist Ernst


3.What does the word "ecology" mean?

4.What do you know about ecology?

5.Why is ecology a multi-disciplinary science?


IV. Supply some, any, no, where required

  1.               ... pupils went to the river,  ... to the woods. 2. ... of my friends live in Moscow. 3. ...Have you ... English dictionaries? 4. Is  there ... ink in the inkstand? Yes, there is... 5. Bring ...chalk, please. 6. There is ... chalk in the box. 7. Is there ... milk in the jug? Yes, there is


V. Fill in blanks with the Past Progressive or the Past Simple Tense of the verbs in margin.

  1.   We ... to a lecture yesterday at ten o'clock.         listen
  2.   She ... the piano from 11 till 12 o'clock.         play
  3.   When he ... in, I ... my exercises.                come, do
  4.   What ... you yesterday at 8 o'clock?        do
  5.   Yesterday when I ... the newspaper, my sister ... to a concert over the radio.        read, listen
  6.   She ... out of the window when I ... her.                   look, see
  7.   I ... along the street with my friend when the car ... by.            walk


VI. Choose the correct variant

 1. Before you ____, don't forget to lock the door.

  -are leaving                  -will leave                -leave                     -shall leave

 2. Please do not speak to anyone before the police ____ .

  -come                       -are coming                 -’ll come, came

 3. His parents will be very glad if she____ the university.

  -enter                       -’ll enter                       - enters                    - entered

 4. When you ____ my brother, you ____ him.

  -'ll see;   - won't recognize;    - see won't recognize;    -saw, recognize;    -'ll see, don't recognize

 5. We won't discuss the matter until the headmaster ______ .

  -'ll arrive                - won’t arrive                - doesn’t arrive-         -arrives

Контрольна робота №2

  1. Translate the text:



Ecology is a broad discipline comprised of many sub-disciplines. A

common, broad classification, moving from lowest to highest complexity,

where complexity is defined as the number of entities and processes in the

system under study, is:

P hysiological ecology (or ecophysiology) and behavioral ecology

examine adaptations of the individual to its environment.

P o p u lation ecology (or autecology) studies the dynamics of

populations of a single species.

Community ecology (or synecology) focuses on the interactions

between species within an ecological community.

Ecosystem ecology studies the flows of energy and matter through the

biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems.

L a n dscape ecology examines processes and relationship across

multiple ecosystems or very large geographic areas.

E cology can also be sub-divided according to the species of interest

into fields such as animal ecology, plant ecology, insect ecology, and so on.

A nother frequent method of subdivision is by biome studied, e.g.,

Arctic ecology (or polar ecology), tropical ecology, desert ecology, etc.

The primary technique used for investigation is often used to subdivide the

discipline into groups such as chemical ecology, genetic ecology, field

ecology, statistical ecology, theoretical ecology, and so forth. Note that

these different systems are unrelated and often applied at the same time;

one could be a theoretical plant community ecologist, or a polar ecologist

interested in animal genetics.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the following questions:

1.What does the term ecology mean?

2.Why is ecology a broad discipline ?

3.What do physiological ecology (or ecophysiology) and behavioral

ecology examine?

4. What does population ecology (or autecology) study?

5. What does community ecology (or synecology) study?


IV. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the, where necessary.

We live in ... nice flat  ... new house near ... park.  ... flat is on … second floor. There are ... two rooms in it. We have also ... kitchen and … bathroom.  ... kitchen is ... big enough. As ... rule, my mother cooks for us. We spend ... lot of ... time together in ... kitchen. There is ... TV set in

... corner of ... kitchen, and we often watch ... TV there.


V. Replace the infinitives given in brackets by the Future Progressive or the Present Simple:

  1. The delegation (to start) for London as soon as they (to receive) their visas.
  2. At the travel bureau they (to tell)  you exactly when the train (to leave).
  3. Ask the Smith if it (to take) him long to make a duplicate of this key.
  4. I (not to think) I (to be able to) call on them and (to say) good-bye before I (to go)        abroad.
  5. If you (not to want) to climb the tree you can shake it and the apples (to fall) down to the ground.
  6. If I (to go) to Kiev, I usually (to stay) at my friends.
  7. Ask him when he (to. finish) packing.


VI.. Перекладіть  речення. Визначте, яке значення набувають виділені слова в контексті наступних речень.

1 .The soldier is now at his post. 2. The man did his best to get a better post.3.I will send you the book by post. 4. The wooden gate was supported by two metal posts.

Контрольна робота № 3

I. Translate the text.


Ecology is the branch of science that deals with the relationships

living things have to each other and to their environment. Scientists who

study these relationships are called ecologists.

E cologists study the organization of the natural world on three main

levels: (1) populations, (2) communities, and (3) ecosystems.

T hey analyze the structures, activities, and changes that take place

within and among these levels.

A l t h ough ecology usually is considered a branch of biology,

ecologists must employ such disciplines as chemistry, physics, and

computer science. They also rely on such fields as geology, meteorology,

and oceanography to study air, land, and water environments and their


T h is multidisciplinary approach helps ecologists understand how

physical environments affect living things. It also helps them to assess the

impact of environmental problems, such as acid rain or the greenhouse


Ecologists normally work out of doors, studying the operations of the

natural world.They often conduct field work in isolated areas, such as

islands, where the relationships among the plants and animals may be

simpler and easier to understand. Many ecological studies focus on solving

practical problems. For example, ecologists search for ways to limit the

harmful affects of air and water pollution on living things.



II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1.What is the most complex level of organization in nature? What

does it consist of?

2.For what reason do ecologists use knowledge from many


3.Why do ecologists often conduct field work in isolated areas?

4.What do many ecological studies focus on?


IV. Fill in the pronouns. 

When Mary came to the dining room ... took off ... coat and sat down. The waitress soon brought ... some soup. When Mary finished ... dinner ... looked at ... watch, put on ... coat and went out. (Now Mary tells her little brother John what he must do when he goes to the dining room): ... must take off ... coat and sit down. Then the waitress will bring ... some soup. When

... finish ... dinner ... must put on ... coat and go out.


V. Use the Present Indefinite, the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

  1. You ever (to be) to the picture gallery?-Yes, I (to be). I (to visit) it once when I was a youth and the pictures (to make) a great impression on me. Since then I (not to be) here.
  2. You already (to see) the new Indian film? - Yes, I (to see) it. I (to manage) to see it yesterday. I (to go) to the cinema in the evening and (to get) two tickets easily.
  3. You always (to take) books from our library? - Yes, as a rule, I (to take).
  4. I (not to see) Jane lately. When you (to see) her last? -1 (to meet) her two days ago. I (to think) that she (to change) very much.
  5. You (to have) dinner already? -No, not yet. The waitress (to take) my order fifteen minutes ago and (not to bring) me anything yet.
  6. Where you (to get) this fine new bicycle from? - My parents (to give) it to me as a birthday present.


VI. Choose the correct variant

1. I want to go shopping but if you ______ to come, you

  -want, need            -not want, needn't          -don't want, needn't          -do want, needn't


2. If you ______ on this tram it'll take you to the downtown.

-  'll get                     - have got                      - got                                   -get


3. He ______ to the country tomorrow if the weather is fine.

- go                            -goes                            - 'll go                                 -'d go


 4. You'll understand nothing unless you ______ the book yourself.

-  read                         -won't read                    -don't read                        - 'll read


5. You'll understand this rule after your teacher ______ it to you.

- 'll explain                - explain                         -explains                           - don't explain




Контрольна робота №4

  1.    Translate the text.


For modern ecologists, ecology can be studied at several levels:

population level (individuals of the same species), biocoenosis level (or

community of species), ecosystem level, and biosphere level.

The outer layer of the planet Earth can be divided into several

compartments: the hydrosphere (or sphere of water), the lithosphere (or

sphere of soils and rocks), and the atmosphere (or sphere of the air). The

biosphere (or sphere of life), sometimes described as "the fourth envelope",

is all living matter on the planet or that portion of the planet occupied by


It is thought that life first developed in the hydrosphere, at shallow

depths, in the photic zone. (Although recently a competing theory has

emerged, that life originated around hydrothermal vents in the deeper

ocean.) Multicellular organisms then appeared and colonized benthic

zones. Photosynthetic organisms gradually produced the chemically

unstable oxygen-rich atmosphere that characterizes our planet. Terrestrial

life developed later, after the ozone layer protecting living beings from UV

rays formed. Biodiversity is expressed at the ecological level (ecosystem),

population level (intraspecific diversity), species level (specific diversity),

and genetic level.

The biosphere contains great quantities of elements such as carbon,

nitrogen and oxygen. Other elements, such as phosphorus, calcium, and

potassium, are also essential to life, yet are present in smaller amounts. At

the ecosystem and biosphere levels, there is a continual recycling of all

these elements, which alternate between the mineral and organic states.

Water is also exchanged between the hydrosphere, lithosphere,

atmosphere and biosphere in regular cycles. The oceans are large tanks,

which store water, ensure thermal and climatic stability, as well as the

transport of chemical elements thanks to large oceanic currents.

