Моніторинг якості знань учнів 11 класів Першa іноземнa мовa / англійська

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Моніторинг якості знань учнів 11 класів

Першa іноземнa мовa / англійська


Variant 1


1. Завдання на встановлення відповідності. (№1 – 4)

Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (1–4). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. An example (0) has been done for you.

0 ______G_____

A bright sixteen-or-seventeen-year-old is needed to work on Saturdays from nine till six on our

market stall selling clothes. Our stock consists of a wide range of trousers, jeans and shirts of

modern design. No previous experience is necessary as we provide full training on the job. The

main qualities required are an ability to deal with the customers in a positive and friendly manner.

1 ___________

You are a natural optimist. You are happy most of the time and always expect the best. However, you are often careless and you don't always work hard enough, because you think everything will be fine. Remember, nobody is lucky all the time.

2 ____________

I was twenty-three when I went to Cosmopolitan as a secretary. I had to do all the usual secretarial jobs like answering the phone and typing letters. And at eleven o'clock I made the coffee, and I had to clean the fridge once a month. After a year I began to train as a sub-editor and then got my National Certificate - a qualification for British journalists. After a time I became features editor on Cosmopolitan. My secretarial training has been incredibly useful.

3 ______________

Find out as much as you can about your prospective employers and the business they are in. Think about the questions you are most likely to be asked, and at least three questions you would like to ask them. Don't only talk about what you hope to get from the firm. Say what you can do for them and all the things in your previous experience and training that you think will be useful in the new job.

4 _______________

I feel I would be suitable for this position because I have good organizational skills, and I greatly

enjoy going out and meeting new people. I have experience of this kind of work. Last summer I

was employed by Imperial Hotels as a tour organizer, and arranged excursions to places of interest. I also worked for London Life last Christmas, which involved taking groups of tourists around the capital. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. I look forward to hearing from you.


A. Successful career 

B. Challenging job 

C. Preparing for a job interview 

D. Personality 

E. Applying for a job

F. Sharing impressions with a friend

G. Job offer

H. Enjoyable job

2. Завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді. (№58)

Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

    Was it poor visibility or superstition that made Manchester United's players abandon their grey strip for away games in the middle of a Premiership match in 1996? The players couldn't pick each other out, manager Alex Ferguson told reporters at the time. It was nothing to do with superstition. They said it was difficult to see their team mates at a distance. But his protest failed to mention that one of the five occasions the grey strip had been worn, the team had failed to win.

    Dr Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at Hertfordshire University, says United's players may have succumbed to the power of superstition without even realising it. "I might argue that the players may have unconsciously noticed that when they do certain things, one of which might well involve the wearing of red shirts, they are successful." He draws a parallel with research into stock market speculators. Like gamblers they swore that certain days were lucky for them. Eventually it was shown that the successful market speculators were unconsciously picking up on numerous indicators and were shadowing market trends but were unable to explain how they did it.

    Many superstitions have deep roots in the past according to Moira Tatem, who helped edit the 1,500 entries in the Oxford Dictionary of Superstitions. People today observe superstitions without knowing why and they'd probably be surprised to discover origins. The idea that mail vans are lucky is a good example. Sir Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during World War II, was said to have touched a mail van for luck whenever he saw one in the street. The reason for this superstition resides in the ancient belief that Kings and Queens had the ability to cure by touch. Mail vans carry the Crown symbol on the side and touching the van is a direct throwback to that earlier belief.

   While some ancient superstitious beliefs and practices have been maintained, others have died out. This is because those practices with a connection to farming and a life spent in close proximity to nature no longer make much sense now that so many of us live in cities. Nevertheless, we continue to develop our own sometimes very private and personal superstitions.

5. According to their manager, Alex Ferguson, Manchester United decided to change out of their grey shirts because:

  1.        They had lost every time they had worn them.
  2.        The colour was not bright enough.
  3.        It was difficult for the other team to see them.
  4.        A psychologist told them they might play better without them.

6. Dr Wiseman says MU players and stock market speculators are similar in that:

  1.              Both groups can identify the factors that contribute to improving performance.
  2.              Both groups attribute their success to wearing particular items of clothing.
  3.              Neither group can understand why they do well on some occasions and not on others.
  4.              Both groups believe that certain days of the week are lucky for them.

7. According to Moira Tatem, what would most British people say if you asked them why touching a mail van is considered lucky?

  1.    'A famous politician used to do it too.'
  2.     'The vans are lucky but I don't know why.'
  3.     'Being touched by a monarch can cure disease.'
  4.    'The royal coat of arms is on the side of the van.'

8. Which older superstitions have been preserved?

  1.   Those that still seem meaningful.
  2.    Those connected with life in the city.
  3.    Those connected with life in the countryside.
  4.   Those that are created and held by individuals.


3. Завдання на заповнення пропусків у тексті (№9–12).

Read the text below. Complete the story with the correct parts of the sentences (A–G) to (9-12). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. An example (0) has been done for you.


    For some, the advent of television marked the beginning of the end of civilized society. More and more, people have watched TV at the cost of playing cards or board games, or other communal pastimes. Many fear that the Internet too will further limit social interaction. That may be true but, as researches at Stanford University in the USA are the first to say, further study is needed. In a recent survey they found that 0____G___. What's more, people who go online are likely to watch less television than others.

   The study makes two things clear. Contrary to all the fuss in the media, the Internet's popularity is still in its infancy. More than half of US households are not connected yet,

but 9                                          .

    Workers may be using the Web on the job for such personal ends as checking sports scores but, according to the study, 10 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                  . Just 4 per cent of the surveyed Internet users said they had cut back on their working hours since getting connected to the Internet.

   But will the Internet make us more isolated socially? While a fourth of the Internet users say they     spend     less     time     talking     on     the     telephone     with     friends     and     relatives, 11                    . Since e-mail is free and can be sent and received at any hour of the day, it has many built-in advantages. For some, it has actually revived the highly social art of letter writing. As for spending less time on the telephone,
12                    .

    Few would argue that the Internet has had a profound effect on the lives of many in its first decade on common use. But assessing its long-term impact is difficult. If we don't pay close attention to how we use the Internet, it will change our lives not just for better, but for worse.

  1. they also use the Internet to work from home.
  2.                the continuing boom in mobile phone use makes an overall decrease less and less likely.
  3.                they also use it to buy and sell shares on the stock market
  4.               studies such as Stanford's are so useful.
  5.                the Internet's potential impact on how we live and interact is enormous
  6.                e-mail allows them to stay in touch, regardless of distance
  7.               the Internet and the use of e-mail have actually increased some forms of human interaction.


4. Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю (№13).




Comment on the following statement.

Some young people think their parents to be aggressive and can not understand a lot of problems of modern life, but some parents think the same of their children.


What is your opinion?


Use the following plan:

  • make an introduction (state the problem)
  • express your personal opinion and reasons for it
  • give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don't agree with it
  • draw a conclusion






  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. E
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. E
  10. A
  11. F
  12. B
21 липня 2018
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