Music is heard everywhere.

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Контрольна робота для учнів 9 класу на тему Music is heard everywhere. до підручника Карпюк О.Д.
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The UK Today

  2. Match the words with their translation.

1 to consist of                  a населення

2 to be situated in           b межувати

3 to border                      c складатися з

4 population                   d розташований у

5 patron saimt                e уряд

6 government                 f святий покровитель

II         Mark the correct form of the verbs

1 When her friend came, she … TV.

 a) watches                                   c)  watched

       b)  was watching                          d) is watching

2 When I got home I discovered that somebody … my house.

  1. break into                             c) had broken into
  2. broke into                             d) breaks into

            3 When I … my friend she just had left her home.

  1. phone                                     c) will phone
  2. phoned                                   d) had phoned

4 She suddenly realised that she .. her money.

  1. loses                                      c) lost
  2. had lost                                  d) has lost

5 It …rainy tomorrow.

  1. is                                            c) was
  2. will be                                   d) has been

            6 The boys …a game of football at the moment.

  1. have                                    c) will have
  2. don’t have                           d) are having

 III         Write what city of the UK you’d like to visit and explain why.










До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 лютого 2023
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