For a better understanding of how the biosphere works, and various

dysfunctions related to human activity, American scientists simulated the

biosphere in a small-scale model, called Biosphere.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1.How can ecology be studied ?

2.How can the outer layer of the planet Earth can be divided ?

3.Where did the first life develope ?

4.When did terrestrial life develope?

5.What does the biosphere contain?


IV. Fill in the prepositions:

      It was two o'clock when John went ... the dining-room to have dinner. Peter was already there. He sat ... a table with a book ... his hands. John took the menu ... the next table. When the waitress came, he ordered some soup and meat. "Can you bring me some white bread?" asked John. "Yes, of course, I can", answered the waitress, "I shall bring you some ... a minute". She came back ... a few minutes. "What will you have ... dessert?" she asked. John asked her to bring him some ice-cream. "I'm sorry", said the waitress. "It will only be ready ... half an hour".


V. Put these sentences in the Future and in the Past:

  1. The tourists are shown many places of interest in our town.
  2. The Kiev University is greatly admired by everybody.
  3. New metro station is built in our town.
  4. The poem is recited in our group.
  5. We are told to wait outside.


VI. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect:

  1. They (to complete) all the preparation for the fancy-dress ball by 5 o'clock.
  2. On leaving the hospital the man (to thank) the doctor who (to cure) him of his disease.
  3. In the morning all the passengers (to feel) good after the night they (to spend) in the comfortable sleeper.
  4. During my last visit to the picture gallery I (to find) that I no longer (to like) the pictures which (to impress) me when I first (to see) them. Evidently my taste (to change).
  5. Last night he (complete) the experiment which he (to begin) some months, before.
  6. They (to be) friends for some ten years before I (to meet) them.


Контрольна робота №5.

  1.       Translate the text.


The term "ecosystem" was first proposed by Tansley (1935) as a

name for the interaction system comprising living things together with

their nonliving habitat.

Ecosystem is a complex of interacting plants and animals with

their physical surroundings.

An ecosystem consists of plants, animals and microorganisms interacting

with their physical and climatic environment in a given area.

Ecosystems are isolated from each other by boundaries, which confine

and restrict the movement of energy and matter.

Ecosystems are defined by their boundaries, and depending on one’s

perspective could be a pond, a small watershed, a major river basin, or even

the whole biosphere.

Ecosystem structure is the physical elements and spatial arrangement

of the living and non-living elements within an ecosystem.

Each ecosystem has its own set of species adapted to the regional

climate, habitat type and disturbance patterns. Because species population

changes in response to such biotic factor as food availability and predators,

ecosystem also is constantly changing. One of the best examples of

ecosystem is a forest ecosystem.

Healthy forest ecosystems are essential for the sustainability of

forests. In a living system, normal functioning implies appropriate levels of

health, vitality and productivity of the various components. Pollutants,

fires, unfavorable climatic conditions, and infestations by insects and

diseases often interact to stress forests. Measuring and reporting on the

severity and the extent of disturbances and stress provide an important

ecological measure of the condition, productivity and overall health of

forest ecosystems.

II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1. What parts does an ecosystem consist of?

2. How is an ecosystem defined?

3. What is an ecosystem structure?

4. What does each ecosystem have?

5. What biological elements influence forest sustainability?


IV.  Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where necessary.

I have ... hobby. I like to cook. During my leisure time I make … cakes and pies. It is not difficult to make ... pie. Sometimes my brother helps me. He is ... good boy and we get along well with ...  each other. My brother usually goes ... shopping and buys ... different things, which are necessary for ... cooking. My cakes are tasty but I like ... pies ... best of all.


V. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect.

  1. As a rule I (to have) ham and eggs for breakfast, but this time I (to order) an omelet.
  2. This is the house where I (to live). I (to live) here since childhood.
  3. Once in a week I (to write) letters home, but I (not to write) one this week, so my next letter must be particularly long.
  4. Where (to be) your monitor? "She (to go)" to the library.
  5. I regularly (to see) him every morning at the tram stop, but I (not to see) him these two or three days.
  6. It (to be) cold in winter in Moscow as a rule? - Yes, generally it (to be), but this winter (to be) exceptionally warm.
  7. Why you (not to shave) in the morning?-I (to shave) every other day.


VI. Use the Passive Voice. 

A guide will show the visitors the new buildings.

Someone told him to make a report on ancient architecture.

Mr. Smith taught her Greek and gave her a dictionary.

The teacher told John to learn the alphabet.

I will tell you another fable next time.

They invited the rest of us to go sightseeing.

The guide showed the American the Houses of Parliament.









Контрольна робота №6

I. Translate the text.


A biome is a climatic and geographically defined area of

ecologically similar communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms,

often referred to as ecosystems. Biomes are defined based on factors such

as plant structures (such as trees, shrubs, and grasses), leaf types (such as

broadleaf and needleleaf), plant spacing (forest, woodland, savanna), and

other factors like climate. Biomes are often identified with particular

patterns of ecological succession and climax vegetation. Here we group

biomes into six major types: freshwater, marine, desert, forest, grassland,


Biomes have changed and moved many times during the history of

life on Earth. More recently, human activities have drastically altered these

communities. It is important to preserve all types of biomes as each houses

many unique forms of life. However, the continued heavy exploitation of

certain biomes, such as the forest, freshwater, and marine, may have more

severe implications.

F o rests are important as they are home to the most diverse biotic

communties in the world. Hidden within these biomes are potential

medicines and many thousands of unseen and undiscovered species. Also,

forests have a global climate-buffering capacity, so their destruction may

cause large-scale changes in global climate.

The freshwater and marine biomes are probably the most important

of all the biomes. Their medium, water, is a major natural resource. Water

is the basis of life, it supports life, and countless species live in it for all or

part of their lives. Freshwater biomes supply us with our drinking water

and water for crop irrigation. The world's oceans have an even greater

effect on global climate than forests do. Water has a high capacity for heat,

and because the Earth is mostly covered with water, the temperature of the

atmosphere is kept fairly constant and able to support life.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III.  Answer the questions:

1. How is a biome defined?

2. How can we group biomes ?

3. How are forests, grasslands, and deserts distinguished ?

4. Why is it important to preserve all types of biomes as each houses many

unique forms of life?

5.What are the main problems of conservation and preservation of the

Earth's natural biomes?


IV. Supply  many, much or  little, a little.

When we came to the dining-room there were ... people there already. We sat down at a table, took the menu-card and began to read it. "I shall not eat ... today", said. "...  soup, some milk and ... cake-nothing else". "I never eat very ... said Mary.  "But today I am hungry, and I want to eat as ... as I can: soup, meat, fish and potatoes". "But it will take a lot of time", said Peter, "and we have very ... time, you know. We have ... things to do before the lecture begins".


V. Fill in the prepositions where it is necessary.

        This writer is known all ... the world. Many people are fond ... his books. I read one of his novels ... a month ago. He tells his stories ... such a way that you remember them ... a long time. Although his characters are imaginary it always seems that they live ... real life.  ... the beginning of the year they made a trading expedition …  Africa.  Crusoe, left ... saying good-bye to anyone. .. . his way ... London he had his first experience ... a shipwreck. The ship ran ... a rock and broke ... pieces. The sailors were swallowed ... the sea.


VI. Use the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives given in brackets:

  1. Look the sun (to rise). It is (to shine) brightly.
  2. John (to polish) his boots and his sister (to press) her dress.
  3. It (to rain)? Yes, it (to rain) very hard. 6. The delegation (to leave) Moscow tomorrow.
  4. What you (to read) now? I (to read) stories by Maugham.
  5. 10 The weather is fine. The sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing).
  6. Why you (to speak) so fast?
  7. Who you (to wait) for? I (to wait) for my sister.






Контрольна робота №7

I.    Translate the text.


The life of every living organism, from the simplest bacterium

to the largest animal, is known to depend on the structure and

physiology of the living organism and also on the kind of the

environment it lives in.

Physical and biological factors act to make a wide variety of

environments in different parts of the world. Conditions are rather

constant in some tropical lands and seas, but over much of the Earth

the temperature and moisture relations and sunlight change markedly

with the season.

The life of each plant or animal species is closely connected with

the life of plants or animals of other species. No animal lives

entirely to itself. On the contrary, each is part of an integrated living

community that includes representatives of its kind, many different

types of animals and plants of few or many kinds.

Animals and plants are affected by various physical and chemical

factors, the most important being sunlight, temperature, water,

physical substrate, gases and some others. All the factors mentioned

are interrelated and none acts independently.

Sunlight provides energy used by plants in photosynthesis, but it

also warms animal environment and animals themselves. Sunlight raises

the temperature of water leading to evaporation which in turn results in

precipitation of rain and snow.

Water is the solvent for soil nutrients used by plants as food. It

is a necessity for maintaining animal life and is the medium in which

many animals live.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1. How does the life of every living organism depend on the kind of the

environment it lives in ?

2. How do conditions change with the season ?

3. Is the life of each plant or animal species connected with the life of

plants or animals of other species?

