Mythical Creatues in Ukrainian folklore - Казкові істоти в українському фольклорі

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Презентація англійською мовою про казкових істот українського фольклору (а також коротко - про язичництво та християнство). Я показував її в різних класах українських шкіл у Канаді, але зазвичай вона підходить приблизно для 4-6 класів (для старших - вона надто проста, для молодших складними можуть бути англійські речення). Зазвичай я показував її напередодні Геловіну (Хеловіну) у кінці жовтня.
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Mythical creatures in Ukrainian folklore. D. Lytov, October 29, 2022 Disclaimer: this presentation is for information only. Both Canada and Ukraine respect every person’s personal beliefs and values. If Halloween or any related topics are not what you like, please let the instructor know.

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2 Капище. Ká-py-shche(the pagan worship place)Many hundred years ago, people who lived in the territory of Ukraine worshipped various mythical creatures. They were called Pagans. They sacrificed animals to idols (images of these creatures).Ідол. I-dol(idol, the worshipped image)

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3 Володимир. Volodýmyr. Grand Duke Volodymyr was a powerful ruler of Kyiv who brought Christianity in Ukrainian lands. Volodymyr’s symbol (the trident made of B letters) is the current symbol of Ukraine. He is the most revered saint of Ukraine. His monument stands above the Dnieper River. Churches in Ukraine are much different in design from most of those in Europe and in Canada, because they follow the Greek traditions.

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4 День Івана Купала(Saint John the Baptist Day)Many Ukrainian traditions are a mixture of Christian and ancient rituals. On Saint John the Baptist Day’s midnight (in June), many young men and girls dance around the fire in big groups and jump over it. At midnight they bathe, and girls let wreaths flow down the river. DON’T EVER TRY TO DO THE SAME IF YOU ARE NOT TRAINED AND/OR WITHOUT SUPERVISION – IT IS DANGEROUS

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5 Святий хрест(the Holy Cross)There are a lot of scary creatures in Ukrainian fairy tales. However, people believe that the Holy Cross can scare them all away. And if they are stubborn, there are accessories like silver bullets and ashen stakes.

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6 Чорт(the devil)Chort (the Devil) is a character in many Ukrainian fairy tales. He tempts people in all possible ways. However, people in those tales often outsmart him.

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7 Відьма(the witch)Witches in Ukrainian tales are very smart, often smarter than the Devil himself. They often look like regular women, whose source of luck is inexplicable:for example, they can stay young for decades. They can fly on broomsticks.

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8 Лиса Гора. Lýsa Hora(the Bald Mountain)The Bald Mountain in Kyiv is a notorious place. Rumors say that witches gather there once a year. It is also a popular place in the modern times where teenagers have their Halloween events.

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9 Упир(vampire)Upyr is a blood-sucking undead person. The word traveled from Ukraine to Europe and transformed into “vampire”. Don’t forget about the cross, or take a wooden stake or a silver bullet!

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10 Мавка(mermaid)Mavka is a girl-like creature who lives in ponds or forests (they usually live in groups). They tease young guys, but beware of following them: you can get lost in the forest!Mavka is also a namesake of a famous Ukrainian animation film.

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11 Кажан(bat)A bat is another animal that often accompanies evil creatures in fairy tales.

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12 Ворон(raven)A raven is another bird who often accompanies witches and other evil creatures. It often announces bad news.

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13 Вовкулака(werewolf)Vovkulaka is a creature who can turn into a wolf, bite people, run away and turn into a human again.

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14 Сова(owl)Owls are rumored to be loyal servants of witches.

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15 Вій. Viy. Viy is the scariest of all mythical creatures of Ukraine. He can only see and get you when you look at him (but if you don’t, he may walk an inch away from you and leave you unnoticed)

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16 Are you afraid of any of them?Happy Halloween!

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 листопада 2023
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