Урок в 2 класі НУШ "Моє портфоліо. Що я роблю вранці. Виготовлення книжечки"

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Моє портфоліо. Що я роблю вранці. Виготовлення книжечки.

Вживання структури "I am..."

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План-конспект уроку в 2 класі

Topic: Моє портфоліо. Що я роблю вранці. Виготовлення книжечки.

Date: 28.02.2020

Type of the lesson: combined

Objectives: To practice the words and word combinations: wake up, get up, clean my teeth, brush my teeth, wash my face, catch the bus, have lunch, have breakfast, put on my clothes, go to school.

To practice the structure: I’m…

To develop pupils’ listening, reading and motor skills.

Materials: a TV set, a computer, books.

Outcomes: By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to name the things they do in the morning and make their books.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Greeting. Hello song.


Hello, hello, hello, how are you?

I am good, I’m great, I’m wonderful!

Hello, hello, hello, how are you?

I’m tired, I’m hungry, I’m not so good!

How are you today?

Motivation. Now look at the blackboard. What do you see there? Now name the first letters of the pictures and guess what we are going to talk about.

M-monkey, y-yellow, d – dog, a – apple, y – yellow.

Aim. Сьогодні на уроці ми будемо говорити про ваш день, про те, що ми робимо in the morning (вранці), а також продовжимо виготовляти lapbooks (книжечки)

  1. Main part of the lesson.
  1. Phonetic warm-up.

ea: read, clean, tea, please, eat, meat, teacher, speak.

ng: long, song, sing, pudding, swing, English, morning, evening.

alk: talk, walk.

all: ball, tall, small.

o: monkey, brother, love, mother, Monday.


  1. Lexical warm up. What time is it?

What do you do in the morning? Let’s look and read.

Wake up

Get up

Catch the bus

Clean my teeth

Wash my face

Have breakfast


Name the days of the week: Monday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.


What are doing now? Let’s sing the song.


I’m playing with a dog,

I’m jumping like a frog,

I’m walking like a cat,

I’m flying like a bat.

I’m swinging like a parrot,

I’m eating a carrot,

I’m sleeping like a bear,

I’m sitting on the chair.

I’m hissing like a snake,

I’m cutting a big cake.

I’m swimming like a fish,

I’m speaking English.


  1. Ex.1 p.83 Listen and sing
  • Let’s listen
  • Listen to me and repeat after me
  • Let’s read altogether
  • Let’s sing
  1. Draw what you do in the morning. Match the phrases and pictures.
  2. Make your lapbook.
  3. Comment your pictures.



How are you feeling after the lesson?

Good bye song.

See you on Monday!


23 лютого 2020
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