4. How do various physical and chemical factors affect animals and



IV. Fill in the blanks with the preposition required. Translate the sentences into Russian.

... week-days we work. We rest ... Sundays. I get up ... the morning. We sleep ... night. She promised to do this work ... time. We have our vacation ... January. We live ... the twentieth century. We tell the ... a clock or a watch. Our child is in the fresh air ... morning ... night. My father comes home ... noon.


V. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive:

  1. Why you (walk) so fast today? You usually (walk) quite slowly.-1 (hurry). I am afraid to miss the train.
  2. Cuckoos (not to build) nests. They (to use) the nests of other birds. 3.1 always (to buy) lottery tickets, but I seldom (to win)
  1. You cannot (to have) the book now because my brother (to read) it.
  2. Some people (to do) everything with their left hand.
  3. Who (to make) that terrible noise?-It is my son.
  4. How you (to feel)?


VI. Use an adjective or a proverb.

  1. What is the (proper) answer to this question?
  2. If you read this joke (proper) you will understand it.
  3. It was a (gay) song and she sang it (gay).
  4. She spoke very (good) and everybody wondered where she had learnt to speak so fluently
  5. She was (kind) to him and he was (happy).
  6. The children were running among the trees laughing (happy).
  7. He is a very (careful) driver.









Контрольна робота№8

  1.    Translate the text.


The term "ecosystem" was first proposed by Tansley (1935) as a name

for the interaction system comprising living things together with their

nonliving habitat. An ecosystem consists of a number of living

organisms and their physical environment. The living organisms and

their non-living environment are interrelated and interact with each


There are six major components in an ecosystem:

1. inorganic substances;

2. organic compounds;

3 . climate, temperature, wind, light and rain which affect all the

processes in an ecosystem;

4. producers; green plants which are able to manufacture food from

simple inorganic substance in the process known photosynthesis;

5. consumers. Primary consumers: they obtain their energy from

green plants. But secondary consumers such as dogs and cats feed on

other animals;

6. decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi. Bacteria break down

the flesh of dead animals. Fungi break down plant material. They

enable chemical substances to return to the physical environment.

The main processes in ecosystems include: 1. food chains,

2. materials cycles, 3.development and 4. evolution.

Food Chains. The Sun's energy travels through an ecosystem.

The proper transfer of energy through an ecosystem by the producers,

the consumers and the decomposers is called a food chain.

Materials Cycles. Materials cycles include cycles of nitrogen,

carbon, oxygen, water and mineral salts. Chemical substances move

from the non-living environment to living things. They are then

returned to the environment.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1.What parts does an ecosystem consist of ?

2.How many major components are there in an ecosystem?

3. How is an ecosystem defined?

4. What do the main processes include in ecosystems ?


IV.  Supply somebody, anybody, nobody, (no one, none), something, nothing, everybody,  everywhere nowhere, somewhere, anywhere where required.

1. Good morning...! 2. He never goes by train: he goes ... by plane. 3. There is ... here. 4. He did … all day yesterday. 5. They want chairs. They have ... to sit. 6. ... of the pupils will go to school. It is too cold. 7.  ... is coming to see us. 8. She will tell us ... about her holidays.9. He will go ... to have a little rest. 10. Is ... coming to inspect us? 11. Have you ... interesting to tell us? 12. Haven't you ... to go?


V.  Replace the infinitives given in brackets by the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

  1. John (to write) the label when the bell (to ring) and a short man (to enter). A dog (to follow) him.
  2. There (to be) silence while the man (to look) John up and down.
  3. I (to see) the light in your windows as I (to pass).
  4. During the dinner while he (to eat) his piece of cold meat, his aunt (to help) herself to wine.
  5. While he (to read) a newspaper she (to sit) studying him, and by the look in her eyes he (to see) that she (to reflect) on something concerning him.
  6. Jim half (to dream) still when he (to come) to the place of his destination.


VI. Choose the correct variant

1. I want to go shopping but if you ______ to come, you

  -want, need            -not want, needn't          -don't want, needn't          -do want, needn't


2. If you ______ on this tram it'll take you to the downtown.

-  'll get                     - have got                      - got                                   -get


3. He ______ to the country tomorrow if the weather is fine.

- go                            -goes                            - 'll go                                 -'d go


 4. You'll understand nothing unless you ______ the book yourself.

-  read                         -won't read                    -don't read                        - 'll read


5. You'll understand this rule after your teacher ______ it to you.

- 'll explain                - explain                         -explains                           - don't explain



Контрольна робота№9

  1.   Translate the text.


Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that

cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damage

the environment. Pollution can be in the form of chemical substances, or

energy such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants can be naturally occurring

substances or energies, but are considered contaminants when in excess of

natural levels. Pollution is often categorized into point source and nonpoint

source pollution. There are many types of pollution happening today.Our

scientists are working with industry, regulators and the community to

combat air, land and water pollution. Pollution threatens environmental

sustainability and can have harmful effects on human health.

It is a complex and far reaching problem and includes:

air pollution: Urban and regional air pollution is a significant

environmental threat. Industry, power generation and motor vehicles

release pollutants that can lead to photochemical smog, haze and

acidification. Air pollution also has very negative effects on our

atmosphere. There is a hole in our ozone due to pollution in the air. If this

hole gets bigger we won’t be as protected from the sunlight and it's heat.

Many years from now this could pose a serious threat to humans.

land pollution: Land pollution can be caused by poor agricultural

practices, pesticide use, mineral exploitation, industrial discharges and

indiscriminate disposal of urban wastes.

water pollution: Pollution from sewage and drainage into rivers and

oceans also is a serious problem for our environment. The water can be

polluted by chemical and product leaks, which may cause the animals who

live in the water to get sick. Animals who are high up on the food chain can

also get sick from toxic build up in their bodies from eating other affected

animals and plants.



II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:


1. What is pollution ?

2. What types of pollution do you know?

3. What is air pollution ?

4. What is land pollution ?

5. What is water pollution ?


IV. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the where necessary.

I have ... hobby. I like to cook. During my leisure time I make ... cakes and pies. It is not difficult to make ... pie. Sometimes my brother helps me. He is ... good boy and we get along well with

... each other. My brother usually goes ... shopping and buys ... different things, which are necessary for ... cooking. My cakes are tasty but I like ... pies ... best of all.


V. Fill in the prepositions.

It was two o'clock when John went ... the dining-room to have dinner. Peter was already there. He sat ... a table with a book ... his hands. John took the menu... the next table. When the waitress came, he ordered some soup and meat. "Can you bring me some white bread?" asked John. "Yes, of course, I can", answered the waitress, "I shall bring you some ... a minute". She came back ... a few minutes. "What will you have ... dessert?" she asked. John asked her to bring him some ice-cream. So they took some milk, paid ... their dinner, and went out ... the street.


VI. Use the Future Perfect where possible:

  1. I am afraid we (not to solve) all the problems by the time they (to come).
  2. Let me know as soon as you can (to make) an appointment with him.
  3. After the clerk (to decode) the telegrams he (to take) them to the chief.
  4. I am sure he (to throw) some light upon this matter before I (to learn) about it from my sister's letter.
  5. The secretary (to look through) all the papers by the time the director (to come).
  6. Do not start arguing until you (to hear) what I have to say.
  7. If you do not hurry, the train (to leave).





Контрольна робота №10

I.  Translate the text:


The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular

pollutants relevant to each of them:

* Air pollution, the release of chemicals and particulates into the

atmosphere. Common gaseous air pollutants include carbon monoxide,

sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced

by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created

as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, or

fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5.

* Water pollution, by the release of waste products and contaminants into

surface runoff into river drainage systems, leaching into groundwater,

liquid spills, wastewater discharges, eutrophication and littering.

* Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or

underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are

hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated


* Littering.

* Radioactive contamination, resulting from 20th century activities in

atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons

research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters and actinides in

the environment.)

* Noise pollution, which encompasses roadway noise, aircraft noise,

industrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar.

* Light pollution, includes light trespass, over-illumination and

astronomical interference.

* Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power

lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open

storage of trash or municipal solid waste.

* Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies

caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power




II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:


1.What are the major forms of pollution ?

2. What is air pollution?

3.What do you know about water pollution?

4. What is soil contamination?

5. What do you know about radioactive contamination?



IV. Fill in the prepositions where it is necessary.

This writer is known all ... the world. Many people are fond ... his books. I read one of his novels ... a month ago. He tells his stories ... such a way that you remember them ... a long time. Although his characters are imaginary it always seems that they live ... real life.  ... the beginning of the year they made a trading expedition ... Africa. Crusoe left ... saying good-bye to anyone.  ...  his way ... London he had his first experience ...  a shipwreck. The ship ran ... a rock and broke ... pieces. The sailors were swallowed…the sea.


V. Replace the infinitives given in brackets by the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous

  1. John (to write) the label when the bell (to ring) and a short man (to enter). A dog (to follow) him.
  2. There (to be) silence while the man (to look) John up and down.
  3. I (to see) the light in your windows as I (to pass).
  4. During the dinner while he (to eat) his piece of cold meat, his aunt (to help) herself to wine.
  5. While he (to read) a newspaper she (to sit) studying him, and by the look in her eyes he (to see) that she (to reflect) on something concerning him.
  6. Jim half (to dream) still when he (to come) to the place of his destination.


VI. Change the verbs in bracket by Gerunds. Put prepositions where necessary.

I  have no intention ... (to stay) here any longer.  She insisted ... (to help) me. Are you fond of

 ... (to play). They have had very much experience ... (to cast). There was no possibility ... (to come) in time. There is little chance ... (to see) him today. We have the pleasure ... (to invite) them to the evening party. We are proud ... (to fulfill) that task ahead of time.


Контрольна робота № 11

  1.   Translate the text.


For many centuries the people who lived on our planet before us had

been trying to make their life easier and more comfortable. They thought

that resources of the Earth were endless. They used those resources without

thinking about the generations that would come after them. Our ancestors

chopped down the forests, killed animals that lived there and invented

machines and instruments that polluted the water, the air and the soil.

In the 19th century the word «ecology» was born, but the idea of

environmental protection was not clear yet, and did not seem urgent for

either the majority of the governments or common people. People still

considered themselves «lords and kings of nature» and used its riches only

as consumers.

Preservation of nature has become a serious issue by the end of the

20-th century. In the 20-th century, the rapid growth of science and

technology resulted in an increasing negative effect on the biosphere of the

Earth. Huge industrial enterprises pollute the air we breathe, the water we

drink and the land which gives us bread, vegetables and fruit. Their

discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the

form of acid rains. Oil tankers dump oil into seas and oceans. Many

countries use cheap electricity from nuclear power plants which, besides

being unsafe and dangerous, also account for polluting nature. Forests are

felled including rain forests. It also destroys the ozone layer of the Earth

and causes «greenhouse effect». It effects forests, rivers, crops and people's

health.. Life in big cities is also affected by big industries and transport.

This leads to the reduction of the life-span of man. People die younger

because of cancer, AIDS and other diseases which are directly connected

with the polluted environment they live in. Many species of animals and

birds face extinction due to the pollution of the biosphere.



II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III.Answer the questions:

1. When has preservation of nature become a serious issue?

2. What do big industrial enterprises do?

3. Who keeps polluting water in rivers, lakes, and seas?

4. What countries use cheap electricity from nuclear power



IV. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary:

We live in ... nice flat ... new house near ... park. ... flat is on ... second floor. There are ... two rooms in it. We have also ... kitchen and ... bathroom ... kitchen is ... big enough. As ... rule, my mother cooks for us. We spend ... lot of ... time together in ... kitchen. There is ... TV set in

...  corner of ... kitchen, and we often watch ... TV there The young scientist shook hands ... his friends who had come ... the airport to see him ...


V.   Fill in blanks with the Past Progressive or the Past Simple Tense of the verbs in margin.

1. I ... a letter to my friend yesterday .                                  write

2. We ... to a lecture yesterday at ten o'clock.                                   listen

3. She ... the piano from 11 till 12 o'clock.                                play

4. When he ... in, I ... my exercises.                                            come, do

5. What ... you yesterday at 8 o'clock?                             do

6. Yesterday when I ... the newspaper, my sister ... to a concert over the radio.             read, listen

7. She ... out of the window when I ... her.                                        look, see


VI.  Choose the correct word form those given in brackets:

1 .When I saw that actress on the stage for the first time, she (to look like, to take after) a small girl. From her biography I learnt that she (to look like, to take after) her mother, who had also been a great actress. 2. If you want some information on trade, go to the Ministry library. There are a lot of good (magazines, journals) on the subject there. 3. After coming home from work, my father likes to spend an hour reading (a newspaper, a magazine).






Контрольна робота № 12

  1.   Translate the text.


Pollution became evident in Ukraine with industrial development in

the 19th century. Ukraine contains some of the most polluted landscapes in

Eastern Europe.

Air pollution is especially severe in the heavily industrialized cities

of Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia. Coalusing

industries are major sources of high levels of uncontrolled emissions

of harmful substances.

Other Ukrainian cities with major chronic air pollution problems

include Kyiv, Komunarsk, Makiivka and Odesa.

Over one-third of the emissions into the atmosphere originate from

automobile transport. It is aggravated by the use of leaded gasoline and

inefficient engines as well as a lack of catalytic converters.

Almost all surface waters of Ukraine belong to the Black Sea and the

Sea of Azov basins. The high population density and low protection have

given rise to chronic and serious levels of water pollution in Ukraine.

The Dniester and the Danube are the most polluted bodies of water.

Hundreds of small rivers supply water for villages and cities of Ukraine.

Those water arteries are so polluted as to pose fatal health risk to the people

who depend on them. About half of the chemical fertilizers applied in the

fields are washed off into the river.

One of the areas suffering most from chronic coastal water pollution

is the Sea of Azov. The sea's salinity has increased by 40 percent since the

1950's. It has resulted in a dramatic drop in fish catches by 60-90 percent.

On April 26, 1986 a horrible accident occurred at the Chornobyl

nuclear station. There was a nuclear reactor explosion, which had far

reaching consequences. Contamination by various radioactive isotopes has

affected the air, land and water of Ukraine. About 100,000 people were

exposed to deadly levels of radiation before being evacuated. Recorded but

unreported radiation levels in Kyiv exceeded the maximum levels by

hundredfold. Numbers of death and children leukemia have occurred in the

affected areas. Significant areas of lands will remain unsafe for agriculture

for 8000 years Workers enclosed the destroyed reactor in a steel and

containment building, but radiation continues to leak from this structure.

After Chornobyl disaster the environmental situation has become much

worse. Ukraine appealed to the UNO requesting help to overcome the

disaster aftermath.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1.When did pollution become evident in Ukraine?

2.What Ukrainian cities are the most polluted?

3.What are the main sources of air pollution in Ukraine?

4.What waters are the most polluted in Ukraine?

5. What are consequences of radioactive contamination ?


IV.  Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbial particles where necessary:

1 .Instead  ... buying something ... everyday wear, as she had first intended, Mary bought

a  ... sleeveless dress... better waer.2. I don't advise you to buy this pair ... shoes. I am afraid

they’ll soon wear... .3. I wonder why the water has set the table ... two persons instead ... three.  4. Speaking at the production meeting, the director ... the factory pointed ... that each ... the workers and engineers was responsible ... carrying ... the plan.


V.    Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect.

  1. They (to complete) all the preparation for the fancy-dress ball by 5 o'clock.
  2. On leaving the hospital the man (to thank) the doctor who (to cure) him of his disease.
  3. In the morning all the passengers (to feel) good after the night they (to spend) in the comfortable sleeper.
  4. During my last visit to the picture gallery I (to find) that I no longer (to like) the pictures which (to impress) me when I first (to see) them. Evidently my taste (to change).
  5. Last night he (complete) the experiment which he (to begin) some months before.
  6. They (to be) friends for some ten years before I (to meet) them.
  7. No sooner she (to open) the drawer than she (to find) the photo which she (to think) she (to lose) long before.


VI. Change the verbs in bracket by Gerunds. Put prepositions where necessary.

I have no intention ... (to stay) here any longer.  She insisted ... (to help) me. Are you fond of ... (to play).  They have had very much experience ... (to cast). There was no possibility ... (to come) in time. There is little chance ... (to see) him today. We have the pleasure ... (to invite) them to the evening party. I think ... (to go) to the South in summer. We are proud  ... (to fulfill) that task ahead of time. They had not any difficulty ... (to get) new machines.









Контрольна робота №13

  1.   Translate the text.


The question of energy has two main aspects: type of energy used

and amount of energy used. Sustainable approaches to energy supply are

based on nonnuclear, renewable energy sources and more effective use

of energy, through either improved technology or reduced energy


T he environmental consequences of today's energy policies are

potentially catastrophic. The global warming caused by burning fossil

fuels will disrupt tnousands of kilometers of heavily populated and

productive tropical coastline, as well as causing major changes in ago

ecological zones in both temperate and tropical areas.

Ecologists are concerned that natural ecosystems will not be able to

adapt rapidly enough to these changes through migration of plant and

animal species, since the climate has not changed this rapidly

previously. The ability of human societies to adapt to these changes is

an open question.

The burning of fossil fuels also causes acid rain contributing to the

death of large areas of forest in Europe. Toxic heavy metals from fossil

fuels also found in disturbingly high concentrations in soils and

vegetation in many places in Europe. The risks associated with nuclear

energy are also great, as illustrated by the Chernobyl accident. The

answer lies partly in development of renewable energy sources such as

biomass, methane, sun, wind, waterfall and wave power. The other part

of the solution lies in using less energy and getting more out of each

unit of energy ( increased energy efficiency).


The earth's biggest problem today is energy. We normally use four

things to make electricity: oil, coal, gas or nuclear power. All of these

produce terrible pollution problems. Nuclear power leaves dangerous

radioactive waste. The others all produce gases and these gases cause and

rain and the greenhouse affect.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:


City A is quite cold, and very windy. There is very little rain.

City B is in the desert. It is very hot and dry. It is sometimes windy.

Town C is in the mountains. There is a lot of rain and snow.

City D is near the volcano. There are no other mountains nearby. The

weather is very changeable.


IV.  Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the  and prepositions, where necessary.

When Mary was to open a meeting ... the first time ... her life, her voice shook ... excitement. The young scientist shook hands ... his friends who had come ... the airport to see him ... .  I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he takes ... his mother only ... appearance! Ask Kate to join ... our party. She looks serious, but I know she is very gay ... nature and is fond of ... singing and dancing.


V.   Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense-forms:

1. Don't let the boy stay out so long. He (to run about) for three hours, and may catch cold. 2. That young singer has had very good training. He (to sing) for half an hour and never (to stop) for a moment to rest.  3. It is unfair of you to be so cross with the man. He (to be) away for two weeks and you can't blame him for few mistakes that (to make) during his absence.


VI.   Use the Future Perfect where possible: 

  1. I hope that they (to receive) my letter by Saturday and (not to expect) me on Sunday.
  2. Let me know as soon as you can (to make) an appointment with him.
  3. After the clerk (to decode) the telegrams he (to take) them to the chief.
  4. The secretary (to look through) all the papers by the time the director (to come).
  5. Do not start arguing until you (to hear) what I have to say.
  6. I suppose that when my letter (to reach) you, you (to return) from your voyage.
  7. If you do not hurry, the train (to leave).

Контрольна робота №14

  1. Translate the text.


We’ve spent thousands of years fighting for our survival. Yet now

we have discovered that our planet is under threat and, to make matters

worse, it’s all our fault.

The rainforests are dying, rare plant and animal species are

disappearing, rivers and seas are being contaminated, crops are falling to

grow, people are dying of hunger and the air is being polluted. It’s time

we woke up to these problems and started repairing the damage.

One of the major problems is the destruction of the rainforests in

South America. They are home to half the world’s species and to

millions of people. Moreover, the rainforests clean the air by absorbing

carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen.

But what is killing the trees? Nobody knows exactly, but it is probably

air pollution or acid rain. Factories, power stations and cars emit tones of

smoke into the air. The smoke contains sulphur dioxide and nitrogen.

These substances mix with water vapour in the atmosphere and sulphuric

acid and nitric acid. Sunlight turns these acids into poisonous oxidants,

which fall in rain or snow onto the trees.

In other parts of the world trees are threatened by people, not by

pollution. The great rain forests are being destroyed for firewood and

building material. The trees are being cut down for paper or to make room

for cattle farms. As a result, birds and animals loose their homes and die.

The destruction is also bringing about changes in the climate, air pollution,

flooding, drought & famine.



II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Make up word combinations using the text.


to be threatened, carbon, to become, endangered, to give off, breathing, to

take, industrial/domestic, oil, to develop

1. ________waste

2. ________dioxide

3. ________a thing of the past

4. ________tankers

5. ________fumes

6. ________with extinction

7. ________allergies



IV.Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the  and prepositions, where necessary:

We live in ... nice flat...new house near … park. ... flat is on ... second floor. There are ... two rooms in it. We have also ... kitchen and ... bathroom, kitchen is... big enough. As ... rule, my mother cooks for us. We spend ... lot of...time together in … kitchen. There is...TV set in ... corner of ... kitchen, and we often watch ... TV there.


V.   Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense-forms:

  1.     I  not (write) this letter now. I (write) it in some days.
  2.     Peter and Ann (go) away five minutes ago.
  3.     She already  (answer)  the letter.
  4.     I  (not see) him for three years.
  5.     You (switch off) the light before you left the house?
  6.     I (not meet) him last week.
  7.     I read these books when I was at school. I (like) them very much.
  8.     He (not smoke) for a month. He is trying to give it up.


VI.   Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbial particles where necessary:

1. Instead ... buying something ... everyday wear, as she had first intended, Mary bought a ... sleeveless dress ... better wear. 2. I don't advise you to buy this pair...shoes. I am afraid they'll soon wear ... 3. I wonder why the water has set the table  ... two persons instead ... three. 

4. Speaking at the production meeting, the director … the factory pointed ... that each ... the workers and engineers was responsible ... carrying  ... the plan.




Контрольна робота № 15

  1.  Translate the text:


Many scientists call hydrogen the fuel of the future. It is the lightest

of all gases and contains two times as many thermal calories as the same

amount of gasoline. It is an excellent, ecologically clean fuel. But unlike

the conventional fuels — firewood, coal, oil and natural gas — it is

practically non-existent in its pure forms on Earth.

Scientists have developed a highly-effective technological method of,

obtaining hydrogen from gas. Before gas reaches the burners in the boilers

of power stations, valuable components such as acetylene, carbon black,

graphit and hydrogen are extracted from it.

Hydrogen can also be obtained from water. For this water has to be


Hydrogen can very effectively be used as a fuel by power stations. It

is widely used in the petrochemical and metallurgical industries. Extensive

tests have been made with motor vehicle using hydrogen as fuel. The

engines worked perfectly, more efficiently than on petrol, and they did not

heat up as much. Drivers in the Arctic were very enthusiastic, because

liquid hydrogen is not affected by harsh frost, and so engines start easily.

Hydrogen also seems very promising as a fuel in aviation. All the engines

furnaces, heating systems, as well as a mass of other devices, now

operating on oil, oil products, natural gas or coal can be adapted to

hydrogen fuel.

H y drogen as a source of energy is becoming increasing and

important. It offers advantages not only in terms of ecological cleanliness

and high-heating power, but also in terms of ease of transportation. Even if

hydrogen were the only component extracted from natural gas, it would

still be economically worthwhile to process gas. The advantages are

twofold — economic and environmental.

E xperts say that in the 21st century hydrogen will be obtained by

thermochemical decomposition of water.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Translate the sentences into Ukranian.

1. To explore that small island was the chief aim of our

expedition. 2. The expedition is to explore that island in summer. 3. The

chief aim of the expedition was to explore that island. 4. The expedition

began to explore this island in spring. 5. These plants are to be found only

in the south of our country. 6. They decided to discuss this question at the

next meeting. 7. Here is the article to be discussed today.



IV. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary:

1. What  ... fine day it is today! 2.  ... History and Computer Science were ... my favorite subjects at ... school. 3.1 don't know  ... way to ... station. 4. He is ... engineer by ... profession. 5. Usually I get up at ...7 o'clock in ...morning. 6. ...Rostov is on ... right bank of... Don. 7. Will you have ...cup ... of tea?  8. ...Warsaw is ... capital of Poland. 9. We shall go to ... cinema together with ... our friends. 10. This is ... book  ... book is very interesting. 11. Do you see ... sun in ... sky today?


V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms:

  1.  He (know) several foreign languages.
  2.  Our grandparents (live) now in Kiev.
  3.  He often (visit) them last year. 
  4.  She (work) abroad next year.
  5. She (not like) loud music.
  6.  What you (do) yesterday?
  7.  His sister (go) to the seaside next July.


V. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbial particles where necessary:

1. Instead  ... buying something ... everyday wear, as she had first intended, Mary bought a ... sleeveless dress ... better wear. 2. I don't advise you to buy this pair ... shoes. I am afraid they'll soon wear.... 3.1 wonder why the water has set the table ... two persons instead ... three.

4. Speaking at the production meeting, the director ... the factory pointed ... that each ... the workers and engineers was responsible ... carrying  ... the plan. 5. She said that the new film was worth seeing, but there was such an expression ... her face that I thought she was saying it only ... fun.

Контрольна робота № 16

  1. Translate the text:


All the nations have the same basic environmental problems. In fact the problem ofenvironment crisis has assumed global proportions. That is why many ecological problems can generally be solved only at the world community level. As nations we all share a single ecological space. Acid rains, for example, have no boundaries.

Nuclear radiation does not respect administrative or national regions. All the nations must assume a position as responsible members ofthe world community level, cooperating in matters of environmental protection. It’s important that we all work together to share, to overcome ecological disasters. Both scientists and politicians agree that if some radical steps are not taken, life on our planet may be damaged if not destroyed altogether, because the number of air pollutants is constantly growing.

Ecological disasters do not happen by chance. Ignorance, lack of planning, greed and criminal neglect have been responsible for creating ecological distress zones throughout the world. Radioactive materials present health and safety problems in an increasing number of countries. Underground nuclear-weapon tests are a major threat to the environment. Steps must be taken to do away with nuclear tests. The acid falls to earth in form of rain or snow that can damage anything from the living organisms.

The increase in traffic is threatening another serious air pollution in our cities, because vehicles, not factories, produce most of toxic micro-particles, which do most harm. Toxic gases appear in the atmosphere in critical concentration of carbon dioxide is expected to increase at rates that could change the world’s climate. The commonest air pollution comes from the cigarette smoke, which pollutes public places. Water pollution is another important problem. In several years tourists will find fewer beaches where it’s safe to swim. Urgent measures must be taken if we don’t want to leave a dangerous planet to future generations.

The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth.



II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1.Has the problem of environment crisis assumed global proportions?

2. What is the main cause of ecological disasters?

3.Can you enumerate planet-wide ecological problems?

4. What illnesses can be caused by released radioactive materials?

5. Does the state need to encourage the development of alternative power generation?


IV. Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary:

When Mary was to open a meeting ... the first time ... her life, her voice shook ... excitement. The young scientist shook hands...his friends who had com ... the airport to see him....  I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he takes ... his mother only ... appearance! Ask Kate to join ... our party. She looks serious, but 1 know she is very gay ... nature and is fond of ...  singing and dancing.


V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense-forms:

1. That young singer has had very good training. He (to sing) for half an hour and never (to stop) for a moment to rest. 2. It is unfair of you to be so cross with the man. He (to be) away for two weeks and you can't blame him for few mistakes that (to make) during his absence. 3. Our reply (to send) to you as soon as all the dates (to fix) finally. At the moment some of them (to consider) still.


VI. Fill in the blanks with the necessary forms of Modal Verbs:

(must, should, would, ought to, needn't, can, could, may, might)

1. They ... not do this work themselves. 2. You ... take my dictionary. 3. You don't look well, you ... consult the doctor. 4. Why ... I give you my money? 5. She ... not speak any foreign language. 6. He ... to help them, they need his help. 7. ... you tell me the time?  8.  ... I go with you? No, you .... 


Контрольна робота № 17

I. Translate the text:


Until recently the planet was a large world in which human activities and the nature were in balance. Acid rain, global warming, ozone reduction, widespread desertification and species loss: we have to face them now. Ecology and economy are very closely connected. First economy influenced the state of our environment.

Now we have to face degradation of soils, water, atmosphere and forests. Millions of trees are dying in Germany’s Black Forest and thousands of lakes in Sweden are so acidic that nothing can live in them. In Scotland farmers complain that acid rains kill their fish. Forests in Denmark, France, Northern Italy, Greece and Norway are damaged. Thousands of lakes in Canada and the USA can no longer support fish life. The Mediterranean Sea has one of the dirtiest coastlines in the world. Ten million tons of oil, industrial waste, chemicals are pumped into the sea every year. It causes diseases like typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis and cholera. The Rhone in France, the Po in Italy, the Ebro in Spain and the Nile in Egypt carry pesticides and chemical wastes. Many industries produce waste products, which can be difficult or dangerous to dispose of. Many countries have no storage facilities for the spent nuclear fuel. The search for ways to dispose of radioactive waste goes on. In 1982 seventeen countries took part in the United Nations environmental programme.

The World Commission on Environment and Development, headed by the Prime Minister of Norway, was set up in 1983 by the United Nations. Its aim was to examine the environment and development problems on the planet and to formulate realistic proposals to solve them. Now some chemicals are banned and

some must be controlled. In several countries there is frequent analysis of the water around the coasts. The time has come for the governments and their people to take responsibility for the policies that cause the environmental damage. Protection of the environment in Ukraine is paid much attention to. The worsening of the ecological situation has been closely linked to the Chernobyl explosion. On April 26, I986, a fire burnt out of control and released radioactive materials. It has caused widespread illnesses and made the land in the area unusable. A radioactive cloud spread from the plant over most of Europe. Radiation even spread so far as to appear in Asia and in North America. Another issue of concern in Ukraine is the question of where to put nuclear waste. This waste is largely the spent fuel of reactors. It is radioactive, and some of its components remain so forever. The waste is held at temporary sites until a solution of the problem can be found. At present the most promising solution of the problem of waste storage is recycling.


II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.


III. Answer the questions:

1.What is one of the most harmful consequences of air pollution?

2.How does economy influence the state of our environment?

3.What is the total area of national parks in Great Britain?

4.Must campaign for environmental protection be supported by authorities only? 5.Which of your habits help saving the environment?


IV.  Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary:

1.What ... fine day it is today! 2. ... History and Computer Science were ... my favorite subjects at ... school. 3. I don’t know ... way to ... station. 4. He is ... engineer by ... profession. 5. Usually I get up at ... 7 o'clock in ... morning. 6. ... Rostov is on ... right bank of... Don. 7. Will you have ... cup ... of tea?  8. ...Warsaw is ... capital of Poland.


V.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms:

  1. She (not like) loud music.
  2. His sister (go) to the seaside next July.
  3. I not (write) this letter now. I (write) it in some days.
  4.   She already (answer) the letter.
  5.   I (not see) him for three years.



 (Plural of Noun)

В англійськіймовііменники маютьдвіформи: однину (Singular) тамножину (Plural). Якщо іменник вживається в однині, то в нього немає закінчення:

Зазвичай, для утворення іменника в множині необхідно просто додати закінчення -s (-es):

a pen (ручка) – many pens (багаторучок);

one table (одинстіл) – three tables (тристоли);

one car (однамашина) – nine cars (дев’ятьмашин);

a tree (дерево) – a lot of trees (багатодерев).

Проте бувають виключення та інші особливості утворення множини іменників з різними словами, тому давайте розглянемо утворення іменників в множині більш детально.

Після дзвінких приголосних і голосних закінчення -s вимовляється як [z], а після глухих приголосних – як [s]:

Приклади слів з вимовою звука [z] в кінці       Приклади слів з вимовою звука [s] в кінці

a hand (рука) – hands (руки)    a book (книга) – books (книжки)

a train (потяг) – trains (потяги)   a lamp (лампа) – lamps (лампи)

a club (клуб) – clubs (клуби)   a hat (капелюх) – hats (капелюхи)

a wall (стіна) – walls (стіни)    a street (вулиця) – streets (вулиці)

Доіменників, щозакінчуютьсяна -s, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch, -tch додаєтьсязакінчення -es:

a bus (автобус) – buses (автобуси);

a box (коробка) – boxes (коробки);

a dish (страва) – dishes (страви);

a watch (годинник) – watches (годинники).

Якщо іменник закінчується на -y, а перед цією літерою стоїть приголосна, то додається закінчення -es, а -y змінюється на -i:

a city (місто) – cities (міста);

a factory (завод) – factories (заводи).

Якщо іменник закінчується на -y, а перед цією літерою стоїть голосна, то додається закінчення -s:

a toy (іграшка) – toys (іграшки);

a key (ключ) – keys (ключі);

 У деяких іменників, що закінчуються на  -f та -fe, літера -f змінюється на -v, а до закінчення додається -es, що вимовляється як [z]:

a scarf (шарф) -  scarves (шарфи);

a shelf (полка) – shelves (полки);

a knife (ніж) – knives (ножі);

Деякі іменники є виключенням з правил: їхня множина утворюється не за допомогою додавання закінчення, а за допомогою зміни кореневої голосної або додавання спеціального закінчення. Ці іменники треба запам’ятати:

aman (чоловік) – men (чоловіки);

awoman (жінка) – women (жінки);

a child (дитина) – children (діти);

afoot (ступня) – feet (ступні);

a tooth (зуб) – teeth (зуби);

an ox (бик) – oxen (бики);

a goose (гусак) – geese (гуси);

a mouse (миша) – mice (миші);

a person (людина) – people (люди);

datum (величина) – data (величини);

crisis (криза) – crises (кризи);

analysis (аналіз) – analyses (аналізи);

phenomenon (феномен) – phenomena (феномени).

Якщо іменник закінчується на -о, то додається закінчення -es у множині:

a potato (картоплина) – potatoes (картопля);

a tomato (помідор) – tomatoes (помідори);

a hero (герой) – heroes (герої).

Форма множини деяких іменників збігається з формою однини:

onesheep (одна вівця) – twosheep (дві вівці);

adeer (один олень) – twodeer (два олені).






Degrees of adjectives)

Утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників

Форми вищого і найвищого ступенів можуть бути простими(вони утворюються за допомогою закінчень) і складними(вони утворюються за допомогою службових слів).

Обидва ці способи утворення ступенів порівняння використовуються і в українській мові.

сильний — сильніший — найсильніший

сильний — більш сильний — самий сильний

Прості форми вищого і найвищого ступенів утворюються додаванням закінчень –еr (для вищого ступеня) та -est [ist] (для найвищого ступеня) до форми звичайного ступеня прикметника. Перед прикметниками у найвищому ступені стоїть означений артикль.

Звичайний ступінь

Вищий ступінь

Найвищий ступінь









(the) coldest


(the) simplest


(the) youngest

При утворенні простих форм вищого і найвищого ступенів слід додержувати таких правил:

1) Односкладові прикметники, які закінчуються на одну приголосну з попереднім коротким голосним звуком, подвоюють у написанні кінцеву приголосну у вищому і найвищому ступенях:

big— bigger— (the) biggest

2) Прикметники, які закінчуються на букву у з попередньою приголосною, у вищому і найвищому ступенях змінюють у на і:

easy  easier  (the) easiest

happy  happier—(the) happiest

Якщо кінцевій букві у передує голосна, то цієї зміни не відбувається:

gay  gayer  (the) gayest

3) Прикметники, які закінчуються у звичайному ступені на німе-е, опускають його у вищому і найвищому ступенях: 

large  larger (the) largest

white  whiter—(the) whitest

4) Уприкметників strong,young і long передзакінченнямивищогоінайвищогоступеніввимовляєтьсязвук [g]:

long  longer   (the) longest

strong   stronger  (the) strongest

young   younger  (the) youngest

Уприкметників, якізакінчуютьсянабукви -r, -rе, передзакінченнямивищогоінайвищогоступеніввимовляєтьсязвук [r]:

clear  —clearer   (the) clearest

pure   purer  (the) purest


Прості форми вищого і найвищого ступенів мають такі прикметники:

1) усі односкладові прикметники;

2) двоскладові прикметники, які закінчуються на -у, -er, -le, -ow:

happy  happier  (the) happiest

clever  cleverer  (the) cleverest

Складніформивищогоінайвищогоступенівутворюютьсядодаваннямслужбовихслів more і (the) most дозвичайногоступеняприкметника.

Звичайний ступінь

Виший ступінь

Найвищий ступінь



more useful

more beautiful

(the) most useful

(the) most beautiful

Складні форми вищого і найвищого ступенів утворюють такі прикметники:

1) усі багатоскладові (ті, що мають більш як два склади) прикметники:

beautiful  more beautiful  (the most) beautiful

2) двоскладові прикметники, які не закінчуються на , -er, -le, -ow і мають наголос на першому складі:

careless  more careless— (the) most careless

useful  more useful  (the) most useful

Усі інші двоскладові прикметники можуть утворювати складні форми поряд з простими.

3) усі прикметники, які збігаються за формою з дієприкметником теперішнього або минулого часу (тобто закінчуються на -ing та -ed):

loving  more loving — (the) most loving

pleased  more pleased  (the) most pleased

tired  more tired  (the) most tired

Деякі прикметники утворюють вищий і найвищий ступені порівняння не за загальними правилами, наприклад: 


Звичайний ступінь

Вищий ступінь

Найвищий ступінь



(the) best






(the) worst






(the) least






(Personal and possessive pronouns)

Особові займенники (Personal Pronouns) мають категорії числа, відмінку та особи. Нижче в таблиці вони наведені у називному та об’єктному відмінку.


Person (особа)

Case (відмінок)

Nominative Case (називний відмінок)

Objective Case (об’єктний відмінок)

Singular (однина)


I – я

me – мені, мене


you – ти

you – тобі, тебе


he – він

him – йому, його


she – вона

her – їй, її


it – воно

it – йому, його

Plural (множина)


we – ми

us – нам, нас


you – ви

you – вам, вас


they – вони

them – їм, їх


Ми використовуємо he/him, щоб звернутися до чоловіка і she/her, щоб звернутися до жінки. Якщо мова йдеться про неживий предмет, то ми використовуємо it. Також слід запам’ятати, що з великої літери завжди пишеться перша особа однини, а саме I (я).

Присвійні займенники в англійській мові (Possessive Pronouns) відображають певний зв’язок предмета з особою або його приналежність до цієї особи. Розрізняють дві групи: залежні і незалежні.



Особові займенники (Personal Pronouns)

Присвійні займенники (Possessive Pronouns)



Singular (однина)



mine – моя, моє, мій, мої



yours – твоя, твоє, твій, твої



his – його



hers – її



its – його, її

Plural (множина)



ours – наша, наше, наш, наші



yours – ваша, ваше, ваш, ваші



theirs – їх



(Present Simple Passive)


В англійській граматиці існує таке поняття як стан дієслова. Він буває активним або пасивним. Якщо підмет сам виконує дію, ми відносимо його до категорії активного стану, наприклад, «мама часто пече пироги». В даному реченні чітко видно, хто саме виконує дію, тому ми переводимо його в одному з часів дійсного (активного) стану, в даному випадку – в теперешньому неозначеному часі – “mother often bakes cakes”.

Тепер розглянемо інше речення, наприклад «мені часто телефонують», або «мені подарували букет троянд». В даному випадку, абсолютно не ясно хто саме виконує дію, тобто хто дзвонить і дарує квіти. Не підмет виконує дію, він відчуває вплив з боку іншої особи. У пасивному стані увагу звертають на результат дії.

Активний стан

                          Ми будуємо будинок.

Пасивний стан

                          У нашому районі будується новий будинок.

Для утворення форм пасивного стану неозначених / простих часів (Indefinite / Simple tenses) нам знадобиться дієслово to be + participle II, іншими словами – третя форма дієслова. «To be» в даному випадку є рухомою частиною цієї формули, яка змінює свою форму в залежності від часу, особи і числа підмета, а дієприкметник завжди залишається незмінним.

Загальна формула утворення пасивного стану:




(Modal verbs can, may, must.)


Модальні дієслова в англійській мові - це дієслова, які виражають не дію як таку, а ставлення до дії – можливість, ймовірність, необхідність, повинність і т. п. Безпосередньо дія виражається в смисловому дієслові, наступного у инфинитивной формі за модальним дієсловом.

Модальними дієсловами є дієслова can, could, must, have to, have got to, may, might, ought, shall, should, be to, need, dare.

Дієслова have, be, should можуть бути не тільки модальними, але і допоміжними, а дієслова need, have, be, get – також і смисловими.

Модальний дієслово should використовується, найчастіше, для вираження рекомендації, поради чи настанови. Також він може використовуватися для вираження зобов'язання та ймовірності (див. дієслова повинно і haveto).


When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Potsdam.

Якщо поїдете у Берлін, то обов'язково відвідайте палаци в Потсдамі. (Виражає рекомендацію.)

You should focus more on your family and less on work.

Ви слід більше думати про сім'ю і менше про роботу. (Виражає рада.)

I really should be in the office by 7:00 ранку.

Я має бути в офісі до 7 годин ранку. (Виражає зобов'язання.)

By now, they should already be in Dubai.

Зараз вони вже повинні бути в Дубаї. (Виражає ймовірність.)

Модальний дієслово oughtto використовується для вираження рекомендації або ради, і має відтінок морального обов'язку або обов'язки. Дієслово oughtto також може виражати ймовірність або припущення, особливо чогось заслуженого. Форма oughtnotto використовується для вираження ради не робити чого-небудь, хоча в американській англійській частіше використовуються менш формальні форми shouldnot або hadbatternot.


You ought to stop smoking.

Тобі слід кинути палити. (Виражає рекомендацію.)

Jim ought to get the promotion.

Джиму слід було б отримати підвищення. (Це очікується, на це розраховується, тому що Джим це заслужив.)

This stock ought to increase in value.

Цей товар має збільшитися у ціні. (Виражає ймовірність.)

Mark ought not to drink so much.

Марку не слід так багато пити. (Виражає пораду проти чого-небудь.)

В якості правильного дієслова need означає "вимагатися", "потребувати". Правильне дієслово need вживається як звичайне дієслово (приймає закінчення –s у формі третьої особи однини, приймає закінчення –ed у формі минулого часу, питальні та заперечні речення утворюються за допомогою допоміжного дієслова, тощо). Після правильного дієслова need слід інфінітив з часткою to.


One needs to be punctual.


He needed some more time to decide the question.

Йому потрібно було ще час, щоб вирішити питання.

Do you need to go now?


I don't need to talk to him.

Мені не потрібно з ним розмовляти.




(Conditional  sentences)


Умовні речення - складнопідрядні речення в англійській мові, в яких у підрядному реченні називається умова, а в головному реченні – наслідок, що виражає результат цієї умови. І умова, і наслідок можуть відноситься до теперішнього, минулого і майбутнього. Підрядні речення умови найчастіше вводяться сполучником if (якщо) – звідси і друга назва – if sentences. На відміну від української мови, кома в складнопідрядному реченні ставиться тільки в разі, якщо підрядне речення знаходиться перед головним, хоча це правило дотримується не завжди.

I тип умовного речення (First Conditional)

Перший тип умовного речення використовується в ситуаціях, коли мова йде про майбутнє. Проте ми не впевнені в результаті умови, оскільки сама умова ще не наступила, хоча вона реальна.

Підрядне речення в I типі умовного речення буде знаходитись в PresentSimple, проте для позначення головного речення вже буде використовуватися FutureSimple:

If + підрядне речення у PresentSimple + головне речення в FutureSimple


If it rains, I will stay at my friend’s house. – Якщо піде дощ, я залишуся у будинку мого друга.

If I see Tom, I will ask him about John. – Якщо я побачу Тома, я запитаю в нього про Джона.

Як бачимо, в підрядному та головному реченні мова йде про майбутнє. Тобто, є передумови, за яких може бути виконана ця умова.

Замість willтакож можна використовуватися can, may або shall:

I can call Marry if she is at home. – Я можу зателефонувати Мері, якщо вона буде вдома.





(Conditional sentences)

 (Second Conditional)

Другий тип умовного речення називають майже нереальним. В ньому мова також йде про майбутнє, проте умови для настання результату є надто нереальними, аби вони справдилися. Або ж 2 тип також використовується для висловлювання своєї мрії.

В 2 типі умовних речень підрядне речення використовується у минулому простому часі, а в головному – would + дієслово:

If + підрядне речення в PastSimple + would + дієслово без частки to


If I won the lottery, I would buy a car. – Якщо я виграю в лотерею, я придбаю авто.

I would travel through Europe if I had enough money. – Я буду подорожувати Європою, якщо в мене буде достатньо коштів.

Як і в I типі, тут мова йде про майбутнє, проте вірогідність здійснення цього майбутнього є надто низькою.

Замість would також дозволяється використання should, could або might:

She might return in time if train went faster. – Вона може повернутися вчасно, якщо поїзд буде їхати швидко.

III тип умовного речення (Third Conditional)

Третій тип умовних речень використовується для позначення минулих умов та подій, що так і не відбулися. Він також може використовуватися для позначення мрії, проте в цієї мрії немає жодних шансів на те, або стати реальністю.

В 3 типі підрядне речення вживається у PastPerfect, а в головному використовується wouldhave плюс PastParticiple:

If + підрядне речення у Past Perfect + would have + Past Participle (3 форма дієслова)


If I had won the lottery, I would have visited UK. – Якби я виграв в лотерею, я відвідав би Велику Британію.

If I had passed exams, I would have graduated from the university. – Якби я здав екзамен, то закінчив би університет.

Як бачимо, умова в минулому не справдилася, тому в минулому ми й не отримали результат (закінчення університету).

Замість would have можна використовувати could have, should have, might have:

She could have visited her grandma if it hadn’t rained. – Вона б відвідала бабусю, якби не йшов дощ.




В англійській мові, особливо у письмовомумовленні, існуєдужебагаторізноманітнихконструкцій, особливозбезособовимидієсловами. Інфінітив не є виключенням, тож зараз ми розглянемо, які існують інфінітивні конструкції, як вони будуються і коли вживаються.


1.Об’єктивна конструкція (Objective infinitive construction)

Об’єктивна конструкція будується за такою формулою:

Підмет + Дієслово + Іменник/Займенник(об’єктивний відмінок) + інфінітив

I + want + him + tocome

Об’єктивна конструкція і називається об’єктивною через те, що дія, виражена інфінітивом стосується об’єкта дії присудка, проще кажучи, дія підмета (В нашому прикладі – I, а дія наша – want) спрямована на об’єкт (him), а цього об’єкта стосується наш інфінітив(tocome), і ми вживаємо займенник в об’єктивному відмінку (в більшості випадків, або ж іменник).

Вживається дана конструкція лише після певних дієслів, що виражають:

Думку, погляд, припущення, сподівання

expect, believe, think, consider, find, suppose, know

Бажання, намір

want, wish, would like, desire


like, hate, love


see, watch, hear, feel, notice

Наказ, порада, прохання, примус, дозвіл

order, ask, allow, advice, request, recommend

2.Суб’єктивна конструкція (Subjective infinitive construction)

Суб’єктивна конструкція будується за такою формулою:

Підмет + Присудок + Інфінітив (виражає дію, яку виконує підмет)

The girl + appeared + to be + very beautiful.

В даному випадку акцент робиться на суб’єкт дії, інфінітив стосується суб’єкта, тобто того, хто виконує дію. Саме тому конструкція і називається суб’єктивною.

Вживаємо після дієслів в пасивному стані, що виражають:

Думку, сподівання

think, know, consider, expect, suppose


notice, see, watch

Прохання, дозвіл, наказ

order, allow, ask, permit

Після наступних дієслів

say, report, observe, feel


seem, happen, appear, turn out, prove

Вживаємо зі словосполученнями

to be certain/sure/likely

3.Конструкція з for (For–to infinitive construction)

Дана конструкція не дуже розповсюджена, але все таки існує та вживається у деяких випадках. Спочатку ми розглянемо як будується сама інфінітивна конструкція з for–to.

For + N/Pr(об’єктивний відмінок) + infinitive

For me to do

For her to come

For him to dance

Конструкції з For–to infinitive construction:

For–to infinitive construction + S + V

For me to do this is not hard.

S + V + For–to infinitive construction

It is not hard for me to do this.





Дієприкметник – ценеособова формадієслова, якапоєднуєвластивостідієслова, прикметникаіприслівника. Дієприкметникванглійськіймовівідповідаєприкметникуідієприкметникувукраїнськіймові.

Ванглійській є тривидидієприкметників: дієприкметниктеперішньогочасу (PresentParticiple), дієприкметникминулогочасу (PastParticiple) іперфектнийдієприкметник (PerfectParticiple).

Дієприкметник теперішнього часу в англійській мові

Дієприкметник теперішнього часу утворюється додаванням закінчення -ing до базової формою дієслова (тобто до форми I), тому це дієприкметник також відомо як "-ing"-форма. Ця форма використовується:

- в тривалому (подовженому) часу, наприклад: I am speaking – я розмовляю;

- в якості прикметника, наприклад: the film is interesting – фільм цікавий;

- як герундія, наприклад: he is afraid of flying – він боїться літати.

Зверніть увагу на зміни у листі при утворенні цієї форми:


Якщо слово закінчується на одну "e", то вона опускається, однак, якщо слово закінчується на подвійну “e” (тобто -ee), то вона не опускається.             

come – coming     але: agree - agreeing

Якщо слово закінчується на приголосну, перед якою слід коротка ударна голосна, то приголосна подвоюється.             

sit - sitting

Якщо слово закінчується на "l", перед якою слід голосна, то "l" завжди подвоюється (зверніть увагу, що в американській англійській дане правило не дотримується).             

travel – travelling (BrE)

Якщо слово закінчується на "ie" "ie" замінюється на "y". 

lie - lying

Дієприкметник теперішнього часу може використовуватися для опису таких дієслів: come, go, sit, в цьому випадку воно ставиться безпосередньо після цих дієслів, наприклад:

The girl sat crying on the sofa.Дівчинкасиділанадиванііплакала.

Дієприкметниктеперішньогочасутакожможевикористовуватисяпіслядієслівсприйняття (feel, find, hear, listen to notice, see, smell, watch, іін), якщонепотрібнопідкреслювати, щодіябулозавершено, якщожпотрібнопоказати, щодіювиконаноповністю, використовуєтьсяінфінітив.


I saw him leaving.

Я бачив, що він йшов. (тобто частина процесу, не повністю.)

I saw him leave.

Ябачив, щовінпішов. (Діювиконаноповністю.)

Крімтого, дієприкметникатеперішньогочасуозначаєдію, одночаснуіздієюдієсловаівикористовуєтьсядляскороченняабооб'єднанняРеченьдійснійзаставізоднимітимжепідметом, наприклад:

She left the house and свистів. = She left the house whistling.

Вона вийшла з дому, посвистуючи.









Таблиця неправильних дієслів

Infinitive (1 форма)

Past indefinite (II форма)

Participle 11 (III форма)


to be

was, were



to become




to begin




to bend




to break




to bring




to build




to buy




to cast




to catch




to choose




to come




to cost




to do




to draw



тянуть; рисовать,

to drink




to drive



водити (машину)

to eat




to feel




to fight




to find




to fly




to forbid




to forget




to forgive




to get




to give

I gave



to go




to grow




to have




to hear




to hide

: hid



to hold

: held



to hurt



наности шкоду

to keep




to know




to learn




to leave



покидати, залишати

to let




to lose




to make




to mean




to meet




to pay




to put




to read [ri:d]

read [red]

Read [red]


to rewind




to ride



Їхати верхи

to ring




to run




to say




to see




to send




to sew




to shake




to sing




to sit




to speak




to speed




to spell



сказати слово по літерам

to spend




to stand




to swim




to take




to teach




to tell




to think




to understand




to wear




to win




to write




































  1. English for Information Technology. Vocational English Course Book. MajaOlejniczak: Pearson Longman.
  2. Англійська мова для спеціалістів напряму «Комп’ютерні науки». - К.: МАУП, 2005.
  3. Англійська мова для студентів-екологів: Навчальний посібник. /Степанова І. С., Кондратюк Т. В./.- Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2010.
  4. Англійська мова для студентів інженерно-будівельних спеціальностей: Навчальний посібник. /Столяренко О. В., Степанова І. С./-  Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2015.
  5. Basic Geodesy. Student Pamphlet.-Rockville: NOAA Reprint
  6. Богацкий И. С., Дюканова Н. М. Бизнес-курсанглийскогоязыка.-К.: ООО «ИП Логос», 2003.

8. Політехнічний англо-український словник

9. Зубков М., Мюллер В. Сучасний англо-український та україно-англійський словник.-Х.: ВД «Школа», 2005.

10. Павліченко О. М. Англійська мова. Граматичний практикум. ІІІ рівень.-Х.:Ранок, 2017.

11. Валігура О., Давиденко Л. 200 усних тем з англійської мови.-Тернопіль: Підручники і посібники, 2016.

12. Полупан В. Л., Полупан О. П., Махова В. В. English.Work-book.-Х.: Країна мрій, 2003. 


1. John Eastwood. Oxford Practice Grammar, Oxford University Press, 2003

2. Information technology. DinosDemetriades. - Oxford, 2004

3. Janny Dooley, Virginia Evans. Grammarway 3. Express Publishing, 2000.




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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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